How to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree with tinsel?

Having installed a natural or assembled an artificial tree, the owners, after placing an electric garland on it, will begin hanging tinsel. So that the tree does not look clumsy and tasteless, while dressing it up, adhere to a number of rules.

Basic rules for registration
For lovers of minimalism, the number of primary colors should not exceed several shades. A green Christmas tree, as you know, can be complemented by yellow lights of an electric garland and red, white and blue tinsel.
This does not apply to Christmas tree decorations in full: a single color even within the same batch of Christmas balls from a specific package is not always found. Even old toys made in the USSR have always been distinguished by exquisite painting and coloring.

If you love a variety of colors and shades, don't get carried away with excessive contrast. Here, roughly the same rules apply as when decorating a bouquet of flowers: you can combine white and black, brown with warm pastel colors. But, for example, green and purple, added to the same combination in excess and closer to the center, will spoil the overall impression of what you see, even if these elements themselves are good alone. However, a green Christmas tree, purple tinsel and yellow-green electric lights look decent: yellow illumination in the dark makes tinsel red.
Tinsel is hung evenly. Observe the smoothness, order of lines and waves that you want to portray. The tree should not be huge: there is simply not enough tinsel for it, and too large a tree will create certain inconveniences in the room for household members.

Color selection
The Christmas tree for the New Year does not have to be completely green.There are also white artificial products depicting a winter spruce or pine, covered with snow so that you will not immediately see green branches and needles. For a white Christmas tree, choose any tinsel of a bright color: against a white background, all colors look gorgeous, except for black.
Green trees are most often decorated with pink, red, silver tinsel. For blue and blue Christmas trees, silver and gold elements are suitable.

Decoration options
To decorate the tree beautifully with tinsel means not to get carried away with the latter, but to use it in the most rational and optimal way. Gone are the days when not so long ago “rains” and plastic garlands that appeared on the market aroused exuberant delight even among the elderly, forcing them to hang a real or artificial tree so that no toys could be seen under them.

For a white-green Christmas tree, similar to a pine covered with snow, a white tinsel garland is suitable. The same applies to silvery "rains", which may not be one hundred percent silvery: their color is half white. Step by step, the entire design process is complemented by the fact that the tinsel garland is hung before the smaller elements, and not after them: it should catch on to the branches, and it will simply slide off the "rains".
The bottom of the tree, to hide the trunk of the tree, can be closed with bumpers that form a kind of tub or large pot. These elements are kept in the same colors as the tree itself. This will make the bottom of the tree invisible.

For example, curtains on the windows, the colors of which completely coincide with the colors of the tree itself, will help to correctly decorate the entire room for a specific tree. For example, for a white-green Christmas tree, where green-turquoise shades dominate, similar curtains for the window near which it stands are suitable.

Finally, if a one-room apartment or a room in a dormitory does not allow you to arrange a full-fledged Christmas tree, then you can make a model of it from a pine tree spread on the wall. The most economical solution is a “tree without a tree”. The initial components are tinsel and an electric garland, hung on the wall in a certain order.
An imitation of a real Christmas tree at home will give the holiday its own special charm: decorating a wall in the form of a Christmas tree is no less attractive idea than decorating a genuine three-dimensional tree.

Beautiful examples
But back to examples of decorating a real tree: real or man-made. The following incarnations will serve as examples here.
- Cone-shaped tree on the bedside table near the bedroom suite may contain a minimum of tinsel. It is not too large - only 1-1.5 m.It can also be installed in the middle of the dining table in the kitchen-living room, if it does not block the view of the entire room for guests, and its branches are not too thick and fluffy, for example, like a young blue ate.
As a rule, in the bedroom they use a real pine or a small blue spruce (or several branches of a blue spruce or pine, which was of great height).

- The tinsel here is completely natural: flakes of snow can be medical cotton wool, thin strips of decorative fabric, neatly cut in the form of "rains", natural Christmas tree cones, wooden toys painted in all colors with watercolors and strewn with glitter glued with PVA glue. The wires of the electric garland are made as thin as possible. Snowman toys, for example, are molded from plasticine balls and also painted with environmentally friendly paints. Some toys, like houses, are made of pastel-colored paper and cardboard. The tones of toys, tinsel and the tree itself are close to dim, pastel. So, it can be products of a pinkish-beige palette.
A wreath of the same color made from branches of pine, blue spruce, roses or other branches of living plants, decorated with plastic garlands, "rains" and artificial flowers will serve as an addition to the bright and contrastingly decorated Christmas tree.Tinsel is also laid out under the tree or near it, hung on windows and doors.

- Product with thin branches combined with a fireplace in a country house or with a stove in a modern Russian hut, in the style of which a small house was built from chopped logs. However, the finish does not have to resemble the decoration of the old-style hut. Be that as it may, a tree near the fireplace will create maximum coziness and comfort even before the arrival or after the departure of guests.
The wood color of the fireplace cladding and real pine or spruce are the height of natural luxury, the most versatile option for any country house. But an excess of tinsel on such a spruce will damage the overall appearance of the room.

- Red-green designas well as violet-green, are flashy shades that create a mood of unbridled fun. Green spruce, red balls and purple tinsel are an element of chain stores, discos and bars. It is used in order to maximize the attraction of visitors and buyers. An electric garland, correctly matched to the tinsel and green color of the spruce, will create a violet-turquoise illumination that blinks in time with the music (garland color music).
This will give the disco club maximum attraction on New Year's Eve. Young people and teenagers will also like this design at home.

- Finally, the red and white decoration of the tree symbolizes a reference to traditional New Year's dishes: “Herring under a fur coat”, vinaigrette, carrot salad, Olivier with crab sticks, baked chicken with red apples in tomato sauce or ketchup, etc. Such tinsel also echoes with sweets: a cake with whipped cream and strawberries frozen for the winter, ice cream with raspberry jam, cakes with cream and fondant filling, buns with jam, pink and white marshmallows, etc. Decorating a Christmas tree in red and white tones will not only add an extra degree of fun, but also awaken the appetite - this motivates the hosts, regardless of the presence of guests , prepare a variety of goodies for December 31st.
In the USA, for example, they like to decorate such a tree with flags representing the national flag of the country. And the artificial Santa Claus, installed near such a tree, is made in the style of a real Santa Claus. In Russia, a red-and-white Christmas tree is complemented with several beautifully wrapped gifts, laid out with slight negligence. They symbolize the breadth and generosity of the soul of the Russian person.