What are ukulele picks?

The ukulele has a light, pleasant sound. The strings of this ukulele are played with fingers or a plectrum. A small plate is used to play the ukulele with maximum comfort. But this instrument requires special picks that will not spoil the strings. There are several types of picks, so the musician always has the right to choose.

How is it different from guitar picks?
The ukulele is a small instrument that differs a lot from the classical guitar. The ukulele has a small size - just over 50 cm. There are only 12 frets on the neck, while the guitar has 18 or more. The ukulele has only 4 strings, while the classical guitar has 6. Beginning musicians often get lost, not knowing how to learn how to play the ukulele - with your fingers or a pick.
It is best to master both playing techniques - both the finger and the pick. The nature of the music played will always tell you which way of playing should be used in a particular case. And sometimes fingers and a plectrum are used to achieve sound diversity when performing the same piece of music.

The Hawaiian musical instrument has a gentle and quiet sound. This is due to the softness of the strings and the size of the body. Plectrum is used when you want to give the instrument expressiveness and volume. However, you cannot use guitar records for this. There are several reasons for this.
- Ukulele picks are softer. The heavily rough material of the guitar plate quickly destroys the strings.
- The hardness of the material affects the sound. The guitar pick will distort the "voice" of the ukulele.
- The size of the products for different tools is different. The guitar will be too bulky and rough for a ukulele.
Plectra are used for many stringed instruments (guitar, mandolin, balalaika, dutar, and so on). And each musician playing one of the listed types has his own preferences and rules when choosing a pick. Ukulele is a more delicate instrument than guitar or balalaika. This is due to the nature of the body and strings.
Using a rough pick is certainly possible, but the sound quality and string integrity will suffer. Therefore, it is not worth risking the tool.

Choosing the right ukulele plectrum is not as easy as it might seem. There are several classifications of plates. Quite often they are matched to the peculiarities of the melody to be played. Consider the types of mediators based on materials.
- Felt. Slightly increase the volume, but do not give strong changes in sound. Usually used by beginners.

- Felt. These soft records will make the sound smoother. A good solution for melodies, where the notes, as they say, "hurt the ear."

- Rubber. The properties of the material make the sound as clear as possible. In addition, when the rubber touches the strings, the sounds are more sonorous.

- Plastic thin. It is these plates that make the ukulele sound loud. The notes sound loud and harsh. A good solution if you need to play in a group or in front of a large audience.
And also all picks differ in stiffness and thickness. Manufacturers often indicate these characteristics on the surface of the product. There are no exact tips and tricks for choosing a pick for a ukulele.
You should try different options and choose the best one. Much depends on the type of ukulele and the particular melody.

- The 1UCT2-100 Cortex picks from Planet Waves are quite popular among musicians. They are great for playing chords. The precise and thoughtful shape allows for dynamic response of the strings. As a result, all strings sound clear and crisp. The same company offers musicians 1UCT6-100 Cortex models for original sound.

- Many beginners prefer the Schaller 15,250,000 picks. The set includes several sizes, the thickness of which is from 0.46 to 1.09 mm. Picks of different thicknesses are painted in the corresponding color. The edges are polished and the finger area is maximally ergonomic. Durable plates are made of nylon.

How to play the ukulele?
The mediator allows you to modify the sound of a musical instrument. The techniques for using the plates on the ukulele are the same as for the acoustic guitar. In addition, the method of making a sound with a pick is very similar to playing without it.
The basic techniques of playing with a plectrum consist of two main points.
- Fighting game. You should hit the strings from top to bottom or bottom to top. The blow can fall on all four strings at once or on several necessary ones. At the same time, the musician retains a certain rhythmic pattern.
- Playing with a variable stroke. You should pick the string from above or below with a pick. Usually both movements alternate. This technique is similar to simple pinching.
The way of playing is chosen based on the characteristics of the piece to be played. The strokes resemble the usual brute force technique. This is how chords and many melodies are played. Usually, for a complex composition, you need to combine both techniques.