
Fight "Eight" on the ukulele

Fight Eight on a Ukulele
  1. Scheme and analysis of the battle
  2. How to play with jamming?

The ukulele is easy to learn. This ukulele received only 4 strings and a small body, the size of which depends on the type of instrument. Fighting the ukulele allows you to develop an understanding of rhythm, which helps in further learning. It is also important to be in the correct position to play comfortably.

Scheme and analysis of the battle

It is necessary to play with the leading hand. If the ukulele is small, only the index finger is involved. When the hand is directed down the strings, the nails go, up - the pads of the fingers. On a baritone ukulele, it is more convenient to play with a pinch.

The scheme of the "Eight" battle is quite simple. First you need to hit down, then again the same. This is followed by an upward movement, then a descent again and a couple of quick up and down movements. Then the musician raises his hand and makes a downward movement, then rise again and down and up. The diagram shows the direction of movement. There is also free space between the arrows. It denotes the length of the pause between fights. The more free space, the longer you need to wait before the next movement.

For simplicity, you can imagine arrows in places of pauses, which simply do not need to be performed. This will allow the rhythm pattern to be played correctly. It is the sense of rhythm that is of great importance for playing the ukulele. Even knowing the notes is not as important as understanding the rhythmic pattern.

At the very beginning of the tutorial, you should play the fight slowly. A little practice will allow you to remember the sequence of actions. You should speed up later. If you can't keep the rhythm, you can use the metronome and play along with its movements.

How to play with jamming?

The fight of the "Eight" in its original form is quite simple. You can embellish the sound with muting.This will allow you to place accents, make the rhythmic pattern more expressive. Usually jamming is applied on the second and seventh impact. Here are the features of the game of such a fight.

  • Hit the strings down with your index finger. Pause.
  • Hit the second down with the strings muffled. To have a break.
  • Play the fight as usual. Do two hits up, pause, up-down, pause.
  • The last blow down to do with jamming. Immediately after it, make a blow up.

Muting is usually done with the thumb. You should hit and immediately press all the strings to the body. As a result, the sound will decay, and this is the desired effect. It is quite easy to learn jamming.

Combat of this type should be practiced in the same way as normal combat. To begin with, all strikes are performed slowly, deliberately. Later, you can put on the metronome and play along with its rhythm. Fight "Eight" is considered learned when the musician plays it quickly and rhythmically without additional devices.

The following video provides a detailed lesson on how to play Eight combat on a ukulele.

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