Face wash

Foam for washing with acids: features and varieties

Foam for washing with acids: features and varieties
  1. Features and properties
  3. What to choose?
  4. How to use?

Modern cosmetologists recommend multi-stage cleansing of the face from contamination. Foam for washing became one of the stages, and the acids in its composition expanded the range of its application in skin care.

Features and properties

Today, cleansing foam is the most common type of cosmetic used to effectively and safely cleanse the skin from impurities and makeup residues. Unlike other products for washing, the foam does not dry out the skin, deeply cleanses and softens it. By consistency, the following types of foams are distinguished:

  • gel - actively foams upon contact with water;
  • pasta - foam is formed by beating with a sponge or a special mesh;
  • mousse - automatically foamed with a dispenser.

The main properties of the foam for washing:

  • cleansing from dirt and residues of cosmetics (including waterproof ones);
  • regulation of acid-base and maintenance of the water balance of the facial skin;
  • reduction of puffiness;
  • cleansing and preventing blockage of facial pores (and, as a result, prevention of blackheads, rashes and inflammation);
  • normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • a decrease in the intensity of coloring of age spots, freckles.

The use of a variety of acids only improved the quality of the cleansing foam. Added to the main effects whitening, increasing skin tone and elasticity, rejuvenating and smoothing wrinkles. Each type of acid gives its advantages and characteristics to the foam. It is worth carefully choosing a product and taking into account both the composition and the individual tolerance of each individual component. There are foams for washing with acids in various price categories on the market, but it is worth thinking carefully before choosing the cheapest remedy.

Low-cost products sometimes contain highly aggressive active substances that can disrupt the physiological barrier of the epidermis (fatty coating), leading to dehydration and early aging of the facial skin.


Acidic cleansers can contain different types of acids. Alpha hydroxy acids (ANA acids), or fruit acids, are natural, water-soluble active substances found naturally in fruits, milk and wine.... They can be used on any skin type. Foam for washing with AHA provides gentle exfoliation of the dead layer of the epidermis, while allowing the following cosmetics to work more effectively, stimulates the regenerative function of skin cells, and has a slightly whitening effect. This group includes acids:

  • glycolic - Easily penetrates the skin and stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin, regulates pH;
  • apple - antioxidant, improves cell metabolism, fights inflammation;
  • almond - has the least irritating effect, reduces the likelihood of acne;
  • lemon - whitens the skin well, has an antiseptic effect;
  • dairy - supports the natural skin barrier, stimulates epithelialization of the glandular ducts, moisturizes well;
  • phytic - antioxidant with vaso-strengthening effect.

Beta-hydroxy acids (BHA-acids) are fat-soluble acids, the most famous of which is salicylic... It has antiseptic, antioxidant, antimycotic, anti-inflammatory properties. Other acids are also used. These include boric, folic, hyaluronic, retinol and others. They are used for narrower purposes, but they also have a general moisturizing effect.

Foams can be with amino acids, which act as a building material for skin cells during regeneration.

What to choose?

When choosing a foam for washing, it is worth analyzing the composition indicated on the package. The first on the list will be the substances with the largest share in the product. Often it is mineral or thermal water and lathering compounds. The presence of silicone, parabens, petroleum products and sulfates in the foam is completely unacceptable.

A good sign is the content of extracts of various natural products... If, in addition, the foam is expected to help in the fight against acne, then in the composition it is worth looking for essential oils of citrus or conifers, as well as zinc. To obtain the maximum moisturizing effect on the skin, egg white, grapes and blueberries are added to the composition. Do not start right away with products with a high percentage of acids (5 or more), it is better to start with a lower concentration and gradually increase it.

The best texture is resilient, fine-grained foam, which, due to its density, will draw out dirt well and minimize fingertip and friction.

How to use?

Before using any product, it is necessary to test it on a small area of ​​the skin of the hand. If you have signs of allergies, you should see a doctor. Avoid contact with mucous membranes, eyes, open wounds and active inflammatory and purulent processes. The product should not be kept in direct sunlight, it is better to store it in a cool dark place. To obtain foam, you can immediately use a mousse product. Its consumption will not be very economical, but the texture is of an ideal consistency. In this case, it is worth applying the foam to your hands or a sponge.

It is recommended to start applying the foam from the nose, since there are the largest number of sebaceous glands and most often the pores are clogged. Then, with movements in a spiral, they move from the chin to the temples, with the same movements they cleanse the skin from the nose to the ears. The cheekbones are additionally worked out with smoothing movements. The forehead is cleaned in a spiral motion from the center to the periphery.Do not forget about the contours of the face, they require the same careful care as the central zones. The last step is rinsing off the foam with warm water. The effect after the application of the foam is manifested by its purity up to the "squeak". The course of application is no more than 1.5 months, after which they take a break for 2-4 months.

For information on how cosmetics with acids work, see the next video.

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