Steel bathtubs: varieties, brands, selection, care

Popular materials for making bathtubs are cast iron, acrylic and steel. Steel bathing tanks are in high demand among consumers. They are distinguished by their affordable cost, lightness and durability. The range of products is also huge - models of any configurations with various dimensions are available for sale.

Features of production
Steel baths began to be made from Soviet times, more than half a century ago. Then the production process was not automated. With the development of technology, new equipment has appeared that allows you to use human work to a minimum.
Baths are made of 2 types of steel - stainless and structural. Stainless steel products are very expensive and finicky to care for, which is why they are rarely bought. Stainless steel fonts look out of the box; they are not suitable for every interior.
Because of these features, these bowls are mostly custom made.

The production of sanitary tanks from structural steel is put on stream due to their lightweight manufacturing technology and low cost. The manufacturing process for bowls made of structural material consists of several stages.
- Quality control of metal... Steel is supplied to production in coils. The thickness of the sheets varies from 1.5 to 3.5 mm. The metal is inspected for damage and various defects. High-quality workpieces are supplied through the line to the pressing equipment.
- Stamping... With the help of special devices, under the influence of high pressure, a volumetric "body" of the future bath is formed from metal blanks.
- Pruning. At the next stage, all excess metal is removed, and the sharp edges of the product are folded.
- Further in the bowl are done water drain holes, mounting brackets are installed.

The last stage of production is coating. Acrylic inserts are installed in the steel bath or the bowl is enamelled. Enamel is the most popular coating. In this case, the bowl can be completely immersed in the solution or poured over it. Often on production lines, equipment is used, due to which the enamel is sprayed or applied by an electrostatic method. After coating, the products are dried and sent to the firing zone. When exposed to high temperatures, the surface of the bathtubs becomes perfectly smooth and shiny.

Pros and cons, comparison with other materials
Steel bathtubs are lightweight, aesthetic, durable and reliable. They combine the many advantages of cast iron and acrylic bathing containers. Let's consider their advantages in more detail, as well as make a comparison with models made of cast iron and acrylic.
- Price. For many buyers, this factor is decisive. Steel bathtubs are cheaper than cast iron or acrylic bathtubs. However, low cost does not mean poor quality. It's all about less costly production technology. On a limited budget, a steel bathtub would be the best solution.
- Light weight... Steel bowls are heavier than acrylic, but much lighter than cast iron. Due to their lightness, standard baths are easy to transport and install.
- Wide range of configurations and sizes... Due to the plasticity and low weight of steel, this material is used to create plumbing products of a wide variety of shapes, including asymmetric ones. In terms of the assortment of shapes, steel products catch up with acrylic ones and surpass cast iron ones. It is possible to make only sanitary containers of standard sizes from cast iron.
- High strength indicators (applies to thick-walled models). Steel and enamel finish are durable. They are able to withstand severe mechanical stress without deforming. Cast iron bowls also have this advantage, but acrylic counterparts are a little "weaker".
- Durability. Subject to the recommendations for the maintenance and operation of steel baths, they can last, while maintaining their presentability, for at least 20-30 years. Cast iron containers are also durable, and acrylic products cannot boast of such an advantage.
- Steel bathing bowls are characterized by high thermal conductivity. This feature causes the container to heat up quickly. On the other hand, the higher the thermal conductivity, the faster the liquid in the bath will cool down. Cast iron and acrylic are considered warmer materials.
- Not susceptible to cracking and chipping with proper care.
- Persistence to sharp temperature jumps.
- Easy assembly of the steel product. Compared to cast iron baths, they are installed longer and more difficult due to their weight.

There are also advantages inherent in plumbing products made of both acrylic and cast iron and steel. For example, they are all picky about care and hygienic. Cracks do not form on their surface, in which a favorable environment is created for the development and active reproduction of harmful microorganisms.
Steel baths have some disadvantages. The most important is the high level of noise when collecting water. However, this problem can be solved by using special pads.
A slippery inner surface is also considered a minus, due to which injuries are possible if the product is used carelessly.

Another disadvantage - rapid rusting of the font if the enamel layer is damaged... It is possible to break the integrity of the shell when using abrasive powders and hard metal sponges. To avoid problems, it is worth using the products recommended for cleaning the bath.In addition, a significant disadvantage is the susceptibility of thin-walled models to deformations. Such products are made from steel sheets with a thickness of less than 3 mm. In fonts with thin walls, the shape is often disrupted by everyday stress.
Steel bathtubs should not be underestimated. They have significant advantages and not the most "terrible" disadvantages. You can safely purchase a steel font if the consumer is limited in finances and the easy installation of the product, its aesthetics and reliability are important for him.

There are several varieties of steel bathtubs. They are classified according to the topcoat.
- Acrylic coated sanitary ware. The frame of such products is made of steel, and acrylic inserts act as the outer shell, which exactly follow the contours of the bath. Depending on the model, the thickness of the insert can be from 2 to 6 mm. The better the product, the thicker the acrylic layer values will be. The advantages of these types of baths include their environmental friendliness, external perfection and surface shine, which is not lost with intensive use of plumbing. Disadvantages - the fragility of the acrylic layer, the risk of damage to the acrylic when using chemically aggressive agents and hard sponges.

- Polymer coated. Such a shell is characterized by low thermal conductivity, due to which the water in the bathroom will not cool down for a long time. The material is also characterized by fine porosity, due to which the coating retains its gloss for a long time. The polymer layer practically does not make noise when water picks up. However, it also has disadvantages. For example, such a surface is sensitive to the cleaning agents used. If you use products with abrasives, it can be scratched.

- With glass-ceramic coating... Such a surface has appeared on bathtubs relatively recently. The process of applying glass ceramics includes two times treatment of the bath with the composition and firing of the product. The result is a smooth and glossy surface that is resistant to various mechanical influences. The disadvantages of steel baths with glass-ceramic coating include their high price (especially for models with non-standard shapes).

A separate category of baths includes sanitary ware. with anti-slip coating. In this case, the bottom of the container is treated with a specialized compound that causes a chemical reaction. As a result of the ongoing processes, hundreds of thousands of micropores are formed, which prevent slipping. The pores are invisible and invisible when taking hygiene procedures.

Shapes and sizes
Steel baths are produced in any standard size and configuration, so that the buyer should not have any difficulty in choosing the optimal model. Choosing the shape and size of the product, it is important to take into account not only the dimensions of the room, but also the complexion of all family members - every household should be comfortable when taking a bath.

Domestic and foreign manufacturers offer baths of both standard shapes and configurations, and non-traditional ones. The first include rectangular and oval products. They are suitable for all premises, regardless of their size. Bathtubs in the shape of a rectangle or oval can fit into any bathroom interior - from classic to modern. They are convenient, compact and laconic. However, they are not suitable for those looking for custom designs.

Corner solutions most often chosen by owners of spacious bathrooms. They are designed to be installed in the right or left corner of the room. They can be both symmetrical and asymmetrical. Corner fonts look interesting, such solutions can become the main "highlight" of the bathroom. It should be noted that angled bowls are harder to care for (due to increased corner width) than traditional oval or rectangular designs.

Round bathtubs are luxurious and graceful. Basically, they are chosen by the owners of spacious premises in luxury apartments or country houses. For arranging small rooms, it is better to refuse such solutions. Rounded fonts are most often installed not along the wall, but in the middle of the bathroom. In this case, in order to lay communications unnoticed, accuracy and certain skills will be required from the master. The dimensions of the round baths are varied.
Manufacturers offer both single and double-triple solutions. Some hot tubs may look like mini-pools.

Also on sale hexagonal patterns. They look unusual and gorgeous. Depending on the characteristics of the room and the personal preferences of the owners, hexagonal modifications can be installed in the corner of the room or take a central place.

Dimensions (edit)
The dimensions of the steel baths vary over a wide range. There are both capacious options that look like miniature pools and compact models. Among the huge variety, the greatest demand is for lying products. They are designed for lying down bathing. Such structures can have different lengths, and their sides have an angle of inclination of 40-50 degrees.

Baths for bathing lying down can be large and medium-sized. The most common capacious models have dimensions of 180x70 cm and 180x80 cm. And there are also more overall options. They are intended exclusively for spacious rooms.
It will be convenient for people with tall stature to swim in them.

Considered very popular medium-sized "recumbent" baths. They are represented by models with dimensions 160x70 cm, 165x70 cm, 170x75 cm and 170x70 cm. They are ideal for typical multi-family dwellings. Small steel baths are also on sale. They can be both recumbent, and sedentary. Products belonging to this group have dimensions of 100x70 cm, 120x70, 130x70 cm, 140x70 cm and 150x70 cm.

The rarest types of steel baths are products standing bathing... Basically, they are preferred by people who, for whatever reason, cannot take a bath while sitting or reclining. Visually, such products resemble a vertical pool. They are equipped with a sealed door, due to their compactness they take up little space. The standard height of such bathtubs is 160 cm, square-section indicators are from 80 × 80 to 120 × 120 cm.

The weight
The mass of the bath depends on many factors. First of all, they include the thickness of the steel walls, the shape of the product and its dimensions. Standard rectangular and oval baths with 3 mm walls and dimensions 120 × 70 cm weigh about 20-30 kg, 130 × 70 - 30-35 kg, 140 × 70 - 34-39 kg, 160 × 70 - 42-46, 170 × 70 - 46-50 kg. It is worth considering that the thinner the walls, the less weight the font will be.

Bathing tank weight is an important indicator... First of all, the stability of the bowl and the level of vibrations will depend on it. For example, the less the bathtub weighs, the louder the noise will be when the water is turned on (this is due to the vibration of the thin walls).
When buying a bathtub, you should consider its weight, as it puts significant pressure on the floor. It is not recommended to install heavy products in old buildings with worn out timber ceilings.
A filled container can create a serious load that the floor simply cannot withstand.

Rating of the best manufacturers
Baths of foreign brands are in special demand among buyers. Products from popular manufacturers are of high quality, stylish and laconic design, durability. Here is a rating of the best manufacturers of steel baths.
- Bette (Germany). This German company specializes in the production of glazed titanium steel sanitary ware. Bathtubs of various configurations, colors and sizes are produced under this trade mark. The manufacturer's catalog contains over 70 models of steel baths.All products are covered by a 30-year warranty.

- Roca (Spain). A company that began its activities in 1917. This manufacturer focuses on the quality of the products produced, not on their number. Steel baths under the Spanish brand are produced in limited quantities, but all of them are distinguished by maximum convenience, style and high wear resistance.

- Kaldewei. This is another German trade mark known to the domestic consumer. The company manufactures medium and large steel bathtubs. Some models have a special dirt-repellent coating that makes it easier to clean the bathroom fixtures.

- Laufen. Swiss brand. The company offers exclusive steel bathtubs with soundproofing casing. The range of manufactured products is huge - built-in and free-standing fonts with legs, single and double solutions are on sale.

- Blb (Portugal). The main advantage of this brand's steel bathtubs is an affordable price. The company offers the consumer fonts of traditional shapes (oval and rectangular) in white colors. The manufactured products are distinguished by restraint in execution, an extensive selection of the spaciousness of the hot tubs.
Bathing bowls are durable and reliable due to the use of high-quality European raw materials.

- Jika. This Czech trade mark produces anatomically shaped steel bathtubs that are resistant to temperature shocks, high strength, abrasion resistance and various mechanical damage.

There are also several Russian companies producing steel bathtubs with the best quality / price ratio. These include firms Donna Vanna and Reimar.

How to choose?
For a major overhaul in the bathroom, you cannot do without replacing the font. Buying such a plumbing product is financially costly. If you approach the issue of purchasing a bath lightly, there are great risks of acquiring a low-quality unit, which will soon require replacement. It is more profitable to invest once in a reliable bathing bowl than to spend money on repairing a low-quality container or buying a new bathtub later.

To make the purchase successful, you need to pay attention to a number of important parameters.
- Steel thickness. There are both thin-walled models (from 1.5 to 3 mm) and thick-walled ones (over 3 mm) on sale. Do not skimp and purchase delicate items. They are less durable and unreliable. The bottom of such fonts can bend during operation, which will cause a lot of inconvenience. Thin-walled products can quickly lose their shape due to deformation.
- Damage. Before buying, you need to carefully inspect the steel bath, both inside and out. It should be free of cracks, irregularities and other external defects.
- Security. If there are children, disabled or elderly people in the family, special attention should be paid to safety issues. To reduce the risk of injury, it is best to buy a product with an anti-slip bottom and side-mounted handles.
- Dimensions (edit)... The dimensions of the bathroom are selected taking into account the area of the room and the personal preferences of the household. For small rooms, miniature traditional or corner solutions are suitable. If space is limited, there is no point in purchasing massive fonts - in this case, they will look ridiculous.
- Design... The bathtub should harmoniously fit into the space and be successfully combined with existing furniture, plumbing fixtures and other items. A variety of shapes and colors allows you to choose the optimal solution for any type of room.
- Additional functions. The bathtub can be equipped with hydromassage systems, LED lighting and a number of other options. Whether they are needed - everyone decides for himself. However, it is worth considering that you will have to pay a considerable amount for such additional comfort.

Before buying a bath, you need to make sure that the existing plumbing equipment (water supply and sewerage pipes) is compatible with the parameters of the purchased font. It is recommended to take the necessary additional parts together with the bath. It is desirable that they are from the same manufacturer.
How to care?
The quality, frequency and correctness of bathroom care directly depends on how long it will maintain its external perfection. Each type of hot tub has special requirements for cleaning it from dirt, and acrylic is no exception. In order not to waste a lot of time and effort cleaning the bathing bowl, it should be washed immediately after hygiene.

The first step is to pick up a sponge. It should be soft, by no means iron. Too hard sponges can scratch the thin enamel, causing the steel bowl to rust and soon become unusable. To keep the container clean, you need to moisten it abundantly, lather the sponge with laundry soap and rub the surface of the font. After that, the soap composition is washed off with clean water.
To give a special shine and gloss, the surface is rubbed with a soft dry cloth.

You can use specialized products to care for your enamelled bathroom.
- Cif. This tool is sold in the form of a cream or spray. Both formulations are perfect for bathroom care. They do not contain abrasives, chemically aggressive alkalis or acids, but they do an excellent job with grease and stubborn dirt.

- Akrilan. This product is designed for cleaning acrylic products. However, it is also ideal for the maintenance of enamelled surfaces. "Acrylan" in the form of a spray, when sprayed, forms a thick foam. It effectively cleans stubborn dirt and at the same time creates a protective coating on the surface that repels grease.

- Silit. This product is designed to remove rust. It contains an active substance - hydrochloric acid, because of which it is recommended to use the composition no more than 1-2 times a month. Otherwise, the enamel may fade over time.

- Forsh. It is an environmentally friendly product with a natural base. It does not deal well with stubborn dirt and stubborn deposits, but is ideal for the daily maintenance of enamelled surfaces of plumbing fixtures.

There are also products that cannot be used to wash steel tubs. These include compositions containing coarse abrasive particles (Comet, Pemolux, Sorti) and various powders.
Review overview
Steel bathtubs are actively bought by people when replacing old plumbing fixtures with new ones. At the same time, many consumers leave reviews for such products. Buyers' responses are highly controversial. As a rule, people speak enthusiastically about thick-walled bathtubs of German, Italian and Portuguese production. They note the following advantages:
- attractive appearance that is not lost during intensive use;
- convenience and comfort during hygiene procedures;
- stability;
- the ability to withstand severe loads and not deform.

However, there are also opposite reviews. Mostly they are left by buyers who decided to save money. In pursuit of cheapness, they purchased thin-walled steel bathtubs. Judging by the comments, such products are unstable. Some users complain that they feel the bottom flex under their weight. This causes some inconvenience when taking a bath.
Owners of cheap sanitary ware note that the gloss from the surface of the fonts gradually disappears, they fade. All consumers attribute the noise of the baths to the main disadvantage. They make loud sounds when they draw water, as well as when objects accidentally fall into an empty bowl.
Few can get used to such sound effects.

In general, purchasing steel bathtubs is advised by those who have spared no expense and preferred durable and reliable models with thick walls.... Such solutions have good performance properties and visual appeal. They will last a long time and will not cause discomfort when bathing.

For tips on choosing a steel bath, see the video.