Contests and games for graduation in grade 4

Graduation in primary school is a significant event for both schoolchildren and their parents. It is for this reason that the children's competition program for such an event should be funny and interesting, so that it would be pleasant to remember this holiday later. In this article, we'll present interactive, creative, and active entertainment ideas that would suit your elementary school prom.

Entertainment at the table
The games at the table at the graduation in grade 4 for children and their parents should be funny, modern and short-lived, that is, in about 15 minutes. Otherwise, interest in them will quickly be lost.

As a rule, such short games are used in order to set the desired atmosphere for the holiday, making it more fun and relaxed, as well as so that children can relax after active entertainment.

At the same time, preference should be given to gaming entertainment, in which every child can take part, so that none of the graduates would be offended.
The simplest and most understandable version of the game for the competitive program is a word game. You can name colors or something related to a specific theme, for example, the seasons. You can play in this way for a very long time, and the winner in the end will be the one who is the last to call the word.

Another option is to create funny riddles about school and graduation, which would be interesting for children to guess. To play at the table, about 5-7 riddles maximum will be enough. Otherwise, the game can quickly get bored even by adults.

And you can play at the table and the well-known game "Crocodile". Its essence is to explain certain words, phenomena or actions with drawings, facial expressions or by means of synonyms. Please note that it is best for this game to prepare words that are related to school and graduation topics.

Children will also be interested in such table entertainment as writing a letter to the future. As a rule, it is compiled by the whole team and, as a result, turns out to be humorous. Children should not initially know the content of the letter itself. Each of them is required to name one word - an adjective, verb, or noun, depending on the context. To do this, we recommend composing a letter so that all students can give an answer. Their words are inserted into the corresponding gaps, after which the letter is read out.

Moreover, it is not possible to read it right away. Some even wrap it in an envelope and leave it until the next prom.
Creative contests
Creative games are popular with many elementary school graduates, and therefore they should definitely be included in the competitive program.

One of these contests is called "The Best Artist". Its essence lies in the fact that the child who volunteered to participate independently depicted his favorite cartoon character on a piece of paper, while the time for this task should be limited. Instead of a character, by the way, you can offer to draw a portrait of someone specific from the class. Of course, only the artist himself and the presenter should know who is depicted in the picture. When the drawing process is completed, the rest of the children must guess which of the characters or classmates was depicted. As a result, the participant himself can be awarded with a small gift in the form of colored pencils or paints.

There is another option for the competition, in which both parents and children can take part. Its essence is to divide into two or, if there are many people, into three teams, and then remake the well-known fairy tale, for example, the same "Ryaba Chicken" or "Kolobok" in its own way. To do this, you can put on the table certain things that are absent in the selected fairy tale according to the plot, and offer to use them in a new story. This task should take no more than 10 minutes. As a result, an interesting, original and funny story should turn out, which the children will certainly discuss until the very end of the holiday.

In the entertainment part of the graduation program, you can include and such a creative competition as drawing on the back... For this quest, you will need an ordinary thick sheet of paper, felt-tip pens and scotch tape, which would be best used as a masking paper tape: it will not leave marks on the player's clothes, and it is to it that drawing paper will be attached. Having selected two participants and attaching a piece of paper to the back of one of them, the presenter should whisper to the drawer the specific word that the player will have to draw.

In this case, it is best to choose the easiest words so that the child does not have any difficulties: for example, "globe", "sun" or "bus". As a result, the person on whose back they are drawing will have to understand what is depicted on the sheet. In essence, such a game is a lot like a damaged phone, children usually find it fun and funny. You can participate in this competition, having previously divided into teams, but in this case, guessing the object depicted in the figure will have to be done at speed.

Review of mobile contests
Consider several options for contests where children can move around.

There are many options for student team competitions. Some of them, mostly sports ones, are more suitable for spending a holiday in nature, while others can be arranged indoors.

So, one of these contests is called "Fishing". The essence of the game is simple: players are divided into teams, they are given a fishing rod.Their task is to catch toys, to which special loops must be attached in advance, without going beyond a certain border. In order for everything to be fair and everyone to participate, it is better to transfer the fishing rod between the players. As a result, the team that catches the most toys wins.

Such a competition can be held both indoors and outdoors.
But the game "Rip off the hat" is better suited for outdoor activities. To play, you will need to draw a circle, and also select two players or split into teams. The left hand of each participant should be tied to the body, and a hat should be put on their heads. The essence of the game is simple: you need to take off your opponent's hat, not allowing you to rip your own. For removing the cap, the team is awarded a point. The winners are those who have the most points at the end of the game.

Children also really like dancing games, because such entertainments, as a rule, are very mobile and funny. However, simply dancing to the music can be postponed until the end of the evening, and for the main part of it it is better to give preference to dance competitions.

So, one of these contests is called “Different Generations”. As the name implies, not only children will participate in this game, but also parents together with the teacher. The essence of the competition is simple: players are divided into teams. One of them should be students of the school, and the second - adults. The task of the children is to show the dances of the older generation to old popular songs. Adults, on the other hand, should demonstrate the dances of today's youth to contemporary music. The result is a very funny dance battle.

There is also another option for the music competition - "Dancing on the Newspaper". To do this, you need to choose from the teams pairs, consisting of a girl and a boy. Then a specific melody is turned on, and the players themselves must dance together on an unfolded piece of newspaper. Over time, the game becomes more complex: the host folds the newspaper in half, four times, and so on. Those pairs that go beyond it are eliminated, and the last remaining wins.

The competition called "Dancing Geography" will also be very interesting for schoolchildren. The essence of such a quest has passed: the players are divided into teams, and the presenter includes melodies of a particular ethnic group, for example, a polka, lambada, lezginka or a gypsy girl. The task of the participants is to dance, while conveying the dance characteristics. The team that received the most applause wins.