How many years do Achatina snails live and what does it depend on?

Tropical Achatina snails often become pets and favorites of the whole family. Depending on the type, the body of the mollusk can be either the usual light or dark color. The advantage of such pets is ease of care and general unpretentiousness. Achatina live quite long if you provide them with proper care and good nutrition.

Average indicators of the number of years
At home, snails live much better than in the wild. Caring for people and isolation from natural hazards is beneficial to shellfish. In captivity, they live for about 5 years, and sometimes all 10 years. During this time, their shells become simply gigantic, on average 15–20 cm in length, with a maximum of 27 cm. The duration of life in an apartment directly depends on the conditions of detention and the owner's desire to take care of the shellfish.
Large snails are native to tropical countries. Under natural conditions, Achatina most often die at the hands of a person. They are considered pests, as they feed on crops and even scrape plaster from houses.
For our gardens and orchards, such living creatures are safe - snails die at negative air temperatures.

What affects the term?
The lifespan of snails is closely related to living conditions. During the day, Achatina are active only at high humidity. However, they spend most of their time in the soil, emerging only a couple of hours after sunset. It is important to properly arrange secluded places so that the snails feel comfortable.
Achatina are endowed with a good memory and can remember the location of the feeder for the next hour.That is how long it is not worth moving food so that the pet does not feel stress after returning, when it is hungry. Proper feeding is essential for snails. If you give your pet the food that is contraindicated for him, then he will soon die.
A properly maintained terrarium or aquarium is essential. Juveniles often migrate and find new resting places. But old snails prefer to stay in one place, getting out only for food. If there is not enough space for pets, then they will not be able to grow and develop correctly. Achatina live long only with adequate care and proper nutrition.

How to increase life expectancy?
Before you get any pet, you should study in more detail the conditions for keeping them and feeding rules. It is quite easy to prolong the life of Achatins if you take good care of them and take good care of them.
Snails of this type are considered one of the most unpretentious, so it will not be difficult to provide them with a comfortable existence.

Optimal conditions of detention
Akhatinov can be placed both in the terrarium and in the aquarium. It is only important to choose the right soil and maintain the temperature inside the snail's dwelling in the range of 25-27 ° C, as well as high humidity. For 1 snail, you need to pick up an aquarium of 10 liters. And if you want to have 10 Achatins, then you need a container with a volume of 100 liters.
The bottom of the terrarium should be covered with soft and loose soil, the layer of which should be at least 5-10 cm. Just do not take flower soil - it contains chemicals harmful to snails. The container must be ventilated, but a lid is essential. Otherwise, the snails will one day spread throughout the apartment.

The soil can be replaced with sawdust, which is used to equip chinchillas and hamsters cages. If the snail is quietly crawling on the ground, then it suits her. Conversely, you should think about replacing if the pet spends all the time on the walls of the terrarium. Be sure to make sure that no other pets visit the snails.
A shallow container of water must be placed in the aquarium. The snails will drink and swim. Only there should be a little liquid. Achatina are land molluscs and therefore can drown under water.
Alternatively, you can spray the glass inside the enclosure a couple of times a day.

It makes no sense to install artificial lighting. Snails hide in the ground during the day, and crawl out at night. If you still decide to install the backlight for decorative purposes, then you definitely should not place it inside the terrarium. Snails can crawl into the system and not only spoil it, but also die.
The high temperature regime is very important, as the Achatins are from the tropics and love warmth. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain 27-28 ° C inside the terrarium. It is in such conditions that snails will feel as comfortable as possible. It is strictly forbidden to heat the terrarium with heating devices or under the sun. Snails can die from overheating.

Proper nutrition
Snails are fed once a day - in the evening. Around the time when they begin to wake up and crawl out of the ground. Some experts recommend giving food as it is consumed or dries up. Leaving food that is no longer suitable for eating in the terrarium is not worth it.
Achatins prefer to eat fruits, vegetables, greens, but in natural conditions they can also feed on meat. Many owners feed their pets exclusively with cabbage and carrots, but this is the wrong approach. Snails need a more varied diet. This is convenient for the owners, because at any time you can give the pet the food that is available at home.
Snails have some food preferences. The most adored foods are cucumbers and lettuce. If from childhood you feed your pet only monotonous food, then in the future, adults will refuse carrots or something else.
Large apple cores can be given to adults - they will quickly dispose of them.

Foods listed in the following list may be given.
- Fruits: apricots, apples, grapes, strawberries, pineapples, melon.
- Vegetables: lettuce, carrots, red pepper, pumpkin, boiled potatoes, spinach, celery.
- Oatmeal flakes, peas fresh and boiled, beans.
- Mushrooms, dairy and fermented milk products without chemical additives, ground meat raw or boiled, meat flour, compound feed, chopped peanuts, bread.
- Plants. Leaves and flowers of various trees, dandelions, forget-me-nots.
You need to treat snails with plants carefully. They must be clean. You should not pick the leaves in the city, near industries and dumps. Only boiled food is allowed, you cannot fry food for snails. You should not treat your pet to spicy, spicy, sour, sweet, smoked and salty foods.

Achatina are unpretentious creatures and do not require special attention. It is enough to keep them clean and in the correct conditions. When caring for snails, you should adhere to the following recommendations.
- For small individuals, you can lay cabbage or lettuce leaves on the bottom instead of soil. Add some cucumbers for variety. So young Achatina will be able to eat as needed. It is necessary to change this bedding every day. You can keep snails in such conditions for 3-4 months.
- When choosing soil for a terrarium, you need to carefully study its composition. You cannot place snails in a terrarium with different chemistry. This will lead to the death of all individuals.
- It is worth cleaning the terrarium once every 1.5 months. In this case, you should completely replace the soil and wash the walls without using detergents. Baking soda is used as a cleaning agent.
- Be sure to do unscheduled cleaning if mucus appears on the glass walls. An unpleasant smell will be another reason.
- Soft foods can be given only in small quantities, without leaving for a long time. They are easily smeared over the terrarium and will have to be cleaned with soil replacement.
- Do not give soft food to small individuals. Due to inexperience, they can get there completely and suffocate. It is better to feed the little ones with herbs, grated carrots and apples.
- Spray the terrarium with clean water from a spray bottle once or twice a day. This will make the snails feel more comfortable and natural.
- Only clean plants and food may be placed in the terrarium. If the leaves were picked outside, be sure to rinse them thoroughly with water. It is advisable to use filtered water without impurities.