How to wrap a gift in gift paper?

Gifts are a very important part of our life. They can help resolve a conflict, bond with someone, or even create a festive atmosphere. As you know, the best gift is one that is made with your own hands or at least packed with these hands. Therefore, for all the importance of filling a surprise and its semantic load, in no case should we forget about the peculiarities of its design, because this is its “face”.
Perhaps the most popular packaging option is specialty wrapping paper. Let's take a closer look at the types of packaging material and the features of the packaging process itself.

Necessary materials
To wrap a gift, you need to choose the right tools and packing material. First of all, you need to decide on the type of wrapping paper, choosing the right one, corresponding to the nature of the event and the preferences of the person to whom the gift is addressed.
- Glossy paper looks very impressive, which is characterized primarily by lightness, which allows you to construct different variations of festive packaging from it. It is strong enough to withstand loads, but you should not expect increased reliability from it. This paper is made in different colors and with different patterns, and on the bend and on the edges, the glare of light shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. It is very often used for packing square boxes and gift options without them.

- Craft paper may seem more durable and wear-resistant, because it is denser to the touch and heavier, and looks like old paper.But when packing, problems can arise, since it crumples a lot, and under heavy loads it can even break. In general, the appearance of this paper resembles a vintage style, which undoubtedly can be used for packaging in retro style.
It is advisable to use it if, in principle, a discreet, but stylish design is expected, and also if more reliable protection for a gift is required.

- Tissue paper Is a papyrus whatman paper that is very airy, which can be used to give a gift an outward sense of lightness. In addition, the texture of this material allows you to wrap a gift of complex shape, giving it more volume.

- Polysilk is a film that readily stretches and has a metallized coating. It is good to wrap something with sharp corners, and the ends of the package are perfectly closed with bows. It is often used to knit decorative knots. The material is mostly monochromatic.

- Corrugated paper has a surface with a coarse embossing texture. Any object can be wrapped in this elegant package, even tubes or bottles. The material has a transverse embossing and a ribbed shape, due to which it can stretch slightly.

- Crepe paper is a variation of corrugated packaging. It has a texture in the form of fine folding, which differs in different density, as well as moisture resistance and elasticity. It differs from corrugated paper by less folding, greater softness and a broader scope of application.

- Mulberry - the so-called "wrinkled" paper used by designers came to us from Thailand. With a variety of colors, patterns and ornaments are often made on it. It is possible to completely steal something from the school herbarium and insert it into this type of packaging, which gives the gift a more elegant and neat look.

In addition to paper, for packaging you may also need scissors or a stationery knife, paper clips, glue, tape and a ruler, gift bows and postcards in the form of stickers.
Features of wrapping boxes of different shapes
In order to turn to the technique of gift wrapping, you need to decide on the shape of the boxes. The most popular are square, rectangular, round, oval, spherical and cylindrical. Less common are triangular packaging options, prismatic or any other complex shapes.
In addition to the shape, it is necessary to take into account the size of the future surprise, as well as other nuances. Let's take a closer look at the features of packaging gifts and boxes of different shapes and sizes, and also get acquainted with a step-by-step diagram of how to properly wrap boxes and how to securely seal them.

Square and rectangular
To beautifully pack a square or rectangular box, you do not need to have great skills, it is enough to follow the step-by-step instructions correctly.
First of all, we need to determine the size of the packaging material flap.
To do this, it is enough, using any measuring device, to mark the received data on paper. It is necessary to cut off the packaging taking into account the indents that will be needed when fixing the packaging.

Next, we lay out the flap, bend one edge by half a centimeter and prepare it for fixation by gluing a piece of double-sided tape into this hem. Then we place the gift itself in the center of the package.
We cover the opposite side and, pulling the wrapper, secure its edge with the same double-sided tape.

We cover the edges of the ends (sides located along the axis of the length of the box), pressing with our thumbs the upper edge of the resulting "pipe" of wrapping paper.
We should have two triangles - the corners that we bend to the center line of the box. This process is similar to one of the stages of making an airplane.

We bend the resulting corner and finally fix it with tape or glue on the end face of the gift.
The other side should be treated the same way.

Then it is necessary to make a bow from the tape, wrap it around the box and mark the joining point. Next, you need to cut off the excess tape and also fix it with tape. In addition, you can use ready-made purchased bows.

And you can also wrap a rectangular gift using the "envelope" packing method. To do this, take scissors, craft paper, and glue or tape to secure the package.
We put a sheet of paper and mark it diagonally with two lines, also mark the triangles, which we will later bend onto the box.
Place the box in the center, bend the opposite ends of the wrapper. It is necessary to take into account that the paper can be wider in width than the box, so when we bend the opposite triangles upwards, we will have paper sticking out on the sides. We delicately fold it inward or cut it off.
Bend the two remaining corners and fix. We tie it with a ribbon on top, and attach a bow.

Instead of craft paper, you can use any other wrapper.
Round and oval
A round or oval gift is heavier to wrap than a rectangular box. The necessary packing accessories will be about the same as when packing a rectangular gift. However, before you pack your gift yourself, you should familiarize yourself with some important nuances. For example, learn how to do this according to the instructions, and try to do the whole process with some ordinary paper that you do not mind spending. Here is an algorithm of actions.
- You need to measure the height of the box, and take a piece of wrapping paper 2-3 centimeters wider than this figure, and slightly longer than the perimeter of the box.
- Remove the lid, carefully wrap the box so that from below you can turn a centimeter to the bottom of the box. Tuck the remaining edges inside the box from above and also glue it over.
- At the bottom of the box, a flap of wrapping material of the appropriate shape is glued, but slightly smaller in size, by about half a centimeter.
- The lid is pasted over with a piece of paper of the same shape as the lid itself, but, on the contrary, of a larger size, the protruding edges are tucked in and fixed on the inner side of the sides.
- Finally, seal the box with a centimeter wide tape of wrapping material, glue it to the side of the lid and the side of the box. Thanks to this method, the gift will look complete.

The surprise is ready, and you can safely please the person to whom it is addressed.
Ways to package a gift without a box
Your gift will not always be in the box, so sometimes you need to get out of this situation by being able to pack it in other ways. For this you may need:
- packaging material - corrugated or plain gift paper with a glossy surface will do the most;
- scotch tape or glue if you intend to fix the package without scotch tape;
- packing tapes and bows.
You can pack a surprise in the form of candy in a very original and beautiful way:
- lay out the packaging material;
- put a gift in the middle of the wrapping material;
- we wrap it so that the wrapper takes on a cylindrical shape, leave the ends on both sides by 15 cm and twist it like a candy wrapper.
We fix it with glue or tapes.

You can try making a craft paper bag using scissors, a ruler, and double-sided tape.
- First, we measure and cut out a piece of craft paper that will fit in size for our gift. Bend one wide edge by a centimeter, stick double-sided tape on it.
- Then we glue our tape to the opposite edge of the paper to close this part of the future package.
- Create pronounced edges for the bag by gently folding the paper.
- After that, we proceed to the formation of the bottom, for which we fold our future package from the selected side.
- Bend the part to the middle, first the short and then the long sides, securing them with double-sided tape.
- We reinforce the bottom of the bag with an insert made of the same packaging material, which is clearly sized.
- We bend the top, pierce it with a hole punch and thread beautiful ribbons that will serve as handles. Ready!

You can make a rather unusual gift shape from a paper towel sleeve. Or by gluing its semblance of cardboard or thick paper. In such an impromptu box, you can put something small (for example, a case with a wedding ring, maybe the ring itself). We'll need gift paper, scissors, a cardboard tube or towel sleeve, duct tape and gift tape.
- If we took the towel sleeve, we need to cut it into two parts (across) and flatten it so that we get a spindle shape.
- On the sides of the tube, we fold the edges of the resulting "spindle" to the middle.
- On one side, fix the folds with tape. We put a gift.
- Cut out the wrapper from the gift paper. Decorate the top with a ribbon.

If the gift is small and flat, you can try making an envelope. Scissors, craft paper, scotch tape and a ruler will help us with this again:
- cut out a rhombus from a piece of craft paper;
- we place a gift in its center;
- bend the formed triangles along the edges;
- fix with glue or double-sided tape.

There is another unusual way to wrap a gift without a box.
- Let's take a thicker wrapping paper. Place the gift vertically in the center.
- Cover the gift with the left and right half of the paper, without pressing the fold.
- We fix the lower part of the resulting convolution, stepping back at the end one and a half to two centimeters from the end of the segment.
- Lay the bundle to one side, smooth out the side folds. As a result, you should have a top edge.
- We sew the top edge of our package with a stapler or fasten it in another way.
- Cut off excess paper and decorate with small details.

Sometimes expensive bottled drinks are presented as gifts.
For example, wine or good champagne. Although such a gift looks very presentable in itself, it still needs appropriate packaging.
It's easy to make it:
- we take a sheet of paper of a rather large size, wrap the main part of the bottle in it and fix it with tape;
- we take another sheet of paper, smaller, put it in the middle on the cork, wrap the neck tightly, fix it with thread or tape;
- the bottom of the bottle can also be closed with another piece of paper and fixed with tape;
- additionally, you can embellish the bottle with bows and other external decorative elements.

Color solutions
It is important to focus on the colors of our wrapper in order to determine the choice of harmonious color combinations. The main colors used in the wrapper are yellow, orange, pink, purple and red. Blue, white, green, gray, brown, black, as well as silver, steel and gold are perfectly combined with them.
- Yellow very cozy, it is the color of the sun and warmth. Ideal for decorating gifts for children. Has a slightly playful and very spontaneous emotional character. Perfectly complemented by purple, blue, brown or green decor.
- Orange color carries joy, happiness, but requires accuracy in dosage. Combines with blue, yellow, brown, green, purple and red, which opens up a lot of space for decorating boxes wrapped in this shade.
- Gifts packed in pink, are perfect for giving to girls and women, as they symbolize tenderness, lightness, romance. The pink tone goes well with different shades of purple and red. In addition, it can be perfectly set off with a white decor.
- Purple personifies mystery, therefore it is suitable for sudden gifts that you would not expect. It goes well with white, yellow, silver and pink shades.
- Red color most often personifies passion, fire, love, so you can wrap a gift for your soulmate in red. You can harmoniously combine red packaging with white, purple, silver and pink colors.
- Blue color preferably reserved for men, he is elegant and discreet. The dark blue shade looks great in tandem with blue, yellow, white, silver.
- White color good because it can be very freely combined with other bright colors, but its use as the main color is ambiguous. For the most part, it is rather cold, and this can ruin the result of the gift giving.
- Green color suitable for almost any situation, and the abundance of its shades allows you to maneuver between different packaging options depending on the situation. The green tone is associated with material well-being. The darker part of the green spectrum should be combined with gold, yellow, white and orange colors. And the lighter part of it is perfectly compatible with brown, yellow and gray tones.
- Grey colour gives restraint and nobility to the gift. It harmoniously combines and looks very elegant with pink, red or purple flowers.
- Brown and black colors although they are not the most common, they are still good for wrapping a gift, for example, for colleagues. Or for any "official" gift. In order to avoid "concentrated coffee" or "thick tar", it is worth diluting the packaging with silver, golden or other light decor.
- Gold, silver or other metallic shade it is very undesirable to use it alone, and it is more preferable to combine these colors with other cold tones.
They look especially stylish in the form of small details.

Design options
There are many factors to consider when deciding on design options. For example, what gender is the recipient of the gift, how old is he, how close your relationship is, and what is the reason. Taking into account all the variety of these data, the design of the same gift can vary significantly.
To begin with, it is important to decide what material we still use, and whether we can somehow combine the materials in this gift. When we have decided on the material (or materials), the question arises about the color: which color will delight the recipient more, and which one will be more stylish. Keep in mind that the color of the packaging does not always have to match the shade of the gift.

Is it worth decorating the surprise, in addition to the wrapper, with some accessories, decorative elements, or is it better to withstand the minimalism style - now we'll figure it out. But before that, it is necessary to clarify the general techniques.
For example, with a minimalistic version and a monotonous dull wrapper, you can drag a gift with a colorful ribbon. With a minimum of external decor, you can intercept the package with several straps or ribbons of different colors.

Now you can go to the particulars. Let's first discuss gifts for children. Children love colorful things of an original design, therefore, as a gift wrapping material, you can use, for example, craft paper, which can be painted with acrylic paint. You can make a complex and graceful drawing, or you can just choose some background color, and then dip the brush in a different color - and leave naughty splashes on our paper. And then you can switch to another shade and do the same. For example, make a blue background, and then splatter it with yellow and red drops. Or choose any other combination according to the rules for combining colors.
It is also very cool and unusual to use fabric bags instead of the usual wrapping of surprises for children, or to pack them like sweets according to the principle described above.

It's no secret that children love animals, so you can make an animal packaging. To do this, you need to perform several steps.
- We put the gift on craft paper.We put aside rectangles up and down the width of the gift, and the length of half of its length. Left and right rounded rectangles of the same size should be set aside.
- On each rectangle from the edges, you need to outline two protrusions - these are the ears of the animal, and this will also fix the wrapper. In the semicircular fragments, make slits into which the "ears" will enter.
- We decorate the resulting animal with a suitable decor in the form of beady eyes and antennae made of dark fishing line.
This algorithm is relevant if we are talking about square or rectangular packaging.

For a man, you can pack a gift in the form of a shirt in an unusual way. To do this, we need a white and, for example, a purple sheet of paper, a red ribbon, scotch tape. To make it:
- you need to cut off a sheet of paper 2 widths and lengths of the gift, setting aside a stock of 3 centimeters;
- turn the material over with the other side up;
- bend the sides so that the "shirt" is fastened in the middle;
- turn over the future "shirt", bend the top of the paper towards you;
- unfold the shirt back, make it a collar;
- turn the paper out;
- bend the final work in half, tucking behind the collar formed.

A non-trivial option is to drape the gift with fabrics, for this you need a scarf, plain or with a pattern. This Japanese technique is called furoshiki. It is good in its versatility, besides, the drapery will look advantageous on any form. The packing algorithm is something like this:
- lay a square-shaped scarf;
- place a gift on its back;
- we tie the tails located opposite, and hide the knots inside;
- we decorate the fabric at our discretion.

And a few more examples of what you can additionally decorate the box with.
- Tags... They definitely look stylish, and they can be filled with original text, making the gift even more original and individual. The tag can be made of cardboard by making a hole in it with a hole punch and tying it, for example, to a ribbon or twine.
- Newspaper. The newspaper can be used to create a retro-style effect.
- Butterflies, cut from cardboard, the pieces of which are of different sizes. The wings lend themselves well to folding and fixing with tape.
- Thread... You can decorate a gift with threads from small knots to complete winding of a gift in threads, leaving tags and instructions.
- Buttons. Buttons give a gift some perkiness and remind of childhood. To decorate a gift, one-color or colored buttons of different sizes are selected and put on glue. Do not focus the buttons on one side of the gift, as this will not look very harmonious.
- Pom poms hint at warmth, which is important in the cold season, so the decor with pom-poms is relevant, first of all, in winter. The perfect pom poms will come out of woolen thread.
- Pictures. Photos add personality to the gift.
- Shapes... You can use a variety of simple and complex geometric shapes as an applique.
- Flowers... Especially true for a gift for a girl. They can be used to decorate the box by picking up live buds or artificial plants.
In addition, you can add coniferous branches, as they will retain their original appearance longer.

See below for step-by-step instructions on how to properly package your gift.