4th grade graduation script

Graduation in grade 4 is a farewell to primary school, the first teacher, and a transition to a fundamentally different learning format. Therefore, they celebrate it actively, solemnly, trying to include more bright and original moments in the script. After all, repeating on such a holiday means devaluing it a little. That is why they begin to prepare for graduation a few months before it.

It is necessary to consider all the options, outline their pros and cons, and then arrange a vote - so fair.
What options are there.
At the school itself... The format is close to the classics: the solemn part itself is in the assembly hall, and the festive part is in the classroom or the dining room. Requires a lot of decorating effort, but seriously saves parents money.

- In the cafe... The ceremonial part is at school, but the celebration with refreshments, dances, animators can take place in a cafe. It is advisable that it be a separate hall or at least some kind of zoned part, because it will be awkward when crossing with other companies.

- Game room... It is very convenient, because in such a space there are usually tables for refreshments, and many, many active zones for running and jumping. It is convenient when the dining room is located separately, that is, a place for food and a place for games is clearly separated.

Outdoors... This option is definitely worth considering, especially if the weather is good.After the solemn part, you can give children and parents the opportunity to go home, change into a comfortable / sporty one and go either to a camp site, or to a rope park, or to any other convenient place for outdoor games, a picnic and other attributes of a holiday in nature.

You need to find out - perhaps there is a program for graduates in the city; now the routes "Along the paths of our childhood" are in vogue. The children will be led through the city center (or their area), iconic places: for example, a school alley is planted here, here is a museum where we often go with the class, and here is a monument to our fellow countryman, and so on. Perhaps there is a tree somewhere where graduates can hang their ribbons for good luck (at the end of the route) or something like that. Then, after the solemn part, the children will have such an excursion, and then there may already be just a sweet table.
Sometimes it is not held, but at the end of the excursion, each child receives his own bag of treats. This is possible, because often after that, children and parents disperse in small companies, on friendly terms.

Props and decorations
Today, they rarely manage with just balls, and even such a design does not always look convincing in an amateur performance. It is often more profitable (and in terms of saving time and effort) to call decorators who will bring everything and decorate the stage. And their props are professional, and you will not need to organize everything on your own.
But if there is a desire, time, opportunity, the scenery is done on their own. For example, from growth flowers from corrugated paper, or with the help of bright backdrops, on which you can order large-format printing with any image you like. The props must be foreseen in advance: for example, if there is a scene about an incident in the classroom, you need to move a desk, a board on legs backstage.

What should be the ceremonial part?
The main thing is that it should not be prolonged. Everyone gets tired of this: children, parents, and organizers. The ceremonial part consists of performances by the teacher, administration and parents, as well as a concert. You always want to use each child to the maximum, but this is not easy to do. If it doesn't work out, you need more massive musical numbers.
Other requirements for the ceremonial part.
Give regulations to teachers... Just say in advance that they have no more than 3 minutes to perform. In addition to the class teacher, he can do a little more. But if a music teacher, physical education teacher, psychologist, deputy director for primary grades wants to say the word - the limit is 3 minutes. The same is for a parent who will speak on behalf of all moms and dads. Otherwise, the dynamics of the evening is lost, and it should be preserved.
Better to show than to say... When children act as entertainers, they say the words of the presenters beautifully from a piece of paper, but it always looks a little unnatural. And all this connection between the numbers is formal. But it takes a long time. What to do: do without the presenters, line up the numbers in a row - clearly in timing, with logical transitions. So there will be more time for each child.
Children should not be stressed and very serious.... If they are singing a funny song and standing at attention, this is an exhibition for no one. Let them move, let them smile at their parents, let them feel like the protagonists of the holiday, and not participants in the reporting official event.

A number from teachers is always appropriate for such a holiday. It is pleasant for all parties of the process. Put on a scene, sing a song, whatever. Those teachers who worked with children in elementary school can come together and devote a number to them.
Parents can make the same number. Today stand-up is popular: why not write a comic number for some artistic dad. Or mom. About how they suffered - doing their homework, how they slept through school with the whole family, how they spilled glue in a briefcase, how dad's legs could not fit under the desk at the parent's meeting, about handicrafts made from cones that are made at night.The main thing here is to start, and ideas will go one after another.

Contests and games
The unofficial part is filled with them. In most cases, an animator is ordered to conduct a game program today, but there are options. Just do not burden the teacher: he is a guest at this holiday, he is resting and enjoying. But active parents can conduct the program on their own.
If the school employs a hardworking pedagogue, you can negotiate with him. Since the unofficial part is purely the initiative of the parents, the organizing teacher is not obliged to participate in this. But in many schools today there are paid services, and a program from a pedagogue can be cheaper than calling an animator, and often even more original.

What can be included in the entertainment program.
Several outdoor games... Necessarily with attributes and without, to music and not only. Almost all of them should be comic so that the children laugh more than compete. If the program is designed for 1.5-2 hours (standard), there can be 5-6 such contests. More is too much, children get tired too.
Musical minutes... Something like "repeat after me." It is imperative to dance, and certainly - to invite parents to the dance.
Quizzes and other intellectual challenges... Of course, you should not devote a lot of time to them, because children will become sad - their physical activity will not allow them to turn on. But a couple of competitions for erudition and ingenuity must be held. Between two mobile ones - one intellectual.
Ritual, ceremony... Something like initiation can be done, children like that. They do it at the end of the evening, when everyone is already tired, they are tired of making noise, it's time for sentimentality and beautiful traditions. What it can be: a decorative tree is brought out, there are as many branches on it as there are children in the class. Each branch has a bag filled with light and fives. Fives are marks (can be chocolate, caramel, in the form of cookies), and light is an electric candle or a luminous garland. And everyone who rips a magic bag from his twig is now considered not a toddler from elementary school, but a fifth grader.
Well, of course, you can organize a quest for children, which makes the holiday dynamic and includes full excitement.

Quest options
Usually the quest for such a holiday is thematic: in one way or another it is connected with the school.
Quest ideas.
In search of a golden source of knowledge... To get to the island, where there is a rare source of knowledge (if you take a sip of it, you will be an excellent student), you need to make a trip to small islands. They will be related to lessons. For example, on the island of Bukovka, the letters in the words are confused, they need to be placed correctly. And on the island of Numerical Magic, tasks for ingenuity remained unsolved. On the island of Nature loving, it will be necessary to distribute the animals with their climatic zones. So it will be possible to get to the main island. Well, the source of knowledge can be a huge "canister" of juice or something else.

Excellent student's code... Whoever understands it, the fifth grade does not care. The cipher is a short sentence that can be unraveled only after passing 5 stations. At each station there is a hint for a word from a sentence. But it will be given to the participants only after they complete the tasks. Well, the tasks themselves should be modern, original. For example, shoot a quick Tik-Tok style video with the parents. Or come up with rhymes for the names of school subjects. And now, when everything is done, the children receive a cipher-hint. For example, for the first word, it will become clear which letters to swap in it so that the word becomes clear. For the second, the numbers correspond to the order of the letters in the alphabet. For the third, something else. As a result, the code will be unraveled, and if the class pronounces it in unison in unison, they will succeed.

- Alumni gold... Interesting stages of the quest are tasks in the solution of which you need to be smart. For example, divide items mixed into one basket into three different ones (principle - citrus fruits, sweets, vegetables).Or guess which fairy-tale character belongs to the crown phrases (only modern characters need to be taken: Harry Potter, SpongeBob and others). After going through each such stage, children are getting closer and closer to finding gold. As a result, they have to find a chest filled with chocolates in foil-coated multi-colored wrappers - imitation of gold and precious stones. It is better to put them right away in portioned sachets. And at the bottom there may be a scroll with an oath message, which will become a phrase of good luck for graduates.
But you need to remember that the quest is only part of the scenario, and it is better not to drag it out.

Overview of examples
And now about how the script plan for the 4th grade graduation "Goodbye Primary School" might look like.
The basis of the script.
Official part... Concert with speeches, parting words from teachers and parents. It takes place in the assembly hall of the school, duration - 20 minutes.
Game, entertainment part... It starts with an unusual dance, the movements of which are taught on the go by both children and parents. The dance will lead the audience, which is what is needed for the further program. It should be fun, simple, viral. Up to 5 minutes.
Drawing funny scenes... Until the parents are tired, they need to be involved. These will be sketches the other way around: parents play children, children - teachers or moms and dads. They are given words. Preparation takes 5 minutes. The words of the author must be sure to make the scene dynamic. Up to 15 minutes.
Quest... It's about time for him at this stage. Small, made for one class, with a beautiful climax - that's what it should be. It should take 30 minutes maximum.
You can go to a sweet tableif such is supposed. Music may sound in the background. For a sweet respite, 15-20 minutes is enough for children.
Moving contests and games... Another 30 minutes. It is necessary to alternate mass ones with those where fewer children are involved.
Sweet table again... It takes so long for the kids to run, jump and dance before the finals.
The final... You can make a farewell ritual - with beautiful music, touching words, keepsakes. And you can also do this trick. Having torn out an unnecessary page of the diary in advance (having agreed with the parents), make an airplane out of it. And to launch these airplanes somewhere (so that it is both symbolic and environmentally friendly). If the prom is on a low floor, you can directly from the window (but it's better to quietly assemble it later). Sometimes they do not make airplanes, but boats, and let them go through the water, which is closer to the school. Under the careful attention of adults, of course.
Beautiful ideas, a perfect holiday and a pleasant aftertaste from it!