Wooden bathtubs: features, varieties, choice, care

The bathroom is one of the most important areas in every apartment. The emotional state of a person depends on its aesthetic design and the quality of plumbing. In order to relieve stress after a working day, you do not have to visit expensive salons, you can simply take a relaxing bath with your favorite aromatic oils. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of bathtubs that differ in size, material of manufacture and price range.
Recently, bathtubs made of inexpensive materials such as acrylic, steel and cast iron have been in great demand, but wood products are used only in the design of elite premium premises. Nevertheless experts recommend paying attention to wooden bathtubs, which have unique properties and characteristics.

A wooden bathtub is a sanitary ware that has high environmental performance and a spectacular appearance. Wooden bathtubs have been popular for hundreds of years.
Modern equipment and innovative technologies have allowed manufacturers to significantly reduce the cost of this product by using cheaper materials, the most popular of which are acrylic, steel, cast iron and plastic. New products have replaced the wooden product from everyday use, but they have not been able to replace the emotional pleasure of contact with natural wood.

In modern everyday life, wooden bathtubs are practically not used, but they remain in demand in the implementation of expensive design projects.Depending on the model and shape, the designs of wooden bathtubs differ in size, weight, wall thickness and type of wood. The standard bathtub length is 180 cm, width is 80 cm, but these parameters can be changed depending on the model and type of construction. Product weight ranges from 60 to 300 kg. If the structure weighs less than 60 kg, then the purchase of this product must be abandoned.

- environmental Safety;
- the presence of a pleasant texture;
- high aesthetic performance;
- long period of operation;
- the presence of healing properties;
- pleasant aroma.

- high price range;
- drying out of the structure;
- the difficulty of leaving;
- the need for regular application of a protective layer.

The quality and durability of wooden products directly depends on the type of wood that was used in the manufacture. Professional craftsmen recommend paying attention to the fact that not all wood can be used in the manufacture of bathtubs. List of the most common tree species:
- larch;

- wenge;

- cedar;

- mahogany;

- oak.

In specialized plumbing stores, you can see a wide range of products for water procedures. The most popular types of baths.
- Barrels - classic products that not only look like barrels, but are also made according to the same principle. The shape of these products can be oval, round, and also in the form of a trough. The size and shape of the product completely depends on the style of the room and the personal wishes of the owners.

- Rectangular - products that look like a box. Most of these products have a standard shape. Advantages - ease of manufacture, reliability.

- Hollowed out - a product that is made from solid wood and not from individual pieces of wood. Advantages - the ability to reproduce any geometric shape, the presence of the maximum level of tightness, high aesthetic performance. The disadvantage is the high price range, the complexity of the search for raw materials and the manufacture of the product.

- Ships - the most popular products, which have not only the shape of a ship, but also a technological resemblance to it. The advantage is a beautiful appearance. The disadvantage is the high price.

- Ofuro - Japanese font, which has the common features of a barrel and a rectangular box. Particular attention should be paid to the size of the product: length - 140 cm, width - 100 cm, depth - 80 cm. Inside the bowl there is a special ledge that allows you to take the most comfortable body position during water procedures.

Manufacturing technology
A wooden bathtub is not only a sanitary ware, but also a whole work of art, the production of which requires knowledge, special equipment and high-quality raw materials. For the production of a wooden structure, you must have the following set of tools:
- milling machine;
- roulette;
- marker;
- electric jigsaw;
- a set of tools for grinding;
- drill and drill set;
- hammer;
- adhesives and hermetic compounds;
- a set of special brushes.

In order to make a bathtub consisting of several wooden elements, the following technology must be observed:
- drawing up design drawings;
- selection of raw materials;
- sawing wood according to the dimensions indicated in the drawings;
- mechanical removal of all irregularities and burrs;
- grinding of all structural details using a special machine;
- processing of parts with a primer and special protective equipment;
- assembly of the structure.

Joining parts is a responsible and complex process that consists of several stages. The assembly of the bathtub begins with connecting all the bottom parts to each other using wooden chops, which are installed in pre-prepared holes impregnated with glue. All joints must be pre-treated with sealants.To give the structure maximum reliability, it is necessary to nail the beams perpendicularly to the assembled bottom, the distance between which should not be less than 10 cm. The final stage of making the bottom is drilling a hole for water drainage and fixing special legs.

A prerequisite is the correspondence of the height of the legs and the size of the siphon.
This technology of work performance is at the heart of the collection of bumpers. The only difference is the manufacture of the connecting ends at an angle of 45 degrees. This indicator will allow the most reliable connection of all parts and give the product absolute tightness. Experts pay attention to the need to make a hole on one of the sides for the siphon. After the completion of work on the manufacture of the bottom and sides, it is necessary to proceed to the final collection of the entire structure.
All seams of the product must be re-sealed, and the excess removed with a soft sponge or cloth.... After the product is completely dry, sand the inner and outer surfaces of the bath again.

The final stage is the coating of the outer surface of the structure with special acrylic varnishes. This procedure must be repeated several times. Reapplication of varnish is permissible only after the previous layer has completely dried.

Selection rules
In order for the product to retain its beautiful appearance and structural integrity throughout the entire period of operation, experts recommend paying special attention to its choice. The main factor that you need to pay attention to is the material of manufacture and design features. Wooden bathtubs can consist of the following elements:
- solid tree trunk;
- large fragments;
- bars;
- planks;
- veneer.

The lowest price is for veneer structures, and the highest price range is for products made from a solid trunk.
To reduce the cost of a wooden bathtub, some manufacturers do not use natural wood, but only reproduce its structure. To detect a counterfeit, it is imperative to look through the entire product catalog. In the event that the same model is made from different woods, but has the same price, you are dealing with an imitation of a wooden bathtub, the decision on the purchase of which must be made by each customer independently.

Properties and parameters of low-quality goods:
- uniform pattern that repeats on the entire surface of the product;
- light weight;
- low price range;
- wide range of colors.

The use of additional elements from a different material can significantly increase the cost of the structure. Some manufacturers combine wood with a variety of metals, polymers and glass. To give the design the maximum level of reliability, some models are sold together with massive metal frames, which will also increase the total cost of the product.

No matter how much you want to save money on purchasing a wooden bathtub, every buyer should understand that a quality product cannot have a low price.
Care features
For the longest possible preservation of the integrity of the product and its high aesthetic indicators, experts recommend that you carefully approach not only the choice of a bathtub made of wood, but also strictly follow the rules of operation and maintenance of it. The basic principles of caring for a wooden bathroom:
- cleaning the product is allowed only with special means for wood;
- complete removal of moisture after water procedures, followed by wiping the surface with a soft dry cloth.

It is strictly forbidden to clean wood with hard metal brushes or use abrasive cleaning compounds. To prevent mechanical damage, experts do not recommend bathing pets in a wooden container, which with sharp claws can ruin the surface of the bathtub.If the operation of the wooden structure is not planned for a long time, then experts recommend pouring a small amount of water into the bathroom, which will protect the product from drying out.

A wooden bathtub is not just a bathing container, but a real miraculous font that can improve both physical and emotional well-being. A high level of employment and constant stressful conditions have a negative impact on the health of a modern person. Therefore, when choosing plumbing, experts recommend paying attention to wooden bathtubs, despite their high price range and the complexity of maintenance.

Compliance with simple operating rules will allow you to operate a wooden font for a long period of time without any problems and technical difficulties.
For an illustrative process of manufacturing a wooden bathtub, see the following video.