Round baths in the interior

Over the past few years, round baths have become very popular and have become a symbol of good relaxation. Each owner of such a product can confidently say that such a bath will be a great way to relax at the end of the working day. If you like comfort coupled with a non-standard design, then you will not regret buying, and the bathroom will become your favorite place in the apartment.
In the modern market, you can find a huge amount of plumbing that will appeal to even the most fastidious owners.
Advantages and disadvantages
Many people perceive the bathtub as a container intended for performing hygiene procedures. However, even ordinary bathing can be turned into relaxation, which can easily replace a visit to the spa-salon. You don't have to pay for such a procedure, and all you need to enjoy is the purchase of scented foam or bathing salt. If you wish, you can add romance: turn on your favorite music, light candles.

This bathroom has many positive qualities.
- First of all, convenience is noted.... Such baths are quite spacious and will be an excellent solution for lovers of joint water procedures. Not only adults, but also children will be happy with such a purchase, because this bath can become a full-fledged children's pool, in which kids can swim all year round.
- Such a product can boast of its appearance. There are many models on the market with a wide variety of designs, and the owners can choose a bath based on the interior of the room.
- The aesthetic component also plays a significant role.... If you want to renovate the room, but do not want to make repairs, you can simply buy a round bathtub, which will add luxury to the room.
- Round baths are premium products. Such models have high technical characteristics. And if the manufacturer does not provide for some components, then users are given the opportunity to purchase and install everything they need themselves, the design allows this. Almost all manufacturers of round bathtubs produce their products taking into account the structure of the human body, which allows you to get the maximum pleasure from taking water procedures.

Despite all the positive qualities, such products also have negative sides.
- First of all, the dimensions of the container are noted, such a product cannot be placed in every apartment due to the diameter of the bowl. If you have a small house, then by installing such a bath, you will lose a lot of free space in the room.
- If there are small children in the family who love to splash in the home pool, then they should not be left unattended, since almost all round baths are impressively deep.
- Another significant drawback of this solution is its inefficiency. Even models with a tapered bottom can hold a lot of water.
- For one full shower, a person consumes 50-100 liters of water, and to fill large round baths it may take up to 600-700 liters. Based on this, it can be understood that such products are elite plumbing fixtures, the use of which entails unnecessary costs.

Manufacturing materials
On the modern market there are rounded bathtubs made of a variety of materials, thanks to which such a purchase will fit into absolutely any room design. If the room is made in high-tech style, then the owners will most likely like the products. made of stainless steel or glass. For connoisseurs of the classic interior, models made of natural wood. All materials from which round baths are made will be described below.

If the budget is not limited, then you can purchase a natural stone bath. Similar products are made made of marble chips and are distinguished by large dimensions, weight and high cost. Such models require special care, but they can serve for a very long time.

If you do not want to overpay for natural stone, you can purchase product made of artificial material.
Products made of cast marble are several times cheaper, and in appearance they are in no way inferior to their closest competitor.

Steel and cast iron
Many people mistakenly believe that cast iron baths went out of production back in the days of the USSR, however, products from this material are still produced today, although not in such large quantities. Due to chemical properties cast iron better than any other metal can maintain the temperature of the water, thereby increasing the bath time. On the inside, the cast-iron bath is covered with a layer of enamel, which perfectly withstands even sudden temperature changes.
Products manufactured during the Soviet era have always been distinguished by their heavy weight, but modern imported models are much lighter than domestic ones.

Steel solutions are lightweight and cannot be compared with cast iron competitors. The thicker the layer of steel from which the bathtub is made, the more expensive and more reliable it will be. However, this material also has a negative side: steel does not retain heat well. Every year such products become less and less popular.

Wood and glass
Glass and natural wood bathtubs are most often purchased by lovers of exoticism. Glass models look quite unusual, but modern and almost always delight guests. Many manufacturers produce such solutions to order, and future owners can choose the right components and the right color. However, before going to the store, you should take into account that such products are very expensive, since they are made of heavy-duty tempered glass.

Most often used during production larch, oak or walnut. The fact is that such tree species have a pleasant aroma that persists even if it is processed several times. Many owners are afraid that constant contact with water will negatively affect the condition of the wooden bathtub, but this opinion is erroneous, since oak does not undergo deformation even when it is constantly in water, but, on the contrary, is afraid of its absence.
If you are the owner of a wooden bathtub and you have to leave home for a long time, then the manufacturers recommend filling it with water before leaving.

Acrylic and kvaril
The vast majority of round baths on the market are made of acrylic. The popularity is explained by the low cost, the lack of the need for special care, the ability to keep warm and the lightness of the material. With a partner, such a bath can be lifted to any floor, even without any tools.
If the bathroom itself is also round, then such products will look especially beautiful.

Kvaril is a combination of acrylic and quartz. Such baths are distinguished by a long service life, shine and retain heat well. In addition, kvaril has soundproofing properties, so that the neighbors below will not hear the sounds of water.

Shape and dimensions
All round baths are subdivided into 3 types according to their shape:
- products with semicircular outer walls;
- models in the form of a cup, when the diameter of the bottom is much smaller than the diameter of the top;
- bath in the form of a cylinder, when the diameter of the bottom is equal to the diameter of the top.

For daily use, experts recommend buying cup-shaped models, because this solution allows you to consume the least amount of water. If you live in an apartment building and you have a water meter installed, then such a bath will save a considerable part of the budget.

When talking about the size of round baths, three quantities are usually mentioned: top diameter, height and depth.

The smallest round bathtubs are considered models 120x120 cm.In the modern market, products with a diameter of 150 cm are especially popular.If the diameter of the container is 180 cm, then a person can easily fit inside in a supine position, and if desired, two people can simultaneously take water procedures. Models 180x180 are not recommended for installation in apartment buildings, as they are full mini-pools.

The depth is considered to be the distance from the center of the upper circle to the bottom of the bowl. All products on the modern market have a depth of 40 to 70 centimeters, but if desired, the owners can always order an exclusive version.
Many people don't see the difference between height and depth. The height of the bath is the distance from the top of the side to the floor... Most often, it ranges from 45 to 85 cm.
A small round bathtub can hold from 350 liters of water, and a large one - up to 750 liters.

Additional accessories
If the owners are not satisfied with the basic equipment of the bath, they can always buy additional elements. To make bathing even more comfortable, you can purchase a rubber anti-slip mat, a water heater, neon lighting, a hydromassage system, elbow pads, and fragrances. If the budget allows, then experts recommend spend extra money on a water disinfection system.

The video below provides advice on how to care for your bathroom.