How to decorate the bottom of a Christmas tree?

Before the New Year, all people strive to decorate their Christmas tree and the space around it in an unusual way. However, many do not even know how to do it correctly and with taste. You can complement the space under the winter beauty in different ways. Some will prefer the easiest way, while others will want to be creative. If you are one of the people who choose original solutions, then this article is for you.

Skirt making
Decorating the bottom of the tree with a skirt means ennobling the space that is located closer to the floor. This design will be of great benefit.
- You will surprise your guests with your very original solution.
- The fabric skirt will easily hold the Christmas tree needles on its surface.

You can buy an ornament for a cross in a store, or you can do it yourself at home. If we talk about a skirt, then it is a large circle made of some material with a slit and a hole in the very middle.
A New Year's product is usually made of felt or fleece. But you can choose the fabric according to your taste and needs. It is best to use a material that does not crumble. Otherwise, you will have to deal with the edging of its edges.
You can choose the decoration on the skirt itself to your taste. Its color can also be any.
Decorating this item will take some imagination on your part. For example, decorate the finished product with embroidery or appliqué design.

Draping with burlap
The base of a Christmas tree, which decorates a village house or is located in an apartment, can be made of burlap. This inexpensive material can always be found on the farm. It is durable and bulky.
In order to do everything correctly, determine the place in the room where you will install the Christmas tree. Then lower the cross into the bag and pull it out slightly. Next, fix the trunk in the cross, pull the fabric to the base of the tree. Scoop up the burlap.
The decoration can be finished correctly if you secure the fabric at the base of the tree with a beautiful twine.

What else can you arrange?
Today it is very creative for the New Year to equip the space around the Christmas tree with your own hands. The decor can be anything. The main thing is to correctly and securely install the Christmas tree on a special stand.

Consider how you can beautifully refine the winter beauty below at home.
Ideas of this kind are very original. However, the question arises: how can you put the tree in an empty basket so that it does not fall? To do this, you need to take wire cutters. Use them to separate the bottom of the basket from the base. Then install the crosspiece inside the base.
Then take the bottom of the basket and cut a hole in the middle. Make a cut from the hole. Now you can thread the trunk, and fix the bottom and base together. The decoration is ready.

The Christmas tree can be placed in a wooden box. This item can be purchased at the grocery store. Vegetable crates are the best option. In principle, this unit can be put together on your own using rails.
Paint the item whichever color you like best. Place the tree trunk and the crosspiece inside. If the tree is alive, then wet soil or sand can be poured into the box.

Metal buckets
This is a very good option to equip the New Year's area. Only first, the bucket will need to be elegantly decorated with patterns or applique, or painted in a suitable color.
After the work has been done, install the trunk of the Christmas tree inside the bucket and fill it with soil. If the plant is alive, add water to the inside of the bucket. This will save the plant.

Decorative rugs
This decoration is sold in stores before the New Year. However, you can sew it yourself. Here you only need your imagination and skill. Take the fabric first. Cut out the circle. Its size will depend on your desire. Cut a hole in the middle of the circle and make a cut about it. Finish the edges and decorate the item as you wish.

One of the best options if you bought a live tree. The flowerpot will become not only a temporary haven for your beauty, but it will also be able to keep her roots in order until spring.
To do everything correctly, place the trunk of the tree in the flowerpot. Sprinkle on top with a special primer that is sold in the store. Don't forget to water your Christmas plant.

Knitted blankets
Knits always look really good if you're looking forward to the New Year. A coarse-knit blanket will be almost the best decoration for a Christmas tree.
Such a product can be easily purchased at a store. You can also buy thick yarn and knit a blanket with your own hands. Choose the color of the threads at your discretion. However, a white blanket looks better under the tree.
Choose very coarse and thick threads for a blanket. They must be made of artificial material.

Gift boxes
A great option. To use this method, purchase a large box. Make a hole for the barrel on its top.
Separate the bottom of the box from its base. Then choose a place for the tree, and install the cross. Now cover the crosspiece with a box without a bottom. Insert the tree trunk into the crosspiece through the hole you made earlier. Decorate the box to your liking.

What to put under the tree for decoration?
This is the most difficult question, since on New Year's Eve everyone wants not only to surprise their loved ones, but also to please. In order for the surprise to succeed, you must ask your household members in advance what item each of them would like to receive as a gift. Only this must be done in such a way that no one would guess about anything.Otherwise, you will spoil the surprise.
If you want to make symbolic gifts, then choose such things that will always come in handy on the farm. All gifts must be beautifully wrapped. Then you can “kill two birds with one stone”: decorate the bottom of the tree and make your loved ones happy.
To do this, you need to buy or make your own original boxes. If you chose the latter option, then purchase ordinary cardboard boxes inexpensively in the store. Next, you should glue them with beautiful and bright paper, and also decorate with multi-colored ribbons. You can also make an applique.

Choose boxes of different sizes. Then you can stack them beautifully on top of each other or place each of the boxes under the tree in any order.
You can also decorate the bottom of the Christmas tree with the help of different fairy-tale figures. You can make them yourself from papier-mâché or purchase them in the store.
Figures of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are a classic version. Place deer figurines nearby. These items are sold in stores. They are made of wire and colored light bulbs. If you want to make such a figurine yourself, then go for it.

And also under the tree you can put everything that you would like to receive in the New Year. If you really want your dream to come true, make a mock association.
For example: you want to buy a house. Then get down to business. Take cardboard, scissors, and glue. Cut out the parts you want. Next, glue them together. Decorate the finished paper house as you wish. You can put sweets and small gifts inside the house. Both adults and children will like this surprise.
A paper house can be made from a simple cardboard box. Cut out windows in it, and attach a roof.
If you are going to celebrate the New Year only with adults, then place candles under the tree. Just install them so that the flame does not hit the branches. When everyone is seated at the table, turn off the light and light the candles from below.