Boho Jewelry Review

Boho style has been in trend for many years. All this is explained not only by the variety of colors and textures in the outfits, but also by the huge variety of jewelry.

Boho jewelry combines details typical of gypsy outfits and bohemian looks for a simple and feminine look. Previously, this style was chosen by girls who wanted to stand out from the crowd. Today, boho chic is very popular with many world designers.
Special attention is drawn to handmade designer jewelry.

To better understand such an interesting stylistic direction, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some of its features.
- Almost all boho-style jewelry is quite voluminous, but at the same time elegant. Some of them are shaped like flowers, others look like geometric shapes.
- A combination of various materials and textures. Here you can find fabrics, metal, wood and ceramics.
- Some of the products contain fabulous motives.
- It is worth noting the multi-layered decoration.
- Another feature is the ability to simultaneously wear existing jewelry. And it won't look vulgar or out of place. For example, you can put on a bracelet on your arms and legs, a pair of rings, a necklace, and even a beautiful painted belt.
- Almost all boho jewelry is handmade. Therefore, each of the individual products is a completely unique thing.

The boho style is so bright and diverse that it can combine the most incompatible things, especially when it comes to women's jewelry. It can be not only earrings or rings familiar to everyone, but also interesting brooches, bracelets, and even accessories for the head.

If you take brooches, then they are most often handicrafts, complemented by patterns and ornaments, as well as original symbols. A characteristic feature of hand-made products is that the soul of a person is invested in them, and this can always be seen and felt. These brooches can perfectly complement a girl's daytime and evening outfit. Accessories will add originality to any look.

HEven less interesting jewelry is boho style rings. Modern designers present for everyone to see sets consisting of several elements. They are all done in the same style. Most often these are models of rings that are worn simultaneously on two fingers.

However, it can also be simple ornaments, only very large and voluminous. Almost all rings are supplemented with natural stones such as agate or turquoise. As for metal, silver is most often used for their manufacture, which simply sets a beautiful gem. Almost all variants of boho rings look quite massive.

On modern catwalks, such products are simply irreplaceable. At the same time, many girls themselves can create interesting options for earrings at home, without spending huge amounts of money. Most often, such decorations are cuffs or tassels of different sizes.

Besides, for the boho style, chandelier earrings or climbers are characteristic, which adorn the entire ear of a girl. Earrings such as jackets are especially popular today. They are based on the usual "carnation". A suitable decorative piece is put on top of it. In any case, such earrings cannot be called ordinary or everyday, although they can be worn every day.

Bracelets are very popular. Moreover, such accessories are worn not only on the arm, but also on the leg. Despite the massiveness of the finished products made in the boho style, the direct purpose of such bracelets is to emphasize the fragility and grace of a woman's wrist. Products worn on the leg also immediately draw attention to themselves.

Two or more bracelets, simultaneously worn on an arm, leg or even forearm, look especially stylish and advantageous. They can differ from each other in color, shape and even texture. Recently, models that are connected to the ring with an elegant chain have been especially popular.

These include not only all the usual beads and necklaces, but also leather cords or stylish chains, complemented by pendants of various shapes and textures. A some women of fashion put on several of these items at once around their necks, combining them with their outfits.

Whichever of these options is chosen, the decoration should be bright, massive and original. Today, special preference is given to leather laces, complemented by knots, huge beads or other elements that stand out no less against the general background. In addition, such beauty can always be done on your own, using your ingenuity and artistic taste.

Head accessories
Every beauty always wants to stand out from the general background. You can emphasize your peculiarity and attractiveness by using various accessories for your head. It can be leather headbands that give girls who prefer boho style a special charm.

Products made of artificial flowers woven into the curls of beauties will look very cute. And also it can be wreaths, and textile products, complemented by beads. Quite often, even bird feathers are used as boho decorations.

Materials (edit)
The boho style is rich and varied. Accordingly, the materials used to make finished jewelry can be very different. Some gizmos are made of polymer clay, others are made of fabric or leather. Whenever possible, each master tries to stand out among others with the most daring combinations of materials.So, you can find accessories made from buttons or huge beads.

Knitted jewelry looks very stylish. To do this, it is enough to purchase cotton thread, a pair of wooden rings and a crochet hook. As a result, you can get beautiful fishnet earrings that emphasize the beauty of the girl.

And also with the help of a hook you can knit a bracelet. Such decoration will also be an excellent amulet. Textile jewelry made of dense materials looks very feminine. For example, they can be made from jeans. If you add bright embroidery or delicate lace, you can end up with an exclusive accessory that you can present to your friends or loved ones.
Often there are felted decorations, but to create them you need to work hard. With your own hands, you can make not only small brooches, but also baubles or earrings.

It is also worth noting the stones that are used in boho-style jewelry. They can be either semiprecious or precious - it all depends on the chosen metal, as well as on the preferences of the master himself. Most often, in jewelry workshops, they work with different gems. Experts combine them not only in color, but also in shape. Among these minerals, it is worth noting garnet, euclase, jasper, alexandrite, amber, ruby, agate, beryl and, of course, turquoise.
A variety of metals are used for framing. The most popular and affordable are silver jewelry. They look great and are not that expensive. However, the list of metals does not end there, because almost everything is acceptable in the boho style. So, you can find products made of steel or brass, gold or platinum, bronze and other alloys.

Criterias of choice
When choosing boho-style products for yourself, one should not forget about the compatibility of jewelry. First of all, you should not wear huge earrings and massive beads or necklaces together, it is better if one is big. It is best to give your preference to handmade jewelry, designer products, something exclusive. However, today in jewelry stores you can find both gold and silver items with both precious stones and wood inserts. They look no less impressive.
It is worth considering your own appearance. So, ladies with curvaceous forms would be better off giving their preference to massive and heavy jewelry, but miniature girls can opt for small items that will help emphasize their grace.

Beautiful images
Using boho-chic jewelry, you can create the most unusual looks. With their help, girls can show the whole world all their inner beauty.
- The presence of embellishments of various textures with ethnic motives interwoven into them allow the girl to look simple, but at the same time not get lost in the crowd. This look is quite suitable for everyday life.

- Bulky "gypsy" earrings cannot but attract attention - a girl wearing such jewelry will always be noticeable and feminine. Using such bright accessories, you can go on a date and a meeting with friends. The beauty will feel comfortable in any situation.

- By combining boho jewelry in this way, a girl can show her avant-garde without worrying about silly prejudices. After all, the boho style is acceptable not only freedom, but also emancipation.
Thanks to boho jewelry, every girl or woman can express her individuality and inner world without fear of looking out of place.