Hair iron coatings: what are they, how to choose and clean?

The hairstyle and condition of women's hair is an external manifestation of the inner world and the character of their owner. In order to make the image stylish and unique, the fairer sex no longer needs to visit expensive beauty salons, and you can do a beautiful styling yourself. To simplify these manipulations, manufacturers have developed many different devices, the most popular of which is the iron.
An iron is an electrical device with which you can straighten your hair yourself. Before buying this device, you must not only study the model range and rating of manufacturers, but also be sure to pay attention to the characteristics and properties of various coatings.

Pros and cons of types of coatings
The type of coverage of the hair straightener is an important aspect that affects not only the life of the product, but also the effect of the iron on the hair structure. Long and painstaking work of manufacturers has led to the emergence of a wide range of sprays for hair straighteners. This list is constantly updated with new types of plates obtained as a result of joining several materials, which allows more careful hair styling.

Metallic coating - iron plates with a low level of safety, they were installed on the first models of irons. The disadvantage is uneven and strong heating, the inability to use more than twice a month, a negative effect on the hair structure. Advantages - low price range.

Ceramic coating - the most popular type of plates, found on both expensive and cheaper models.
Advantages - gentle effect on the hair, no changes in the hair structure, long period of operation, the ability to use more than 9 times a month, the presence of soft sliding.
Disadvantages - high price range.

Ionic ceramic coating - the safest option, it has a beneficial effect on the hair. This feature is due to the release of negative ions, which make the hair soft, shiny, and the moisture level remains within normal limits.
Dignity - no static electricity, the ability to use every day.
Flaw - use only in professional tools.

Teflon spraying is a special protective layer that prevents dust and particles of fixing compounds from sticking to the surface. Dignity - simplicity of care and operation, gentle effect on hair, easy sliding. Flaw - found only on expensive models.

Titanium is a special coating, the main advantage of which is the possibility of keratin hair straightening. Disadvantages - fragility and rapid wear, heating to high temperatures, use only in professional salons, possible burns, high price.

Marble covering - plates, with the most gentle effect on the hair. Advantages - neutralization of high temperatures, no mechanical damage to curls.

Features of mixed materials
The negative effects of high temperatures during hair straightening forced manufacturers to work on finding new types of spraying. Thanks to innovative technologies and modern equipment, irons have appeared on the home appliance market, the plates of which are made of the following mixed materials:
- glass ceramics;
- titanium ceramics;
- titanium tourmaline.
Products with plates of mixed material not only gently affect the hair structure, but also have an antibacterial effect. Despite the variety of materials used, these coatings have a number of common advantages and disadvantages.

- gentle effect on the hair structure;
- uniform temperature distribution;
- easy sliding;
- ease of use and maintenance;
- quick set of the required temperature;
- long period of operation;
- universal purpose.

- high price range;
- dehydration of curls with prolonged use;
- the complexity of the acquisition.
Particular attention should be paid to the galvanic type of coating, products from which have recently appeared on the household appliance market. Electroplating is a thin film of metal that is applied to the surface of the plate using the electroplating method. It is thanks to this layer that the coating becomes hard, wear-resistant and resistant to anti-corrosion processes, as well as its aesthetic and decorative characteristics increase. The main feature of these plates is the softest sliding possible, no mechanical damage to the curls and a polishing effect.

Which one to choose?
All purchased equipment must be correctly selected. In order to select the best ironing finish, the buyer should consider the following criteria:
- hair type;
- intensity of use;
- plate width;
- price range;
- country of manufacture;
- maximum heating mode;
- the presence of temperature control sensors.

One of the most important criteria when choosing a cover material for an iron is the type and condition of the hair. Owners of wavy curls, which can be straightened only when exposed to high temperatures, need to pay attention to professional multifunctional models.
For women with thin and thin hair, narrow irons with teflon and tourmaline dusting, as well as models with temperature controls, are ideal.
For owners of healthy hair of medium length and thickness, you can use devices with ceramic plates equipped with a temperature blocking function.

The purchased product must match the parameters of the hair. It is better to straighten thick and long strands with irons with a width of at least 20 mm, but for short curls and graduated haircuts with bangs, products with a width of no more than 15 mm are suitable.
Some buyers pay attention to the presence or absence of a gap between the plates. Due to the fact that the leveling method is based not on mechanical straightening, but on temperature straightening, it will be better for the condition of the hair if air is supplied to them during the styling process. The optimal gap width is 0.1 cm. The distance between the plates can be adjusted by pressing the handle of the product.
Owners of weak and brittle hair need to pay attention to the new development of manufacturers - iron with floating plates. This device can have different spraying, but all models are equipped with special springs and rubber bases that prevent curls and deformation. Advantages - fast temperature control and easy sliding.

When buying, one should not forget about the availability of an adequate price, which should correspond to the functional content of the product. The following additional features can significantly increase your purchase price:
- special straightening plate;
- corrugated plate with large and small teeth;
- spiral nozzle;
- curling iron for curling large and small curls;
- brush for styling.
Having a limited amount of finances, you need to pay attention to goods with a ceramic coating, tourmaline spraying will not only last more than one year, but with frequent use will not damage the hair structure, but it is better not to buy an iron with metal plates, due to the likelihood of harming your curls.

How can you clean it?
In order for the purchased product to last a long time, hairdressers recommend paying attention not only to the choice and operation of the iron, but also to the methods of cleaning the surface of the plates.
The first signal of the need for cleaning is the presence of a burning smell.
This procedure is most relevant for women of fashion who do daily styling using a large number of fixing agents.
Caring for the device consists of a set of simple manipulations that you can easily carry out yourself at home.
To clean the device, you must prepare the following inventory in advance:
- a small piece of terry cloth;
- medical ethyl alcohol;
- ear cotton swabs;
- warm water.

The procedure should consist of the following steps:
- heating the device to the minimum temperature;
- disconnecting the device from the electrical network;
- lightly wiping the surface of the plate with a wet terry cloth, without applying any effort;
- elimination of dirt in hard-to-reach places using cotton swabs;
- removal of the most old dirt with cotton swabs dipped in a mixture of alcohol and water.

If, after carrying out these manipulations, it was not possible to completely remove all the stains, then the following cleaning compositions can be used:
- a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide;
- Toothbrush;
- melamine sponge;
- hair straightening products.
In the case of complex types of pollution, experts recommend contact service centers, whose masters will help to solve the problem and preserve the integrity of the sputtering of the plates.
Many women of fashion use the device not only for straightening, but also for curling curls. Then the iron must be cleaned not only inside, but also outside.

In household appliances stores, you can purchase specialized surface cleaners that will help you quickly get rid of even the most difficult stains.
When buying ironing, shopping center consultants will definitely recommend purchasing cleaning compounds right away.
Ignoring the cleaning procedure can not only provoke the failure of the device, but also the appearance of the following problems:
- unaesthetic appearance;
- contamination of curls;
- uneven heating of the surface;
- getting poor-quality styling.

Cleaning the iron, like working with any electrical appliance, requires the utmost care and adherence to safety rules. Experts recommend observing the following recommendations:
- cleaning the device as far as possible from switched on electrical appliances and outlets;
- exclusion of contact with children;
- complete drying of the surface before using the device;
- use of water only in limited quantities.
To simplify the cleaning procedure, professional hairdressers recommend remove dirt after each use of the device. This trick will significantly increase the ironing work and speed up the cleaning process.

The pros and cons of hair straighteners with different coatings are discussed in the video below.