Face wash

Washing gel with acids: what is it and how to choose?

Washing gel with acids: what is it and how to choose?
  1. What are they used for?
  3. Rating of the best
  4. Selection Tips
  5. How to use?

The beneficial effect of fruit acids on the skin was discovered at the end of the last century, and their appearance made a splash in the beauty industry. Cleansing gels with these active ingredients effectively rejuvenate the skin, even out tone and fight acne.

How to choose an effective acid-based product - we will talk about this in our article.

What are they used for?

If you regularly use cleansing gels, then after 2 weeks you will notice a pronounced effect:

  • edema goes away, as the cells begin to intensively remove fluid;
  • the acid-base balance of the epithelium is restored;
  • the skin becomes elastic and tender;
  • the skin's resistance to unfavorable external factors increases;
  • peeling is eliminated;
  • the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • fine and mimic wrinkles are smoothed;
  • inflammatory manifestations - acne and comedones are reduced;
  • skin tone evens out, pigmentation becomes less pronounced;
  • pores are narrowed;
  • the dermis is moistened;
  • small vessels are strengthened.

With all the set of the most positive qualities, it is important to understand that acids are not and are a panacea - each composition fights a specific problem, the remedy either helps with wrinkles, or relieves inflammation, or whitens.

Not a single gel can do everything at once, so it is extremely important to choose a solution that will cope with individual skin problems.


Cosmetologists divide all acids into three large groups, each of which is designed to combat certain skin imperfections.


These substances are optimal for skin with pronounced age-related changes.The active components of the gel allow you to retain moisture in the cells, stimulate the production of natural collagen and elastane.

Regular use of products with AHA acids effectively evens out the relief, eliminates folds, wrinkles and pigmentation. Thanks to ANA acids, all scars and scars, as well as acne marks, become less pronounced, and tired skin literally glows from the inside.


Such components have the ability to dissolve fats. Accordingly, these acids are indispensable for problematic oily skin. The active ingredients of BHA normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, regulate the water-salt balance of the skin, penetrate deeply into the dermis, cleanse and remove dead cells.

The most famous acid of this group is salicylic - it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, opens pores and draws out the accumulated sebaceous secretion and other impurities from them.

BHA is suitable for adolescents and people with inflamed skin.

Other acids

This group includes nicotinic, citric, folic, lactic, hyaluronic and some other types of acids.

They have the ability to gently exfoliate the stratum corneum, have a light peeling effect and moisturize the epidermis.

Rating of the best

Hada Labo Tamagohada

This is a gel for washing, combining AHA and BHA acids: fruit and salicylic. AHA components level the relief and exfoliate, while BHA penetrates deep into the pores, dissolves fat plugs, removes comedones and removes all impurities. The product does not contain alcohols, mineral oils, preservatives or artificial fragrances. The gel is hypoallergenic and does not irritate the skin.

Dermaquest skin therapy Age management Glyco Gel Cleanser

This acid gel is classified as a professional one because it provides deep exfoliation. The active ingredient is glycolic acid, the concentration of which may vary. Accordingly, the ways of using the gel differ for different skin types:

  • for sensitive skin, the gel can be applied once a week for one to two minutes as a mask;
  • for problematic and oily skin - every other day as a face cleanser and once a week for 5 minutes as a mask.

Noreva Exfoliac

It is a medicated gel sold in pharmacies. It contains ANA and BHA acids and, judging by user reviews, is a very aggressive composition. The gel causes a burning sensation of the skin, and in the first days of use, its redness is possible. However, the results of use are encouraging - age spots quickly lighten, inflammations and pimples dry up, and the severity of acne decreases.

Holy Land Alpha Complex Face Lotion

This is an Israeli acid gel that has all the properties of a gentle and safe exfoliation. The use of the gel stimulates cell regeneration and renewal, smoothes the surface of the epidermis, visually reduces puffiness and black circles under the eyes.

The product is recommended for daily use. The gel contains thiamine lactic acid, riboflavin, organic and fruit components, as well as zinc and berry extract. The complex of beneficial ingredients soothes and softens the skin, moisturizes and improves its structure.


Washing gel with fruit acids is intended for combination skin. Acts as a slightly acidic soft scrub, since small abrasive particles are felt in its structure. From the side of users, this composition received the most controversial reviews. Among the advantages are budget cost, low consumption and effective skin cleansing.

Disadvantages include the presence of alcohol-containing components, which often cause a feeling of tightness after use.

Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting

Gel peeling with AHA and BHA acids. Effectively brightens the skin, tightens pores, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.The balanced composition does not irritate the skin, is economical in consumption and has a neutral aroma.

Selection Tips

The most important advice is to buy a gel with acids only after consulting a cosmetologist. In general, the recommendations for choosing an active ingredient are as follows.

  • A nicotinic acid improves blood circulation in the skin, when using such a gel, the integument acquires a fresh, radiant appearance, the skin becomes elastic, a slight anti-edema effect is noticeable.
  • Lemon acid It is intended for bleaching age spots, in addition, it has pronounced bactericidal properties, acts against microbes, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands and draws out impurities from the pores. Suitable for oily skin with acne and pimples.
  • Folic acid is a recognized antioxidant, helps to reduce the severity of age-related changes, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, and causes cell regeneration and renewal.
  • Fruit acids indispensable for home peeling. This component removes dead skin cells and visibly refreshes the skin.
  • Salicylic acid is responsible for regulating the production of sebum, has a disinfectant effect, cleanses the pores.
  • Lactic acid It is usually used in combination with other ingredients as a moisturizer, helps to cleanse, oxygenate the skin and renew cells.

How to use?

      Before the very first procedure for using the gel, you must carefully read the instructions for use. The following rules will remain unchanged:

      • all concentrates require mandatory dilution;
      • some components are aggressive, to make sure that there is no allergic reaction, a small test on the wrist of the skin should be performed first;
      • funds cannot be used in the summer;
      • it is very important to avoid getting the gel on the mucous membranes of the eyes, if this happens, you should immediately rinse them with plenty of cool running water;
      • it is necessary to refrain from using funds during pregnancy, as well as during the lactation period;
      • a contraindication to the procedures is the presence of tumors, warts, herpes, infectious wounds and hemophilia;
      • gels are used with caution for eczema and dermatitis.

      For correct washing with acids, see below.

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