All About Soprano Ukulele

Various exotic musical instruments are becoming more and more popular, and one of the most common is the ukulele, which is translated from Hawaiian as "jumping flea". The most famous four-string model is the soprano, it is in demand due to the fact that it is easy to learn to play it. In addition, the Hawaiian string instrument is compact and easy to carry, and can be played the same melodies as a regular 6-string guitar. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the various characteristics of the soprano, and also give a little bit about how to play this instrument.

The very first musical instruments that most closely resemble the modern ukulele began to be created in the 15th century in Europe. At that time, any stringed musical instrument was very expensive, few musicians could afford a regular guitar or mandolin. Therefore, the masters invented a simplified version - kawakinya. The number of frets on it was only 12, and the number of strings was reduced to 4.
At the end of the 19th century, Portuguese sailors brought a simple instrument to the Hawaiian Islands, where it got its modern name - the ukulele. It was there that the production of guitar in various forms, such as tenor, concert, baritone and, of course, soprano, began.
They created products from a tree growing on the island - koa acacia.

The sopranos have the most compact size among their relatives: the length from the neck to the edge of the body is usually no more than 55 cm. But this figure may vary slightly between models from different manufacturers.In addition, this ukulele has a very small volume and depth, making it the most convenient for travel and hiking.
Also, the soprano model has 2 forms: regular guitar and pineapple. If the first is a smooth shape with a "waist" familiar to everyone, then the second is rather unusual. The pineapple-shaped instrument may not be convenient for everyone, but it conveys the atmosphere of the Hawaiian Islands better than others.

The soprano has a very short neck with 12 to 17 frets. But even if the model assumes the maximum number of saddles, most musicians do not play beyond 12. This is because, starting from the 13th fret, the strings have a too short scale - the working section of the string, which is located between the frets of a certain fret.
The soprano neck is attached to the body exactly where the 12th fret ends - this is the classic structure of the instrument. The strings are located no more than 5 mm from the frets, which greatly simplifies the game for beginners - their fingers will not quickly get tired.

When choosing a ukulele for a large man, be careful - the instrument has very small frets, and the strings are stretched close together. Playing the soprano is uncomfortable when the fingers are too large: pinching each individual string with the area of the fingertip is difficult. The thumb will easily press 2 strings at the same time or will touch the free strings, muffling their sound.
It is better to choose a miniature instrument for children, teenagers, girls and men with neat hands. For such people, small frets will only become an advantage, because it becomes possible to play in a wide stretch: while pinching chords, it is quite easy to reach 8 and even 9 frets.
Such a maneuver cannot be done even on a tenor, let alone a regular guitar.

Another important advantage of the soprano is that it is much easier to hold chords on such an instrument. If you've tried stringing down on a classical guitar, you should know that it's a real challenge for the fingertips. The situation becomes a little easier if you pick up a tenor or a concert, but even in comparison with them, the strings of a soprano are much easier to press. This point is very important for not too strong children's fingers, as well as for those who have never played a string instrument before.
The miniature ukulele is intended more for beginners, as it is impossible to play complex compositions on it. Difficult melodies require top positions on the fretboard, which are lacking on the ukulele. In addition, it becomes difficult to clamp the strings already at the 7th fret due to the short scale. Another nuance: the sound of the soprano is not too loud and does not spread over large areas. The closer you grip the strings to the body, the more muffled the sound will be.

These features of the ukulele suggest normal chord playing without unnecessary shifting towards the upper frets. The Hawaiian string instrument is great for those who like to sit by the fire and sing along to chords.
The standard soprano tuning is GCEA, or G-do-mi-la. The tuning of the strings is rather unusual, as the fourth string does not go beyond the octave to which the first three are tuned. For guitarists this tuning will seem rather strange, but the sound of a soprano is very easy to get used to.

The small ukulele was originally conceived as a simplified budget instrument, which is why it sounds like that - some soprano lovers describe it as "the sound of a small can." Although the soprano creates volumetric melodies, the sound still remains inside the instrument. If you place the musician with the ukulele in the center of the room, you will notice that the sound of the instrument is clearly audible in a confined space. The melody does not bounce off the walls of the room and does not spread throughout the room.
Each person is different, so you shouldn't chase after the high-quality deep sound of the classical guitar if you like playing a simple soprano.
In addition, for those people who did not delve into the study of stringed musical instruments, the subtle differences in the sound of different ukuleles will be completely invisible.

Top Models
The soprano has a very small size and light weight, making it great for street performances and get-togethers with friends. Let's take a look at some interesting ukulele models that have received positive customer reviews.
- TERRIS. The manufacturers have done a good job on their product: the TERRIS ukulele is made from inexpensive materials, but it sounds pretty good. The instrument is quite fragile and must be handled with care. Great for beginner musicians and lovers of gatherings in nature.

- Tutti. A company from China that offers a good range of ukuleles in various colors. The body of the soprano is made of very high quality: it is smooth, without irregularities, holds and cracks. In addition, Tutti products are budget-friendly, so they are perfect for beginner young musicians. But there is also a drawback in the guitar: the strings very quickly lose their tonality and they need to be re-tuned. Therefore, after the purchase, it will be wise to immediately replace the strings from the set with new nylon ones - then the Hawaiian instrument will last quite a long time.

- VESTON. The VESTON Kus 25WH model is very interesting due to its original design: various patterns are located on the body of the guitar. The body and top structure are made of laminate, while the saddles and neck are made of black wood. The instrument is not capricious to storage conditions, it is not afraid of humidity and temperature extremes, so you can take it with you on a hike without unnecessary fears. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the fact that for VESTON Kus the cover will have to be bought separately, because it is not included in the set.

- Martin Romas. This manufacturer creates a wide range of soprano ukulele, among them Martin Romas MR-21 SB is a good model. A nice and melodic sound can be produced from the ukulele. It is obtained due to the fact that the body is made of linden wood. The design of the instrument is quite interesting: a wood-colored body is framed by a black strip along the edge.
Martin Romas equipment is affordable and good quality, in addition, most models are sold with covers.

How to play?
Learning to play the soprano is much easier than many other instruments, which is why more and more beginners prefer sopranos. The first thing to remember before you start playing is the correct position of the guitar in your hands. Undoubtedly, small size and light weight are significant advantages of this tool.
Let's take a closer look at the correct location of the ukulele: the body should be pressed to the chest with the right hand and rest against the bend of the elbow, the left hand at this time holds the neck, the back should be flat. With proper hold, if you release the neck, the instrument should remain in the same position, that is, it is the right hand that bears the main load. This method is convenient for men, but for some reason it is better for women to use another method: a special hook with a strap that is worn around the neck.

During the game, the right hand performs a simpler task - strumming. For beginners, even such a simple activity first needs to be practiced, because the fingers will get stuck in the strings or fly past them. There is a technology for striking the strings - a pattern that denotes the sequence of movements of the right hand.
The most common pattern is down-up-down-up-down-up. Run your fingers over the strings in this order, and when the pattern is over, just start over and do it in a circle - this is a great exercise for playing the ukulele.

The left hand at this time performs more complex work: the fingers must press the strings on the neck in certain places, sometimes changing their position. Finger placement is determined by standard chords such as C, Am, Gm, or F. For a start, you only need 3-4 chords to play the most popular songs. By combining a pattern and a couple of chords, in a few weeks you will be able to play a pleasant melody, performing in front of your friends.

For information on how to choose a ukulele for beginners, see the next video.