Gift wrapping

How can gifts be wrapped?

How can gifts be wrapped?
  1. Choosing paper
  2. Features of the choice of colors
  3. Original packing methods without box
  4. How to wrap a box of different shapes and sizes?
  5. How to beautifully pack small things?
  6. Interesting decor

Choosing a gift is not an easy task. But it’s just as important to think about how best to present it. You won't surprise anyone with a banal bright package. Moreover, it is not always appropriate. And remember how children love to unpack beautiful boxes. For them, this is a real mystery and a moment of anticipation of joy. This is why you shouldn't underestimate the importance of packaging. Sometimes even the simplest gift can sound in a new way thanks to her.

Choosing paper

If you want to wrap a gift with your own hands, then you will be surprised at the variety of paper presented in stores for this purpose.

Let's consider only the main ones.

Sheet paper

Usually it has a glossy surface, which looks very advantageous when decorating. Even the most ordinary-looking box will literally sparkle if you use this type.

It also happens in a matte finish. This option is more suitable for decorating a presentation for more respectable or restrained persons. But for bright, cheerful and extraordinary people (and children) it is better to choose options that match their temperament. It can be either gold or silver options.


Recently, this type of gift wrapping paper has become especially popular. It is perfect for decorating a gift in a retro style. At first glance, it will seem that this is a package from the distant past. This is the kind of paper that all shipments were wrapped in before.

If you still make a homemade print on it, then immersion in that era will be guaranteed.


Thin, pliable material. It can be used to construct structures of unusual beauty and complexity.All this is due to the fact that it keeps the given shape well. It is noteworthy that it is suitable for wrapping presents of absolutely any shape. From the same material, you can make beautiful flowers that will also decorate the box.


An unusual material that is a metallized film. Thanks to its elasticity, it can easily wrap a box with sharp corners or toys.


Very delicate material. It is a thin papyrus paper. If you want to give your packaging a romantic, airy look, then use it. The composition will be completed with beautiful ribbons and bows (or delicate paper flowers).


Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you need to urgently wrap a gift, but there is no suitable wrapping material at hand? Next time, check out the kitchen. Every good housewife has a baking foil in stock. It is quite suitable for creating festive packaging.

Of course, in specialized stores you can find foil of various shades, but in extreme cases, food is also suitable.

Do not think that paper is the only material suitable for decorating gifts. If you include imagination, then you can come up with many other options. For example, tulle and organza are great alternatives. With their help, light and airy packaging for all kinds of gifts is obtained.

If the box itself is beautiful, then you won't need paper at all. Here you can get by with beautiful satin ribbons, bows or lace. And if you get creative, arrange the box in the form of a cute animal, or decorate with unusual details. These can be buttons, twigs, natural and artificial flowers, photographs or other decorative items.

Features of the choice of colors

When choosing colors for packaging, it is important to think not only about the aesthetic component. Color can tell a lot about your relationship to the gifted. It's no secret that each shade symbolizes a certain range of feelings, emotions and even intentions. For example, red is traditionally associated with passion and sincere deep feelings. Let's see which colors are ideal for different occasions.


Invariably associated with sunshine, cheerfulness and good mood. That is why it is perfect for decorating a presentation for children. After all, who, if not them, can boast of spontaneity and playfulness. The color itself is very rich, so we do not recommend mixing it with other shades. But the decor can be chosen quite contrasting (purple, green, brown). This will give the gift even more brightness and originality.


Remember the childish delight that was experienced before at the sight of fragrant oranges. These are the emotions that the packaging of this shade should evoke. Orange represents violent emotions and sincere admiration. But don't overdo it. Everything should be in moderation.

If you are thinking about choosing a decor or a second color for packaging, then take a closer look at those combinations that nature itself tells us. In the gardens, bright orange fruits always coexist with green foliage, brown tree trunks and bright blue skies. All this looks very organic and beautiful. Use these combinations too.


A very gentle tone that is suitable for decorating a gift for the fair sex. And, of course, all little princesses are crazy about him. Packaging in this tone will set you in a romantic mood, emphasize those tender feelings that you wanted to convey with its help.

If we talk about combinations, then pink harmonizes perfectly with pure white. Perhaps this is one of the most delicate combinations.

To add brightness, you can use any shades of the red or violet spectrum.


This color option is most suitable for closed gift wrapping.In fact, packaging is done in order to create a sense of mystery and secrecy. I would like the gifted one to unpack it in pleasant anticipation, wondering what is hidden inside. Lilac and purple colors symbolize exactly these feelings and emotions. They will create mysterious areolas around the presentation.

These tones are the best suited for unusual and extraordinary gifts. Having opened it, the gifted person will indeed be pleasantly surprised.

Silver, pink and yellow shades will look great here as companion colors.


Gifts for the stronger sex are traditionally decorated in this color. In addition, he is associated with nobility, strength and loyalty. Not everyone knows about this, so when giving a presentation, you can talk about such a hidden meaning of color. Do not forget to note that these qualities are fully present in a man, then he will be doubly pleased to receive such a surprise.


The color of purity and innocence. For all its advantages, designers advise against making the packaging completely white. It will seem too simple and will not evoke the desired emotions. It is better to use it as a complement to the main bright shades. There are no particular restrictions here, since it is in perfect harmony with almost any tone.

The only exception can be a wedding gift. The modesty of the whitest packaging can be more than compensated for by gold decor, lace and other wedding paraphernalia.


The color of nobility, prosperity and wealth. Green has many shades. Depending on the tone chosen, the overall impression will also change. For example, a rich dark green color is suitable for decorating a solid gift for a respected person.

A bright shade of light green is more suitable for wrapping a child's gift.


Do not think that this color is too dull and uninteresting. He personifies restraint and elegance.

To add sophistication to plain gray packaging, complement it with bold accessories or details in pink, purple or blue.


If you have to make a business gift, then you should not choose bright flashy colors for its decoration. Calm and noble brown will tell about your respect for your partner, will emphasize the presence of an excellent sense of style. Small decorative elements made in gold will accentuate the status of the gift and decorate it.

Metallic shades

Most often used to decorate boxes and packages. If you completely decorate a gift in such shiny colors as gold or silver, then it will be overkill. It will be difficult to call such packaging stylish or elegant. But ribbons, flowers, engraving or other decorative elements in these colors look very relevant and festive.

It should be noted that it is better to decorate cold colors with silver and steel shades. Gold goes better with warm colors.

Original packing methods without box

Not always the chosen gift can be placed in the box. Some are very large, others are non-standard. But this is not a reason to leave it completely unpacked.

There are several ways to pack gifts without the boxes. Which one to choose depends on your desire and the parameters of the presentation itself.

The first way. Most often used when you do not want to hide the present itself. And with the help of packaging, you just want to emphasize its beauty and solemnity of the moment.

Consider the packaging scheme for such a gift step by step.

  • Cut a round base out of thick cardboard and decorate it with beautiful wrapping paper.
  • Spread the transparencies on the table, place a cardboard base in the center.
  • Now we need to place the present on this plane. If you are afraid that it will slip, use double-sided tape.
  • It remains only to wrap our gift.Gather the edges of the film at the top and tie it with a nice ribbon.

If this is a thematic gift for the New Year or another holiday, then decorative symbolic elements can be located inside, for example, fir cones and twigs, tinsel, etc.

Second way. Shapeless gifts like a plaid, stole or scarf can be wrapped in matte paper. To do this, you will need a stapler, tape, and the paper itself.

Fold the fabric several times neatly. Now unfold the paper on the table. The gift itself must be placed in the center. We fold the edges, but do not make creases in the fold lines, let them remain smooth. We connect two opposite edges in the center and fix with a stapler. Now the other two edges need to be folded in the form of triangles. Here we smooth out the fold lines well. Bend the top of the triangle inward one more time, fix it with tape on the package. Wide ribbons and a large bow will help to complement the festive decoration.

How to wrap a box of different shapes and sizes?

It is not always possible to pack the gift correctly. As a result, even the most beautiful box looks untidy. The thing is that when wrapping in paper, many make mistakes. Make too large or too small a piece of paper. They do not take into account its shape, or simply do not follow the instructions, but wrap it up as necessary. To prevent this from happening in the future, we will present universal ways of packaging boxes of various shapes.

Flat present

There is nothing difficult in packaging such a present. This can be a thin book, photo frame, or other flat object.

The most important thing is to correctly size the packing list and follow the instructions.

  • Width... If we take the width of the gift itself as X, then the width of the sheet for wrapping it will be equal to X + 10 cm. This margin should be enough to secure the edges with adhesive tape on the gift itself.
  • Length... We accept the length of the gift as Y. The length of the wrapping sheet will be 2Y + 4 cm. Double length is required to completely wrap the gift, and an additional 4 cm will go to the hem along the edges and a small overlap.

Knowing this principle, it is already easy to guess how exactly the packaging of a flat presentation will take place. Place the cut-out packing sheet with the wrong side up on the counter. Now place the present in the center. Bend the opposite edges (length) to the center and fix with tape. The edges will not completely cover the gift and will join at the center. This is not necessary, since the other two edges will completely cover the gift.

Now on the two remaining sides we make small folds (about 1 cm), and bend the free edge towards the center. There should be a slight overlap. We lay the edges one on top of the other and fix with double-sided tape. It remains only to tie a festive ribbon or come up with another, original or cool, decor.


First of all, we note that gifts are called round and in the form of a ball and in the form of a tube. Let's see how to package the first and second options.

Oval gifts decorated in wrapping paper always look very interesting. At the same time, you can create a real designer packaging, even without professional skills.

Packaging for the tube is made according to a certain scheme.... As in the previous case, it is important to correctly determine the dimensions of the future packaging. For this we need 2 quantities: the height of the round presentation, which will be equal to X, and the diameter, equal to Y.

The height of the packing slip will be X + Y. The width is easy to determine by simply wrapping a gift around a circle with paper and making a margin of a few centimeters. We wrap the gift in a circle in paper and fix the edges with tape. Next, we make out the bottom. To do this, bend the free edges to the center in the form of beautiful folds, fix with tape or a stapler. Cut out a circle, the diameter of which is slightly less than the diameter of the bottom, from the same paper, glue it.

If the tube has a lid, then close it, and in the same way we wrap the top of our gift. Here the circle can be slightly smaller in order to show beautiful folds. You can also glue a beautiful decor on the top, or get by with a traditional bow and ribbons.

A balloon-shaped gift is even easier to pack... Just place it in the center of the sheet, and gather the loose edges at the top. We collect the remaining edges in a kind of bouquet and fix with a tape. If this is a New Year's gift, then you can decorate it with a spruce twig or cones.


This form is the most popular, since many people prefer to give gifts in boxes (or the present itself is packaged in this way by the manufacturer). But it is with her that problems most often occur. The box wrapped in elegant paper looks ridiculous, the edges stick out treacherously, and all attachment points are clearly visible even to the naked eye. Probably, many had to face such troubles.

Let's take a step by step how to pack a rectangular gift.

  • Take a roll of wrapping paper or a finished sheet. Place the box in the center. You will need to cut out such a rectangle so that the whole box is covered. To do this, connect two opposite edges, make a small margin, and mark the cutting line. Perform the same manipulation with the other two parties.
  • Cut out a rectangle according to the marked measurements. Place the gift in the center. Connect two opposite edges in the center, fix with double-sided tape. The upper edge will first need to be folded 1 cm so that it looks aesthetically pleasing.

Now it is important to decorate two opposite sides beautifully. They won't bend as easily as the first two. To make them look neat, use your hands to form a triangle (trapezoid) from the upper free edge. To do this, place your palm at the perpendicular angle (height), and with the second, fold the paper from top to bottom.

  • So bend all 4 corners. You will get two trapezoids, they need to be bent and secured with an overlap. At the trapezoid that will be on top, the lower edge must be tucked 1 cm inward so that the cut is not visible. Do the same procedure on the opposite side.

Unusual shape

The non-standard form of the gift makes you think about how best to pack it. The best option would be to find a suitable box. But if it was not possible to find one, then you can arrange it in another way.

We already wrote about two methods above: using a stand made of thick cardboard and simply wrapping such shapeless objects as a blanket in paper. The same methods are also suitable for wrapping gifts of an unusual shape.

But what if the gift itself is very large. For example, you wanted to donate large household appliances or something else. In this case, just buy the required amount of the paper you like and paste over the original packaging... Scotch tape is indispensable here.

To make the task easier, you can purchase a self-adhesive film, which is also presented in a large assortment.

How to beautifully pack small things?

Sometimes gifts are very tiny in size, but this does not detract from their significance. You can also beautifully present them. We propose to consider three master classes on creating packaging for different cases.


Such an original packaging idea is perfect for decorating a gift for a man. It will be especially relevant for such a holiday as February 23rd. To complete this, you will need white and colored paper, as well as a small piece of red or black paper for the butterfly.

First, we wrap our gift in white paper.

It is worth noting that such packaging is suitable for flat presents or boxes, the height of which is small.

Now we need to make our shirt a collar and a wrap with buttons. Take a thin strip of white paper and roll it into a circle. In this position, glue to the top of our white shirt.Now form a butterfly out of a small piece of red paper and glue it to the collar.

Now let's get into the jacket. To do this, wrap the shirt with contrasting colored paper. The choice of color depends only on your preference and the options available. Fold the edges towards the center. They should overlap a little. Now we will make the upper part of the shelf. Fold the edges inward from the center to create a nice neckline. Next, bend the edges outward. Our packaging is ready. To add solidity, you can glue a white triangle, imitating a handkerchief in your pocket.


Such a funny option is perfect for presenting a gift to children or girls. And it can be done in just a couple of minutes. Stock up on some pretty wrapping paper and pretty ribbons.

Now it is necessary to understand whether it is possible to immediately wrap a gift in candy, or if you need a kind of "corset"... It is made of plain paper or lightweight cardboard, make a cylinder, put your present inside.

Let's take care of the direct decoration of the candy. We put a present or a cylinder in the center of the paper, wrap it like a wrapper for an ordinary candy. The ends must be twisted, and ribbons must be tied.


These packages look very cute and touching. There are a great many options for their execution. You yourself can show your imagination by decorating your house in a unique style. In order to create its base, you just need to print the stencil suggested below.

Rest assured that your home will be unique. After all, you use a certain type of paper, and your design decor will be unique. If this is a New Year's gift, then it can be decorated in the appropriate style by adding snow to the roof and gluing a Christmas tree to the facade. For your birthday, you can decorate the house with an inscription and paper-cut balloons.

Interesting decor

Decoration plays an important role. Jewelry can transform even the most nondescript packaging or box. Therefore, think over the design in advance and purchase the necessary accessories.

So, for the New Year theme, fir cones, twigs and tinsel are perfect. You can even stick on small Christmas tree decorations. For young princesses, you can decorate a gift with beads, brooches and rhinestones. No girl can resist such colorful packaging.

Multi-colored feathers can be creative accessories for decor. They can be found in sewing departments. With their help, you can create a unique composition, or simply glue them in one line along one of the edges of the box. You can attach an envelope with your sincere wishes to the box.

Gift wrapping can be compared to an evening dress for a woman. Of course, a man will love her in an ordinary outfit, but in this way she is simply irresistible. So it is with a gift. If you want to bring real joy, show your attention and care, then do not forget about beautiful packaging.

You will find even more life hacks for decorating gifts in the next video.

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