Gift wrapping

Packaging for New Year's gifts: original ideas

Packaging for New Year's gifts: original ideas
  1. Why do you need wrapping paper?
  2. Choosing a material
  3. Choosing a style
  4. How to make a gift bag?

New Year is a magical holiday in which people not only expect miracles, but also exchange gifts with dear and close people. And, of course, one of the main attributes of gifts is bright and original packaging.

Why do you need wrapping paper?

Anyone will be pleased to receive a present that is beautifully packaged, and not hastily wrapped in a plastic bag. This suggests that the donor took the time to make the gift look interesting and beautiful, and not just ran into the nearest store an hour before the meeting. Wrapping paper can help out in a situation when a gift hidden in it is not very expensive or does not look festive in itself. Thanks to the packaging, the impression of the presentation will be much brighter, and the souvenir itself will immediately look more presentable.

Packaging for New Year's gifts immediately creates a sense of celebration... It will be more pleasant and interesting for any person to untie a bow on a box or open a bag in order to finally see his present than to get it right in his hands. Thus, the effect of surprise and joyful anticipation is created.

Not only children, but also adults like to open gifts themselves. With the help of a New Year's wrapper, you can distinguish your own gift from many others, make it more original and demonstrate a personal attitude towards the person to whom the present is intended.

If you approach the design creatively, then the gift will be remembered by a loved one for many years.

Choosing a material

Depending on whether the gift is large or small, childish or adult, there are several packaging options.

  • Tinplate. Such material will be appropriate for storing sweets and other edible gifts, including even homemade cakes. In addition, you can put tea, coffee and spices in a tin Christmas box without fear that the material will let the smell through or get wet. Shops offer tin packaging in the form of chests, boxes, suitcases, balls, New Year's figures. This gift design looks expensive and impressive.
  • Textile... Cloth packaging looks at least original and interesting. Plus, it's safe so you can put gifts for small children in it. The stores have the following types of textile packaging: backpacks, bags, Christmas socks, pouches. A toy packaging is the best choice for children's gifts. The fabric design option is universal and suitable for both small and large presentations.
  • Cardboard. A fairly common packaging option due to the low price. This includes various gift bags, boxes, figurines in the form of Christmas trees or snowmen, chests. Almost any gift can be put into a gift cardboard bag, except for particularly heavy or fragile items.

Choosing a style

Shops on New Year's Eve are full of an abundance of various gift wrapping. In order not to get confused in this brilliant variety, it is worth highlighting several styles of gift paper.

  • Classical. This option is universal, even homemade. This style of decoration assumes the presence of red and green colors, which are symbolic for this holiday. A silk bow with bells or even toys is used as decorations. In this case, the paper itself should be plain, striped or checkered.

This style assumes the absence of foil.

  • Luxurious. This style just allows for shiny packaging, felt paper with satin ribbons or beads. Better to use gold or silver tint paper. As for ribbons, you can safely combine them and combine several colors in one gift. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  • Glamorous. This design is more to the liking of the female sex. The packaging assumes pastel colors, foil, beads and even a variety of shiny figures. This style looks odd and somewhat playful.
  • Natural. Gifts are packed in plain, non-glossy paper, instead of a bow, the packaging is tied with a special decorative rope, and all this is decorated with natural elements - for example, cones or branches of berries.
  • Winter. The wrapper must be in white and blue, and it is decorated with snowflakes, snowmen, Christmas trees - everything that is associated with winter and the New Year. You can cut out deer figures from paper or make snowflakes from beads. It all depends on imagination and creativity.
  • Vintage. This style is very personal, so it is appropriate for decorating gifts for family members or close friends. Newspapers, old wallpaper, lace, fabrics will do for packaging. Here, the ability to sew, knit, draw will come in handy - in other words, the packaging should be truly handmade, resemble a retro style and turn out to be original.
  • Fabric. Who said that festive packaging must be made of paper? You can approach the design of the presentation from the other side and use textile products. For example, wrap a gift in silk or flannel fabric, while ribbons and bows should also be made of fabric.

Adding various toys or eco-elements is also encouraged. Such soft packaging will surely surprise and delight its owner.

How to make a gift bag?

If the shopping bags and boxes are not inspiring, then you can do scrapbooking and make a gift bag. Thus, on New Year's Eve you will be able to present a present like a real Santa Claus. This bag is perfect for sweet gifts. For manufacturing, you need a sewing machine, jute thread, ruler, thread, pins, chalk, scissors, cotton fabric, needles and calico.

Step-by-step instructions for making a textile bag looks like this.

  • First you need to decide on the size. For example, to make the bag 24 x 23 centimeters, it is necessary that the cut fabric has the following parameters: width - 26 centimeters, height - 57 centimeters.
  • The fabric must be folded in half, with the front part inside. From the sides you need to pin on a pin.
  • Then, using a sewing machine, a wide overlock stitch is made, and the seam is ironed.
  • The thread at the end must be fixed in the form of a knot.
  • After that, you need to bend a piece of fabric inside out, iron it well, this is done to process the upper cut.
  • Then the fabric needs to be folded about 4.5 centimeters and use the iron again.
  • The edges must be secured with pins and sewn with a sewing machine.
  • One more parallel original line is needed. The distance between them can be any.
  • Then the bag is turned inside out, the corners are leveled.
  • A jute thread is threaded with a needle, and a bow is tied at the end.

    To prevent the packaging from looking boring, you can add decorative elements here, for example, decorate the bag with beads, rhinestones, applications with snowmen, deer or snowflakes. It remains only to put a gift there!

    Regardless of whether the gift wrapping is bought in a store or made by hand, in any case, it will be a great addition to any surprise and will give a festive mood to loved ones.

    See below for a few more ideas for gift wrapping in original packaging.

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