
How to play ukulele brute-force?

How to play ukulele brute-force?
  1. Light schemes
  2. How to master the game for beginners?

The ukulele is a ukulele. The instrument is especially popular among young people due to its lightness and compactness. Moreover, it does not require connection to additional devices. Famous musicians (such as Tyler Joseph and Jake Shimabukuro) helped popularize the ukulele among the masses. This stringed plucked instrument is easy to learn if practiced daily. Brute force play is a fairly popular technique.

Light schemes

Playing the ukulele is very fun and interesting. It all starts with learning simple - basic - chords. This set is minimal. A basic chord dictionary in the form of several schemes is a must for those who are just starting to get acquainted with this interesting stringed musical instrument.

It is quite easy to memorize the combination of notes and strings of any chord and plucking according to the scheme. You should repeat them one after the other in any order. This will train your fingers to the strings and your hands to the instrument itself.

It is better not to overestimate the pace in the learning process in order to avoid accidental mistakes.

In addition to learning chords, you should tune yourself into playing major and minor scales. This will allow you to get acquainted with the instrument, get used to the sound and strings. It is better to play scales with the help of pads or nails of the thumb or alternately the index and middle fingers of the right hand (for right-handed people). The exact choice depends on the type and size of the ukulele. Later you can move on to playing with a pinch of two fingers.

The technique of playing the ukulele involves a constant combination of brute force and combat. However, each type of interaction with strings must be honed separately. It is by brute-force that it is easy to play chords of various complexity. From this it is worth continuing your training after mastering a dozen scales.

Playing with the schemes is pretty simple. Basic chords must be learned and brought to automatism. Later, these combinations can be used to play pieces of music of a more serious level. There are many simple modern songs that are played with the ukulele even at the beginner's level of learning to play the instrument.

How to master the game for beginners?

The ukulele is a stringed instrument that closely resembles the classical acoustic guitar. The instrument is quickly mastered by guitarists, because the playing techniques are almost the same. However, a budding musician shouldn't worry either. The construction of the ukulele and the structure of the chords on the fretboard are much simpler than the guitar ones, therefore, as a rule, there are no difficulties with learning.

The musical instrument comes in different sizes depending on the type. The largest of these is the baritone type instrument, while the other types are much smaller. It is unusual to hold the instrument in your hands at first. However, it is precisely its correct location that is the first step to successful learning. The teaching principle is the same for ukuleles of any type and design, only the sound will differ in pitch.

Ukulele busting is one of two playing techniques. Usually combined with striking for a more varied sound. It is from brute-force, after learning the chords and scales, that one should continue learning to play the ukulele. To begin with, the simplest busting schemes are used, for example, in the ascending movement of sounds, descending and mixed.

There is a simple finger position on the ukulele strings that allows you to quickly learn how to play. As a result, the musician will be able to wield his fingers over the strings without hesitation. At first it will be difficult, however, regular practice of various exercises will allow you to play bruises of any complexity in the future.

The fingers are distributed over the strings as follows.

  • Big - on the thickest - fourth - string (top). This finger is indicated on the diagram with the letter "p".
  • Index - on the third string. The work of this finger is indicated by the letter "i".
  • The middle one is on the second string. There is a hint on the diagram - the letter "m".
  • The unnamed string is located on the thinnest string, which is considered the first (lower) string. Has the designation "a".

When playing the ukulele, do not pluck the strings too hard. All sounds must be at the same volume. Any exercises (busting) should be repeated until the sound becomes clear and even.

Use the metronome to practice the rhythm. It greatly helps not only beginners, but also professionals when composing or processing a melody.

Exercise should be done regularly. For a start, 15 minutes is enough, and later the time can be doubled. With daily play, the fingers will quickly get used to the strings, become independent of each other. It is important to master the brute-force technique thoroughly, because with its help you can perform most of the songs.

A lesson in playing ukulele brute-force in the video below.

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