Rectangular acrylic bathtubs: types, sizes and features of choice

A rectangular acrylic bathtub is the best option for most typical bathrooms. However, such models should not be considered boring and of the same type, since in a modern version they can differ in shape and size, have additional functions.

Advantages and disadvantages
Rectangular bathtubs are a classic. They are suitable for most bathrooms, are ergonomically located along one of the walls of the room, are convenient to use (in such a bowl, a person occupies a sitting, recumbent or reclining position, depending on the size of the product).

Acrylic rectangular bowls retain these benefits, but the benefits are increased. This is due to the characteristics of acrylic. It is a lightweight and eco-friendly composite material. Due to the low weight of acrylic, there are no difficulties with its transportation and installation.
Acrylic is resistant to damage and mechanical shock, has a fairly long service life (on average - 25-30 years).

There are no pores on the surface of the material, so dirt is not absorbed into the thickness of the acrylic, but remains on the surface and is easily removed. However, it should be remembered that acrylic bathtubs cannot be rubbed with abrasive and aggressive agents, this deteriorates the material.
Acrylic has low thermal conductivity, and therefore the water in such a bowl cools down longer. On average, 1C within an hour.

The walls of the bathtub are good at absorbing sounds, so it doesn’t make a lot of noise when drawing water. The material does not rattle or deform (of course, provided that the walls are of sufficient thickness). Over time, it is possible to reapply the acrylic layer in order to renew the bath.
Finally, acrylic is a fairly plastic and easy-to-manufacture material, and therefore even rectangular products may have some differences in shape, protrusions and armrests, transparent inserts. This provides a stylish design and increased bath comfort.

Species overview
Acrylic bathtubs can vary in size and material.
The highest quality bowls are those made by the injection molding method. Extruded analogs are significantly inferior to them, since the acrylic obtained in this way has less weak molecular bonds. This becomes the reason that the extruded acrylic baths are less impact-resistant and have a shorter service life (15-20 years).

However, they are still more reliable than analogs made in a combined way. This is the name of a bathtub made of reinforced moisture-resistant plastic coated (from the inside of the bowl) with acrylic. Such products are subject to deformation and vibrations, quickly give off heat and have a short service life (10-15 years). They are labeled as PMMA + ABS.
Finally, today on sale you can find baths from quaril. This is a type of acrylic, a feature of which is available in the composition of quartz sand. This makes quaril baths even more durable and strong.

Acrylic, as already mentioned, is a plastic material, so finished products may differ in minor changes in shape - be more rounded, for example, have protrusions and headrests. Also, dyes can be added to acrylic, which determines the availability of models of different shades on the market.

Although the most popular are classic white bathtubs.
Some products have additional functions. Among the frequently encountered - hydro and air massage (tubes are installed on the walls of the bath in different areas, from which water or air comes out under pressure, which ensures the effect of massage), water purification, lighting.

Dimensions (edit)
Despite the variety of overall options for rectangular containers, they can all be classified into one of three groups.
The length of the bath is 120-150 cm. As a rule, such products are installed in very small bathrooms; an adult can only take a bath while sitting. The standard dimensions of a small-sized bowl are 120x70, 120x75, 120x80 cm. Baths with a length of 130, 135, 140 cm are produced in a similar way.The width, as a rule, remains unchanged - 70.75 and 80 cm. Baths of 140x90 cm are quite rare for the reason that they are inconvenient for small bathrooms.

Bathtub lengths 150-170 cm (sometimes up to 175 cm) are the most common options that are suitable for most typical apartments.
It is much more convenient to take water procedures in such a font - usually a person takes a reclining position, his chest rises slightly above the water.

Most standard bathtubs are 80-90 cm wide, that is, the size of the bowl is 170x80, 170x90, 150x80, 160x80 cm.
Fonts with a smaller width will be less convenient - these are 150x70, 160x70, 160x75, 165x70, 155x70, 165x75, 170x70, 175x75 cm.

For large people, if the size of the bathroom allows, wider standard fonts are preferable - 170x100 cm, for example.
These bathtubs have a length of 180 cm. They are characterized by increased comfort, because in them a person, even with a low height of the bowl walls, can take the most horizontal position and relax. Bowls 180x80, 180x90, 190x80, 190x90 cm are considered to be typical sizes of large-sized bathtubs.

Sometimes the so-called "huge" bowls are distinguished, ranging in size from 200 cm. It is desirable that their width is at least 90-100 cm, since 200x80 cm fonts are usually inconvenient to use due to their disproportion (as some users have noticed, they resemble a labyrinth).

The highest quality and durable acrylic bathtubs are produced by Italian and German brands. But in most cases, it is these products that turn out to be the most expensive.
- Italian products Roca has about 100 models of rectangular baths.The manufacturer gives a 10-year warranty. But the cost of the products is also quite high.

- Bowls from a Dutch manufacturer have a slightly lower price (but still these are expensive products) Riho... Their peculiarity is that the minimum wall thickness of products is 6-8 mm, that is, they are reliable and durable fonts. In addition, the brand's products offer a wide range of design options, and there are collections with colored acrylic bowls.

- Another well-known brand that is not inferior to those mentioned above is Ravak (Czech Republic). They are characterized by high quality, durability, and a large size range of products. But what many buyers consider a serious disadvantage is the need to pay separately for some components.

- If you are looking for a stylish bathtub with many additional functions, you should take a closer look at the products of the Italian company Pool SPA.
True, in domestic stores it is very difficult to find an original product, there are many fakes.

- Affordability demonstrating bathtubs Cersanit (joint production of Russia, Romania, Poland). The size and design options are quite varied, but the bowls have a serious drawback - thin walls.

- If we talk about domestic producers, then the company deserves attention. Aquanet. The models have comfortable headrests, handles and look quite stylish. There are products in a higher price range and more affordable. However, the price reduction is due to a decrease in the wall thickness, and hence the quality of the product.

How to choose?
When choosing a rectangular bath, you should be guided by the dimensions of the bathroom. As a rule, in typical apartments such a bathtub fits only on one, longer side of the room. Hence, the size of the bowl cannot exceed this length.

In some cases, for reasons of ergonomics, even smaller bathtubs are chosen in order to place a washing machine or sink on one side with it.
When choosing the dimensions of the bowl, you should still take into account the complete set of people living in the house. For an adult of average height, a bathtub of at least 160-170 cm will be comfortable. In such a person he can recline. However, do not forget - the larger the bathtub, the larger its capacity. Consequently, when relaxing in such a font, utility bills may increase due to increased water consumption.

Height is another parameter to be guided by when buying. The height of the walls for a comfortable lying or reclining position should be 47-50 cm.However, if the product will be used by the elderly, it is safer to choose a bowl with a wall height of 42-45 cm.

Pay attention to the angle of inclination of the walls. If it is too strong, it "eats up" the usable area of the bowl and leads to excessive consumption of water.
The next parameter is the quality of acrylic. As already mentioned, cast acrylic will be more durable and of higher quality. The wall thickness should be 6-8 cm, and the number of reinforcing layers should be 3-5. You can count the number of the latter if you look at the edge of the tub. The slice will show the layers.

Shine a flashlight through the walls. If the beam is visible from the back of the bowl, this indicates a small wall thickness. The purchase should be canceled.
The surface must be uniform, everywhere have the same color and shine. The presence of blotches, gray and yellow spots, roughness is evidence of marriage. The bath should not have a pronounced chemical odor.

Before buying, it is important to study the documents confirming the originality of the product. Most famous brand fonts are counterfeited. If a European manufacturer has production bases at home and in Russia, it is better to buy the products of the former. This is due to the fact that products manufactured at Russian facilities are more often defective in production.
Care Tips
After each use, it is recommended to wash the bathtub using a gel product (it is better to select a special composition for acrylic) or special napkins.Special polishes will help to provide the surface with shine.

Do not soak laundry in an acrylic bath - a powder solution, contamination negatively affects the surface condition.
See below for more details.