Face wash

What water is better for washing your face?

What water is better for washing your face?
  1. Is it better to wash your face with hot or cold water?
  2. Which type should you choose?
  3. Frequent mistakes when washing
  4. How to carry out the procedure correctly?

The first thing in the morning we start with water treatments - this is an important daily beauty ritual. How the skin is cleansed depends on its condition, how the cream is absorbed, how long the skin's youthfulness will last. Dermatologists recommend washing your face at least twice a day: in addition to morning procedures, it is advised to cleanse your face in the evening.

Is it better to wash your face with hot or cold water?

There is no definite answer to this question, let's try to figure out why.

Here's what to say about cold water.

  • When exposed to cold water on the skin, the vascular system narrows, therefore, blood flow decreases, the cells of the face are deprived of the required amount of oxygen. You will get dry, pale and loose skin over time, the first wrinkles will appear.
  • Especially you will be doing yourself a disservice if you wash your face with icy water before going outside in winter. A moisturizer will not help in this situation, there will be no benefit from it, but only harm: hypothermia of the skin and irritation on the face.
  • At this time of the year, you need to wash yourself with warm water and apply only a greasy cream an hour before going outside. However, it all depends on the climatic zone in which you live. In warm regions, washing with cold water in the morning is welcomed by many and even recommended by experts. In hot weather, the blood circulates actively, there are frequent rushes to the surface, and the ice liquid, in addition to cooling, acts as a strengthening agent.
  • But before going to bed, even in a hot zone, it is advised to wash with warm water in order to sleep soundly and not cause skin irritation.

Hot water also has its own characteristics.

  • Hot water also damages the skin and leads to wrinkles. While it is better at removing dirt and grease from your face, you should not wash your face too often, especially with soap. This can lead to redness and flaking of the skin.
  • It is recommended to wash your face with hot water and soap no more than once a week. If this happens only once in 7 days, then there will be no harm from such a procedure to any type of skin. But more often it is already a ban. The best option for washing is warm water heated to 35 degrees. If, after warm water, you rinse your face with cool, it will only benefit your face.
  • People with oily skin for better cleansing and drying of tissues, you can use soap, other women should clearly understand that soap bubbles cause harm and aging. Proving this is simple: soap has a pH of -9, skin - 5.5. Therefore, skin irritation occurs.

Which type should you choose?

You need to wash your face daily with soft water at room temperature; baking soda is used to soften. This is a must if your area has hard water, otherwise minerals, potassium and magnesium will negatively affect the skin. After washing your face with hard water, your face may become irritated and flaky.

These consequences can be avoided if the water is softened. Here are a few more varieties for washing your face:

  • melt water;
  • sea ​​water;
  • boiled water +1 teaspoon of soda;
  • milk water (add milk, suitable for sensitive skin);
  • mineral water.

Let's take a closer look at the compositions for washing.

Composition based on mineral water. Ideally, it would be to wash only with mineral water, for example, "Borjomi". This water is good for oily skin, after a month of use, the result will be noticeable: there will be no oily sheen, you will be able to observe the narrowing of the pores and the elasticity of the skin on the face.

But in this case, you need to pay attention to the composition of the mineral water, what elements it contains. If mineral water is not suitable in its pure form, it is used in various combinations.

On the basis of mineral water, herbal infusions are made for washing or rubbing the skin of the face. Here is one of the recipes for overdried skin: pour a couple of tablespoons of birch or mint with boiling water from mineral water, let it brew and wash.

In summer, it is good to pour such an herbal infusion into a bottle with a spray bottle and irrigate your face with it.

People with oily skin can prepare a decoction of mineral water and flowers of calendula or chamomile. The finished composition is poured into molds, frozen and then wiped with the resulting cubes. The effect is noticed immediately from such decoctions: wrinkles become less noticeable, and the skin is more elastic.

Herbs have a beneficial effect on the skin, forming a kind of vitamin supplement. Chamomile will disappear mimic wrinkles, mint will refresh the face, and yarrow will make the skin velvety.

Any water for washing should be useful, not harmful. Every woman needs to find out what works best for her. Healthy teas will give tangible results, so don't be lazy to cook them.

Frequent mistakes when washing

Each facial treatment does not require excessive effort, you do not need to rub or stretch the skin thoroughly. It is considered a mistake to wash only with water, which does not remove grease from the surface; using a cleanser will give a greater cleansing effect.

It is necessary to apply it not only in the morning, but also in the evening, the opinion is erroneous that if you took off your makeup before going to bed, then in the morning you just need to spray your face with water. In this case, acne and blackheads may appear, if you do not use a skin cleansing composition on water morning procedures.

In the evening, it is advisable to remove the remnants of makeup with the help of special products. Ladies of large cities are recommended makeup removers with the Anti-pollution formulation, which cleanse the epidermis well, including from atmospheric dirt.

Another mistake is towel drying.It must be remembered that moisturized skin is easily injured, and by hastily wiping, stretching the skin, you can get microcracks. Plus the towel hanging from the hook in the bathroom is a haven for bacteria.

You can do without it, just dab your face with a soft napkin.

How to carry out the procedure correctly?

Taking proper care of your face is a guarantee that you will get healthy and youthful skin. You just need to follow some tips.

  1. Before washing your face, treat your hands with soap or an antibacterial solution. Extra bacteria are useless.
  2. First, make-up is removed with the help of special makeup remover, then they are washed.
  3. Before washing, a face massage is helpful.
  4. Cleansers are thoroughly rinsed off.
  5. For oily skin, it is recommended to use soap several times a week.
  6. It is recommended to wash 2 times a day, the second time - before bedtime.

You can not wash yourself with tap water, as well as with everything that comes to hand, for example, laundry soap. This may not be harmful to some, but the percentage of alkalinity in laundry soap is overestimated, which makes it possible for bacteria to develop on the face. That is why they recommend special products for water procedures - they are created taking into account the acid balance of the skin.

      You should not adopt the experience of other people in caring for your face. Each person differs in the individual characteristics of the skin, and if tar soap suits a friend, she is fond of washing with this tool, as well as soda and wiping herself off with a towel, does not mean that this option is also suitable for you. Everyone has their own algorithm of actions during washing, select the required water temperature and the means for this procedure for yourself.

      How to wash your face properly, see below.

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