How to wrap a book as a gift?

If you have already decided on the choice of a gift, the only thing left is to pack your present beautifully and effectively. What if the gift is a book? What kind of packaging will be up to you. Perhaps it will be completely transparent or matte, covering the title of the book, making it a surprise, or, conversely, emphasizing the content. There are a huge number of options for the original packaging of the book with gift paper.

Necessary materials
For beautiful packaging you will need paper, double-sided tape, all kinds of ribbons and accessories, scissors. You can use adhesive tape, glue, and a stapler to fix the package. But nevertheless, the most convenient will be double-sided tape, which is not only practical, but also leaves no residue, which is a great advantage when creating packaging for a printed edition. In addition, when working with it, you do not need scissors, since it easily breaks with your hands, which allows you to use it without any extra effort.
Probably the hardest part is choosing a combination of ribbons and paper. If you have little experience in gift wrapping, you can see the combination of color and texture in the design of wallpaper, clothing, and various accessories. Paper, like ribbons, can vary in texture and color.
A fashionable trend in designer packaging is the use of kraft paper or imitation of a newspaper.

How to pack?
A good idea for packaging a book is its subject matter. For example, your friend dreams of a trip. An atlas or a guide to one of the countries will be a good gift for him. For packaging the presentation, use geographic map... Wrap the book neatly and tie it with bright ribbon. A pocket compass can be glued on as an optional accessory.

The addictive detective can be gifted in a tuxedo-like package. Black and white is a classic color combination. In this case, wrap the book in white silk paper for a shirt. With a thicker velvet-like paper, create something that looks like a jacket or tailcoat. Two triangular parts will be able to imitate the sides of a jacket. A bright red ribbon folded in several layers will make an elegant bow. A book packed in a 007 suit will look gorgeous.

For aunt, mother, grandmother, a cookbook as a gift can be wrapped in the form of a nesting doll. To do this, use 2 types of bright paper. For a sister, a volume of poetry can be crafted with lines written by great poets. After decorating the book with a beautiful ribbon, let's complete the design.

Have you prepared several volumes of world literature classics as a present? You will need several types of paper according to the number of books in the gift. Use a design trick: it is better to use paper of the same color, but different tones and textures.
This combination will go well in packaging. For general binder, packing tapes will be needed. A large assortment of ribbons is on sale: thin, wide, simple and complex, bright and neutral, in different colors and shades. So, the choice is made, and you can proceed directly to the creative process.

Step-by-step instruction
We cut out a rectangle from paper to the size of a book so that our gift is completely covered with paper, and a small part, equal to about 1 centimeter, remains on top. It is more convenient to do this using the gift copy itself, so you don't even need a ruler. We put the book on the whole sheet, combine the edges and make a notch. Cut the paper measured along the width of the book to the full length necessary for wrapping from all sides.

The free centimeter edge will overlap with double-sided tape. To do this, on one side of our workpiece, we glue a piece of adhesive tape at the very edge of the paper. The adhesive tape on the second side does not need to be peeled off at once along the entire length, but only to free a small area from the protective film. After the pieces of paper are connected, pull on the strip that protects the second adhesive side of the tape.
Before the final gluing, it is necessary to properly stretch the 2 sides of the paper, so that the paper tightly "hugs" the book, and there are no unnecessary folds. We consolidate the obtained result.

Now that the books are wrapped in paper, it is the turn of the ribbons that will connect all the books into one whole. The combination of ribbons of different thickness, color, texture will look original. You can make them weave, it all depends on your desire and imagination. For weaving, it is enough to place several ribbons in the vertical and horizontal directions, laying them one under the other. We connect the tapes with scotch tape, which will avoid the most difficult stage.
Making a bow or knot is usually difficult for everyone and is rarely successful. Such a connection allows you to easily, quickly and, most importantly, very beautifully connect these tapes without tails.

It remains to choose a suitable beautiful accessory and decorate our gift. For example, it can be an elegant bunch of flowers or a chic satin bow. Any small parts of the workpiece can be used. These can be beads or buttons of various sizes, ribbons and threads, knitted or paper parts. Using a collage of personal photos or notes with congratulations and wishes will give the gift an incredible effect.

For information on how to wrap a book as a gift, see the next video.