Gift wrapping

DIY gift box making methods

DIY gift box making methods
  1. Material selection
  2. Step-by-step production of round and oval options
  3. How to make a rectangular and square box?
  4. Schemes for non-standard products
  5. Decor features
  6. Useful Tips

It is not enough to find a beautiful and necessary gift. It still needs to be beautifully packaged. The current consumer has everything he / she needs to design effectively any present. However, many people choose to do their own gift wrapping. Let's see how you can make cute gift boxes with your own hands.

Material selection

Making an attractive gift box with your own hands is not difficult. Such work rarely takes a lot of time, and the result is pleasantly surprising if everything was done correctly. Such gift wrapping will in no way be inferior to the store option. That is why homemade beautiful boxes are so popular today.

If you decide to make a gift box yourself, it is important to take into account that you need to select the right materials for this. They must be of high quality and reliable. The material from which such packaging is made should not fall apart or peel off. After all, it will be very disappointing if such an incident occurs at the time of presenting the gift.

It is not recommended to make gift boxes from ordinary cardboard, which is sold in an office supply store. This material is not dense enough. In addition, the colors of plain cardboard do not cause much delight, being not the most colorful.

It is recommended to use a special type of cardboard with a high density. Further, such a box can be supplemented with various decorative details made of paper intended for needlework. Cardboard boxes decorated with elements made using origami technique look interesting.

In special shops for creativity, you can find everything you need to prepare a beautiful and high-quality box of any size and design.

However, not only thick cardboard can be used to create a beautiful gift box. Wooden boxes of different sizes look very interesting in this role. They can be arranged as you wish. Wooden boxes, complemented by carved elements, look especially bright and creative.

A wooden box can be made in the form of a small chest, a cute casket, a carved casket or a small cabinet with opening doors. Such gift wrapping will function as an addition to the main gift, because later it can be used separately from the presentation. For example, in such a container it is good to place jewelry and accessories for storage.

Step-by-step production of round and oval options

The gift box does not need to have a simple square or rectangular structure. There are presentations that are more convenient and beautiful to hand in an original round or oval box. You can also do a similar thing with your own hands.

Let's take a look at how to proceed in this case.

  • First you need to prepare all the necessary materials. It is not recommended to make a round paper box. It is worth using thick cardboard.
  • First you need to carefully cut 4 circles out of cardboard. Two of them will be slightly smaller than the other two in size.
  • Next, you should measure out a couple of stripes. Their size should be slightly larger than the circle. For more - its own stripe, for less - its own.
  • Now those circles that are larger must be glued one to the other. Similar manipulations will need to be carried out with respect to smaller circles.
  • Wrap the prepared circles with the cut strips, and then glue them on the sides.
  • After that, it will be possible to proceed directly to decorating the resulting box with various kinds of decorative details.

By a similar principle, you can make a more elongated oval box made of cardboard, only here it is necessary to initially procure not round, but oval structural parts. Such boxes are made quickly and easily. They can be of any size. If the present is small, then the box can be made compact. If the gift is large, then you will have to spend more material by making a large gift wrapping.

You can use a variety of decorations for these gift boxes. It can be beautiful bows, gift ribbons of different colors, decorative paper and woven flowers, charming knots of colored shiny ribbons.

How to make a rectangular and square box?

Gift boxes of rectangular and square shape are the most common, and they are made in just 5-10 minutes.

First, we will analyze step by step how you can make a rectangular A4 box with your own hands.

  • First you need to cut a sheet of thick cardboard in A4 format in half. If the gift is impressive in size, and you need a larger box for it, then you should take a couple of cardboard sheets of the specified format.
  • Further, from one of the rectangles, you will need to carefully cut off 5 millimeters from the length and width.
  • Then each of the elements will need to be correctly drawn. Make a 10-16 mm indent from the edges, draw a horizontal strip. This will need to be done at every edge. You should have a rectangle in the center.
  • After that, you will need to make neat incisions. Along a line along the length of the rectangle and to a line along its width. There should be only 4 such cuts (on each rectangle).As for the immediate length of the cut, it will directly depend on how many centimeters you took when drawing the lines.
  • Next, the sections must be bent and glued. As a result, you will get a neat and even box with the correct lines.

These types of boxes are usually made with lids. They turn out to be so roomy and attractive that almost any gift can be presented in them. For example, it can be beautiful branded clothing.

See below for a master class on making a rectangular box.

Square boxes are made even easier. These gift wraps can be made for a variety of surprise sizes. Small presents, packed in a neat small square box, look especially elegant and attractive.

Let's take a step by step how you can make such a package.

  • First you need to prepare high-quality thick cardboard. Then you need to measure and cut out two squares. The first should be 18x18 cm, and the second 17x17 cm.
  • Next, you need to carefully draw two diagonal lines from one corner to another.
  • Fold in the corner. Its tip should connect to the intersection of the diagonal.
  • The same part should be bent in such a way that the fold lies clearly on the diagonal.
  • Now carefully line up the folds you've made.
  • This procedure will need to be carried out in relation to all the corners made.
  • As a result, you should get 3 folds on each side.
  • Then the opposite sides will need to be cut along the fold. A square will turn out in the center - it will be the bottom of the gift box.
  • Corners that do not have cuts will need to be carefully folded towards the center along the folds.
  • Now these same side parts will need to be wrapped inward.
  • The ends must be wrapped and fastened.
  • In the same way, you need to collapse the second cut out square. The lid of such a box can be decorated at your discretion.

A small homemade square box is a universal gift wrap. You can put any small present in it - jewelry, some beautiful accessory or something from cosmetics.

Schemes for non-standard products

Gift boxes of a square, rectangular, oval or round shape are versatile and the most common solutions. But this does not mean that there are no other options for making gift wrapping. You can make a more original, unusual box using non-standard schemes. Let's take a look at some of them.

Neat gift boxes made in the form of a pyramid look nice. Such packaging will be the best solution for handing small valuable gifts.

Let's consider step by step how you can make such a box.

  • First, you will need to cut the blank on thick cardboard according to the scheme.
  • Further, the cut out workpiece will need to be very carefully folded along the existing lines.
  • Then you need to make small holes on the petals.
  • A beautiful satin ribbon should be inserted into the holes made. Further, it will need to be tightened well, but not too hard, crosswise. As a result, a neat pyramid is formed.
  • In the resulting pyramid, you need to put the selected present that you plan to give, and then tighten such a box with a ribbon and form a beautiful bow.

Homemade gift boxes made in the form of flower buds look very beautiful and unusual. Such packaging can be not only small, but also larger, depending on the size of the gift itself. Now let's look at how you can make such a box on your own.

  • First you need to cut the blank.
  • Further, focusing on the dotted lines, you will need to make bends on the workpiece.
  • Then, in the center of the blank, you should put the gift that you plan to present. After that, you can proceed to the direct connection of the blank petals.
  • The petals must be fastened to each other in such a way that the flower is completely closed.
  • The front side of the flower box should be decorated with beautiful paints. It is permissible to add spectacular paper decorations - ribbons and rhinestones.

You can make another unusual and spectacular gift box from thick paper using a simple scheme. Let's take a look at how to make such gift wrapping.

  • The first step is to sketch such a simple template.
  • Next, the sketched template will need to be cut out neatly and evenly.
  • The fold lines will need to be pressed through with any convenient object.
  • After that, along the formed folds, you will need to form the box itself.
  • It is necessary to act very carefully and deliberately so that the whole process does not end with the disintegration of the box.

You should tie it with a beautiful ribbon of your favorite color and make a cute bow to decorate the present.

The original pillow box will turn out to be cute. It can also be done quickly by simply using a template.

In such packaging, it is very convenient to hand over delicious sweets or small decorations. This box is made simply.

  • Do not rush to tuck the future gift wrapping. First, you should make a crease on the fold lines - they can be pressed through with a ballpoint pen or other thin object (but not sharp). This step cannot be neglected, otherwise it will simply not be possible to bend the material along a curved line.
  • It is better not to print the diagram of the future box on a printer, but sketch it yourself.
  • To draw the valve lines, you will need to use some round object. But immediately after that, it does not need to be removed. In the future, it can be used instead of a ruler when scoring, because it will be much more difficult to do it by hand.
  • The valves on one side will be easy to pierce using a hole punch to then insert the ribbon there. It is not recommended to glue them together with glue, since it is almost unrealistic to press the valves together so that the glue can seize.

The result is a very neat and beautiful small gift box. You can decorate it as you wish. For example, you can act in a more original way by complementing such a package with a constellation drawn with a gel pen.

For a very small present, you can make a small envelope gift box. It will take a minimum of free time to make it. Most often, cash gifts and gift certificates are placed in such boxes - such things fit perfectly in compact envelopes.

In this case, you need to use a simple scheme, transfer it to thick cardboard, and then cut out and gently bend all the available petals. You can decorate the resulting packaging for any taste and color. Homemade envelopes look especially interesting and "lively", in which each edge of the petals is complemented with beautiful sparkles. You can apply them using a cotton swab dipped in an adhesive composition.

If your present is not completely flat, then such an envelope can be made with small walls so that the thing can fit into it. The height of the walls should be very small - just a few millimeters will be enough.

Gift boxes made in the shape of a heart turn out to be very beautiful. In this case, a suitable scheme should be used.

Having a good template, you can proceed to the direct manufacture of the box.

  • First, the heart diagram must be applied to a sheet of thick cardboard, and then you need to cut it out very carefully.
  • The sidewalls should be drawn separately. The depth of the box can be any, but in our case it will be 3.5 cm. Another 1.5 cm should be left to prepare the "teeth" that will be glued to the base of the box. It is recommended to make the length with a small margin. If excess remains, they can be easily cut off after gluing the structure.
  • Next, you need to make a crease at the bend. Using a ruler, you should press the grooves. In this case, it is worth using a non-sharp object. For example, this could be the back of a clerical knife.
  • After that, you will need to bend the cardboard strip, leaning on the intended scoring.
  • Cut out the cloves. Glue the side piece to the base of the box. Cut off all unnecessary parts, while leaving a small tail, so that later you can make sizing with the second half of the wall.
  • The wall will consist of two halves, so you will need to especially carefully coat all areas at the joints with glue.
  • The lid of the box is made in a similar way, but with a slightly increased size so that the package can be easily closed.
  • The walls of the lid can be made with a height of 2 cm - this will be enough.

After that, the heart box will be ready, and you can proceed to the final touch - decorating it.

Decor features

Decorating a homemade gift box is another important step in packaging. There are many ways how to beautifully and elegantly decorate a made presentation box.

Here you can let your imagination go wild using a variety of materials.

Consider several options for how to effectively decorate a gift box.

  • You can decorate the gift box with beautiful bows of different sizes. Bows can be small or lush.
  • Multi-colored ribbons are a win-win option for decorating gift wrapping.
  • You can assemble a very beautiful and bright decorative composition of shining rhinestones or multi-colored beads.
  • Drawn patterns or drawings look good on cardboard boxes. You can use different tools for this, but the most effective sketches are obtained with the help of gel pens.
  • You can wrap the box in a cloth. It can be either light and airy material, or denser denim or denim.
  • A universal solution is special gift paper, which is sold in many stores. It can be used to decorate any box.
  • It is also permissible to supplement the gift box with various stripes. For example, it can be multi-colored buttons of different sizes.
  • If we are talking about a box for a New Year's present, then it can be decorated with a small Christmas tree branch or small Christmas balls.
  • Decorative flowers made of fabric or paper look great on holiday boxes. Such details can be both small and large. The buds made of shiny and shimmering fabrics look especially impressive.
  • You can decorate the box with sparkles. It is permissible to apply them in different ways. Shiny blotches will stick more reliably and firmly if you put them on glue. To do this, you should use a brush soaked in glue beforehand.
  • If we are talking about a present that is presented in winter, then it is worth turning to paper decorations. Beautiful snowflakes of a cunning shape should be made from snow-white paper. Such elements can decorate any gift wrap.

Useful Tips

If you want to make a box out of paper, and not thick cardboard, then it should be borne in mind that such packages are more suitable for small and light gifts.

If a gift box is being prepared for a man, then unnecessary decorations, sparkles and rhinestones will be inappropriate. Better to make an attractive but more discreet box.

Gift wrapping paper for decorating the box should be chosen in accordance with the theme of the holiday. For example, for a New Year's present, it is worth picking up shiny paper with the image of snowflakes, snowmen or Santa Claus.

If you trim the box with a cloth, then it is worth sticking it without saving PVA glue. Otherwise, the material may start to bubble.

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