Philips hair straighteners: features, models and operation

Hair styling is the key to a well-groomed woman. To look tidy, many curl or straighten their hair daily. For this purpose, few people visit a hairdresser - his services are expensive, and the result is short-lived. The way out in this situation is to purchase a hair straightener (ironing) for hot styling at home. Consider Philips professional devices designed for use at home or in hairdressing salons.

Brand info
Philips is one of the oldest in the world. It was founded back in 1891 by Gerard Philips. During the years of its existence, the Dutch company has repeatedly changed the field of activity. At the beginning of their journey, the company's specialists were engaged in the development of lighting devices, then there was the production of household appliances. Not so long ago, equipment for healthcare began to be produced under this trademark.
Philips transnational company has many subsidiaries located in the PRC, Germany, the Netherlands and the United States of America. All products of this brand have established themselves among consumers in many countries, thanks to its high quality performance and reliability.

Philips is one of the most successful companies today. It has approximately 80,000 employees. The products of this brand are in demand in more than 100 countries. The assortment is constantly updated with new devices and improved models of devices. Philips branded hair styling devices deserve special attention.
In their production, high-quality components are used, and the finished products undergo careful control. As a result, practical and durable devices reach the consumer.

Advantages and disadvantages
The straightener has 2 plates, between which the curl is clamped. When exposed to temperature, the cortex (core) of the hair is freed from excess moisture, due to which the strands are straightened, become perfectly smooth, shiny and even. If the plate is of poor quality, the curls will be quickly damaged, which will not have the best effect on their appearance - they will become dull and brittle.
Philips rectifiers use materials and coatings that cause minimal damage to hair. Thanks to this approach, the products of the Dutch brand are safe.

Other advantages of this brand of irons include:
- the ability to self-adjust the optimal operating temperature;
- the presence of additional sensors that prevent hair injury;
- ionization function (for some models);
- quick change of attachments for multistylers;
- rapid heating of the device (15-45 seconds are enough for this);
- auto-off option for safer operation of the rectifier;
- the presence of a hinge that prevents the cord from tangling.
Philips rectifiers come in a wide range - they have different plates, differ in size, technical characteristics and additional functions. A significant disadvantage of styling devices from the Dutch brand is their high cost.
However, reliable, durable and safe equipment cannot be cheap.

Types and models
Professional and household hair straighteners are classified according to the type of material and the type of heating element. The cheapest plates are metal uncoated. However, they are not safe. The fact is that such devices dry the hair a lot, as a result of which it becomes brittle, and their ends are split. Due to the harm to curls, Philips has not produced irons with plates without a protective coating for a long time.
In the manufacturer's catalog, you can find devices that have titanium, ceramic, ceramic-keratin and tourmaline "shells", as well as models with ionization function. Let's consider these devices in more detail.

Ceramic coated
Ceramic plates are one of the best heating elements in terms of hair safety. They have a number of significant advantages that determine the high demand for these products. Products with a ceramic coating are inexpensive, especially if the choice concerns household models without various additional options. The main advantages relate to the technical characteristics of the devices. For example, they quickly heat up over the entire area, their plates glide smoothly over the curls, preventing damage to them.
The disadvantages of ceramic heaters include their fragility - if the iron falls, there is a high risk of damage to the protective "shell". Also note among the shortcomings the need for regular cleaning of the surface of the straightener from the remnants of styling compounds. Otherwise, they can damage the hair structure.

Popular models of ceramic coated irons include the following:
- Philips StraightCare BHS677 - professional rectifier with ionization function, temperature sensor, floating plates with heating up to 230 degrees;

- Philips StraightCare BHS675 - iron with ionization option, temperature sensor, fast heating and automatic shutdown function;

- Philips Selfie Straightener HP8303 - a household rectifier with a maximum temperature of 210 degrees, characterized by lightness and compactness.
Popular models with ceramic plates also include the Philips StyleCare BHH811 multistyler and the Philips KeraShine HP8348 straightener.

With titanium
The titanium protective coating is one of the most effective and safest. It is less harmful to the health of the hair than others and at the same time guarantees a 100% result. A titanium-coated straightener for perfectly straight and smooth hair.Such plates heat up almost instantly (after 15 seconds, the device can be used), and the heat energy is evenly distributed over the entire working surface. Among the disadvantages of titanium irons, the fragility of the coating is distinguished (over time, with careless handling, it is erased) and the high cost of these devices.
Philips offers professional model with titanium plates Philips Pro HPS930. The device is equipped with floating heating elements, an ionization system, extended plates (110 mm), a long cord (2.5 meters). The iron heats up in 10 seconds, has the ability to digitally adjust the temperature.

With ceramic-keratin
Such devices have all the advantages and disadvantages of ceramic rectifiers. For example, their plates quickly heat up when the device is plugged in, and the heat is evenly distributed over the entire area of the working area. The devices do not dry out the hair, and the straightening procedure is gentle. Keratin spraying on the plates offers another advantage, which is to reduce the risk of injury to the hair shaft. Thanks to the heated keratin, the scales are sealed, which gives the hair extra shine and silkiness.
The most common Philips iron with ceramic keratin coating is StraightCare Essential BHS377. The device heats up in 30 seconds, its maximum temperature is 230 degrees, the minimum is 160. The rectifier supports 10 operating temperature modes, supports auto-off and auto-lock buttons to prevent accidental switching on.

With ionization
There is a separate category of Philips rectifiers that are equipped with an ionization system. These are powerful professional models. Ionization is an important additional function. The fact is that when heated, devices with this option emit negatively charged ions. They act on each hair shaft, helping to restore water balance in it. Negatively charged ions also eliminate the electrification of the strands. As a result, hair looks healthier, silky and manageable. The most popular models with ionization Philips KeraShine HP8348, EssentialCare HP8324, StraightCare BHS674.

How to choose?
Hair straighteners differ in their appearance, sizes, technical characteristics and various additional options. Sometimes it is difficult to single out one optimal model from a large assortment. There are several parameters that you need to pay attention to when choosing an iron.
- The size of the plates. Heating elements can be elongated, short, narrow and wide. Compact devices are perfect for styling bangs or short strands. Larger options are designed to work with thick hair from shoulder length and below.
- Heating time. Depending on the wattage, Philips rectifiers can take from 10 seconds to 1 minute to warm up. Powerful professional appliances intended for use in salons heat up the fastest. There is no point in purchasing expensive solutions for self-styling.
- Additional functions. These include the ionization option, the Moisture Protect system (automatic selection of the heating level of the plates), vibration of the heating elements, floating plates. The more functions a device provides, the more expensive it will be.
- The number of temperature modes.

Irons of the Dutch trade mark, depending on the model, weigh from 280 to 560 grams. It would seem a little. However, when laying, the muscles and hands of the hands are very tense.
To make the device convenient to use, before buying it you need to hold it in your hand and test it by performing actions that simulate hair straightening. You need to give preference to a comfortable ironing.

How to use it correctly?
Hair straighteners are designed for both straightening hair and curling curls.Most often, these devices are used to give the strands perfect smoothness and silkiness. Let's consider how to properly use these devices.
- First you need wash hair and dry thoroughly. It is strictly forbidden to straighten wet curls. The scales of wet hair are exposed, which makes them easily damaged by exposure to high temperatures.
- Next stage - division of hair into the occipital, parietal and 2 temporal parts... It is necessary to start straightening from the hair on the back of the head. The strands must be grabbed near the roots and pulled down.
- After you need remove the clips from the temporal and parietal part of the hair, straighten each strand by placing it in heating plates and pulling it from root to tip.
- After hot styling, apply to hair varnish or other fixing compound.
Regardless of the type of heating element, straighteners injure the hair. To reduce the risk of negative effects, experts recommend applying a special protective compound to the strands before starting hot styling, which protects them from exposure to high temperatures.

On Philips rectifiers, mainly consumers leave positive reviews. According to buyers, the devices are 100% coping with their task of hair straightening. After using the irons, the strands become smooth, shiny and silky. Judging by the reviews, the stylers are safe to use (especially with the auto-off function), they are ergonomic and easy to use. Women note the soft sliding of the plates through the hair, thanks to which they do not break out, the rapid heating of the irons.
Philips rectifiers also have some disadvantages. According to consumer reviews, the upgraded models are slightly heavy. The disadvantages also include high cost of professional devices, fast heating of the case in budget models and a peculiar smell from the plates, which slowly disappears.
In general, Philips branded irons meet the manufacturer's claims for quality, performance and reliability.

In the next video you will find an overview of the Philips Pro HPS930 / 00 Professional Hair Straightener.