Gift wrapping

Ways to decorate gifts

Ways to decorate gifts
  1. Peculiarities
  2. What materials might you need?
  3. Creative options
  4. Budget Ideas

It is equally pleasant to receive and give presents, therefore, the choice of gifts must be approached carefully. After all, first of all, the goal of the donor is to please, to make a pleasant impression that will be remembered for a long time. For everything to happen the way you want it, be sure to focus on the tastes of the person to whom the present is intended. But even guessing with a gift is not enough, the packaging options are no less important, in fact, the design is the face of your present. Unfolding wrapping paper or other decor sends us all back to childhood, to a fairy tale, making the anticipation of a gift as strong as the joy of receiving it.

It is completely unnecessary to seek the help of professional packers, which can result in a decent amount in the end. It is much more interesting to create a design on your own, because in the end you will get a unique composition in which you put a piece of your soul.


Gift decoration has its own etiquette, its own rules, which must be taken into account before proceeding with the packaging. These recommendations are generally accepted, and you will never go wrong by being guided by them.

  • Gift wrapping for men of any age should not contain too "feminine" decor, even if this man is your loved one. Bows, ribbons, hearts, bears and other romantic paraphernalia are not suitable.
  • Outwardly, a man's gift should look strict and status-like, therefore, a monochromatic package is in favor. Especially good are fabrics, craft paper, neutral colors, restrained decor in small quantities.
  • If you are giving alcohol, then choose a classic type of packaging - a tube.If a man is close, a more unusual one will do - a cover made of textiles, burlap, which is already stylized in accordance with his taste or the interests of the person being gifted.
  • Gift wrapping for a woman allows you to show more imagination, you can use bright colors, original motives, catchy print, a lot of decor.
  • Be sure to consider the status of a woman, the closeness of your relationship, before choosing too expressive and unusual decor.
  • Making a gift for a child, you can embody the brightest and boldest fantasies, the composition should be cheerful, cheerful. For decoration, use something that your child will surely like, such as balloons.

The style of decoration is often dictated by the mood of the holiday, and this must also be taken into account.

  • New Years holidays, Christmas suggests a lot of corresponding attributes and motives: winter, snow, deer, trees, toys, tinsel, bells, serpentine. You can use bright paper, bold decor, shiny elements.
  • St. Valentine's Day has a romantic background, so roses, doves, hearts, Teddy bears and so on will be appropriate here.
  • March 8 - a spring holiday, so floral motifs, elegant packaging, bright ribbons are in favor.
  • February 23 - a brutal holiday, therefore camouflage, St. George ribbons, military symbols, restrained colors are among the main trends.

In addition to the packaging features, you need to take into account the latest current trends. Gift colored paper and a bow as the only decoration are a thing of the past. Modern decor trends dictate their own rules. Designers recommend paying attention to three areas that are now gaining particular popularity:

  • eco-style;
  • eclectic and futuristic styles;
  • minimalism.

Eco style is primarily distinguished by an abundance of natural materials and natural color gamut. The use of artificial decor and base is not allowed. Such decorative elements are very often used:

  • craft paper;
  • bows and sling of twine, unbleached flax.

In minimalism, the main thing is restraint and brevity. Stay tight, keep it simple, and you will succeed. Often used:

  • black and white paper;
  • tags;
  • felling;
  • geometric print.

Futurism and eclecticism make it possible to combine styles and trends, for example, an expressive and effective satin bow and craft paper wrapper. Or a pretentious graceful box with a luxurious print made of natural fabric with a pin as a decorative element.

Whichever style you choose, proceed not only from your taste, but also from the preferences of the hero of the occasion to whom the gift is intended.

What materials might you need?

Here, the limitations can only be set by your imagination, because in fact, anything that comes to mind can be used for packaging and decoration. The main thing is to competently think over the composition, choose accessories so that everything looks organic. We offer you a list of basic materials that you can safely vary, supplement at your discretion.

  • Paper... It is a leader in gift decoration. Colored paper is preferable, most often bright, looks good both as a simple version and corrugated. The paper is suitable for decorating square and rectangular objects, boxes, chocolates, books. Very often, a material with a shade of mother-of-pearl is used, which shimmers luxuriously and gives shine to the present.
  • Holographic film and florist net. Not only simple objects can be wrapped in them, the shape is not important here. All you need is a string for the strings, which you can curl slightly with scissors.
  • Textile... Here you can choose as a spectacular material such as chiffon, silk, plush, and laconic linen, felt. Burlap is very relevant, it can also be decorated with minimalism: buttons, keys, shells.Or, on the contrary, add catchy elements: rhinestones, stones, beads. The fabric drapes perfectly, bows, weaves of threads, knots, matting look great with it.
  • Sling... Here the scope for imagination is unlimited, satin and silk ribbons are tied into luxurious bows, cords with tassels, twine are also good.
  • Decorative elements... Use flowers, twigs, synthetic threads, stones, cones, small toys. The main thing is that the decor is strictly consistent with the overall style of the composition.

Before thinking over the ensemble, calculate the amount of material that you need, it depends on the size of the gift.

In addition to materials, stock up on tape, including double-sided tape, scissors, a ruler, pencil, glue.

Creative options

You can decorate a box with a gift for a birthday or other holiday in a beautiful and original way with your own hands. It is important to choose the decor in color and shape. As for the color scheme, there are indeed a lot of creative options: bright shades, pastels, laconic tones. To keep your packaging harmonious, consider the following guidelines:

  • give up the cold shades of snow-white, but white bows are an excellent choice, at the same time the gamut of white is perfectly combined with others;
  • yellow - a very cheerful color, perfect for a gift, combine it with purple, brown, green;
  • shade of orange - very joyful, green, blue and red will suit him;
  • Red a small present will be perfect, but a huge red box is not the best choice, combine it with warm palettes, gold and silver;
  • pink suitable for a gift to your beloved, combined with jewelry in shades of burgundy, violet, white, silver;
  • green - universal color, suitable for any gift, compositions look luxurious, where different tones of greenery, gold, silver, gray are combined;
  • blue, as a rule, focused on men's gifts, looks good with gold, silver, yellow, snow-white;
  • purple - a very mysterious and beautiful tone for packaging, looks great in tandem with pink, yellow, white, silver.

With these rules in mind, you can create not only expressive and unusual, but also very aesthetic packaging. We offer you several creative options for any occasion.

  • New Year's mail. To make a gift in the form of a parcel from Santa Claus means to arrange a real holiday for both an adult and a child. Make sure that the packaging contains all the necessary details: stamps, stamps, white and red lacing.
  • Travel lovers... The wandering theme is very popular, but it continues to be original. Here you can use non-standard materials: contour maps, atlases, political maps.
  • Warm gift. Perfect for winter holidays. Here you can safely use the materials at hand: an old scarf, an unnecessary sweater. Be sure to add pom-poms as decor.
  • Eco style. Kraft paper, twine, fir cones or mimosa sprigs, depending on the mood of the holiday, are all you need to create an elegant composition.
  • Red box. A piece of scarlet fabric and a sprig of decorative berries will allow you to decorate a gift effectively and unusual.
  • Non-standard parts... Sew paper, use stamps, cut out original parts from paper, glue buttons - use your imagination, it will allow you to create a masterpiece from the simplest box.

Budget Ideas

It is interesting to decorate a gift without investing large amounts of money in materials. As a rule, it is simple decorative elements that look the most unusual, for example, in eco-style. It is enough to create a paper package, make a flower from a ribbon, or create a composition with a spruce branch and cinnamon sticks. You can effectively paste over with rhinestones or decorate the bag. We offer you some of the easiest ways to decorate a gift, depending on its shape.

  • Box... You can choose any one that is suitable in size, glue it with paper, add decorations from scrap materials. The box can be made by yourself, giving it the shape of a heart, flower, chest, casket.
  • Basket... A very effective option. Use any basket that can be decorated according to the style of your choice. It is enough just to put a present in it.
  • Plastic box. Here you will have to call on your talent as an artist or a master of decoupage for help.
  • Packing bag... It is enough to buy any paper bag in a neutral color and decorate it according to your wishes. The package is easy to make yourself, using cards, magazines, sheets of the music staff as material. If the gift is for a man, form a shirt bag with a bow tie. You can simply add one decorative element to the package, which will somehow overlap with the interests of the gifted.
  • Any packaging will be decorated with tags and labels with personal inscriptions, congratulations.
  • Craftsmen can use their talent to create packaging. For example, knit a wrapping cloth, weave a decoration or a case from macrame.

Whichever packaging you choose, consider the content, especially if the gift is tiny or fragile. The filler will allow you to keep it intact and add showiness to the packaging itself. You can use as filling: glitter, confetti, dry grass, flower petals, wads of paper.

And from the following video you can find out some new and original gift wrapping ideas.

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