How to decorate the top of a Christmas tree?

New Year's holidays always provide for a spectacular home decoration. You can't do without a Christmas tree, elegantly decorated with various balls, tinsel and garlands. The treetop can be decorated in a variety of ways. In today's article, we will learn how you can decorate the top of a Christmas tree in an original and attractive way.

Choice of materials
Decorating a Christmas tree for New Year's holidays is a creative and very interesting process. People can design a traditional holiday tree in many different ways. The Christmas tree can look modest, but attractive, or very magnificent, elegant and catchy.
Each person chooses for himself how best to arrange a green beauty.
Particular attention should be paid to the design of the crown of the New Year's tree. For these purposes, it is not at all necessary to go to the store to purchase a ready-made star with a beautiful design. The owners of the home can make many decorative elements with their own hands. Homemade decorations often turn out to be more attractive and creative than commercial options.

With their own hands, a person can make many cool decorations for the top of a Christmas tree. In this case, you can resort to using a variety of materials: from paper to fabric. Let's analyze a small list of materials from which especially cute and original decorations for the top of a New Year tree come out.
- As a basis, you can take a finished star or a blank in the shape of a star made of thick cardboard. Glue golden paper over such a base. Cardboard stars trimmed with various bright and shiny fabrics look just as impressive.

- People who know how to sew and knit can make a very unusual star-pillow from fabric with their own hands. A similar decoration can be supplemented with beads, beads of different sizes and other interesting decorations.

- You can use a regular lamp to decorate the top of a New Year's tree. Such decor will look very unusual and interesting.

- A figurine of a cute angel can serve as a cool decoration for the top of the Christmas tree. You can make it from plasticine, gypsum or clay. From these materials it will turn out to make the head and face of an angel. The resulting part is fixed on a frame base, wrapped with threads and cotton wool. Angel wings can be made with base wire and cotton wool. Beautiful angels can also be obtained from a simple plastic plate or vine. Such decorations at the top of the tree will surely look attractive and creative.

The top of a natural or faux Christmas tree can be decorated with a variety of other homemade items made from a variety of materials. Such decorations will attract a lot of attention, contributing to the creation of a special festive atmosphere in the house.

Traditional stars
The traditional decoration for the top of the tree is a star. A similar decorative detail is most often used to decorate the top of a New Year's tree. You can buy it in the store, or you can simulate it yourself. As mentioned above, homemade items are often much more aesthetic and vibrant than purchased items.
You can make a creative star from:
- cardboard;
- wire;
- scotch tape;
- shiny "rain";
- glue;
- dry glitter.

Let's analyze a step-by-step master class.
- 2 stars are cut from a cardboard sheet. They must be the same size. They are bent along the midline to achieve volume. Wrinkled paper can be placed inside. The halves of the star are glued together.
- In order for the resulting figurine to be able to decorate the top of the New Year's tree, you should use a wire in the shape of a spiral. This part must be pulled over a stick.
- One tip of the finished spiral piece is placed in the inner part of the star and fixed on tape.
- The finished decoration for the top of the spruce is greased with glue, a shiny "rain" is fixed at the edges, and the middle is sprinkled with sparkles. The decor will be very attractive and original.

You can make a more original star, which will look very unusual. For this, the following components are useful:
- scissors;
- paper;
- glue;
- glitter or glitter paint.
The decoration for the Christmas tree is modeled as follows.
- First, make the "body" of the star. You need to find a spherical base and stick pieces of paper on it (using the papier-mâché technique). This should be done in several layers. An open gap should be left in diameter.
- When the paper layers are dry, they are removed from the base, and then fastened to each other with glue and paper. This will give the "body" of the star.
- Now the paper sheets will need to be twisted diagonally with maximum density. The curls should be thin and firm. Sharp ends must be present on both sides of these parts.
- The dimensions of the sheets should be selected based on the dimensions of the ball-base. Each stick will be divided into 2 rays, which must also be taken into account.
- The finished beams are glued to the ball (spacers are cut on an even tip). Each master chooses the location and density of these elements himself.
- When the homemade product dries up, you can decorate it with shiny paint or sparkles sprinkled on smeared glue. You can fix beads on the tips of the rays, hang tinsel.

Fancy decorations
Decorating a Christmas tree doesn't have to be traditional. You can turn to decorating the top with custom decorations. For example, a knitted crown will look very original and attractive. A similar part can be made in the following way.
- To get a beautiful volumetric decoration, it will need to be crocheted according to the pattern. Prepare 3 stars of different colors.
- The prepared elements must be starch so that they securely hold the desired shape.
- From above and to the middle of the workpiece, you can connect by tying on all sides. One row made of snow-white thread is enough.

A chic and creative decoration of the top of the tree is a construction from toilet paper rolls. Such a thing is handled according to the following scheme.
- You need to take a few cardboard rolls of toilet paper. You will need to cut strips about 1 inch wide from these pieces.
- Cut rounded parts should be slightly flattened.
- Next, you need to take the rope. With its help, it will be possible to fasten together the made blanks. You can also use glue for bonding.
- First, 9 pieces are formed and bonded to form an "inner" star. Then 9 more elements are made for the "external" one. The last structure will be formed around the first one.
- You can complete the craft using glue and glitter. The details of the decoration are coated with an adhesive, and then they are sprinkled with sparkles.

Decor from improvised means
A lot of chic decorations for the Christmas tree can be made from publicly available tools. For example, a very elegant and creative star can be made from simple beads. To make such a decor, you only need the beads themselves, a 1.5 mm wire, as well as pliers.
This nice and simple decoration is modeled according to the following scheme.
- The beads should be strung on the wire.
- Once all the beads are on the wire base, it will need to be shaped into a star.
- Often, during the formation of such a decoration, it is necessary to slightly adjust its structure so that each side of the star is even.
- The wire ends need to be twisted. One of the ends should be cut off. Another will need to be used to wrap the top of the tree.

From the materials at hand, you can make a very beautiful bow for the top of a tree. For the manufacture of such a decoration, you can use almost any material. It can be shiny ribbons, velvet fabrics and even the most ordinary burlap.
From the listed materials at hand, chic bows are obtained, which very effectively complement the festive look of a green beauty.

Beautiful examples
An elegant Christmas tree can be decorated with absolutely any decorations attached to its top. People use both store-bought and home-made parts for this. Let's look at some attractive examples of such a Christmas tree decoration.
- The top will look luxurious, decorated with a lush red bow made of satin ribbons. Especially harmoniously, such a decor will fit into a composition made up of red and gold toys and jewelry.

- A perfectly made star made of natural wood will look very original and beautiful on the top of the Christmas tree. It can be dyed or unpainted.

- The creative solution is a star made up of big bumps. The tips of the scales should be tinted with white to simulate a snowball. The decoration will be beautiful and very unusual.