Bathroom design 3.5 sq. m

The area of the bathroom is small - and this circumstance complicates its design. But with the skill, you can create a brilliant environment even in a small space. You just need to know the principles and nuances of the arrangement.

Features of the layout
On the Internet, it is easy to find many photos of bathrooms with an area of 3.5 square meters. m. But there is no need to be guided by someone else's experience in such a delicate matter. If only because each room is individual and unique. Only one thing is constant - you will have to save space as much as possible, literally "squeezing" it out.
Therefore, you will need to carefully consider the placement of all items. Those "liberties" that you can afford in a larger room are categorically not suitable here. The main consideration that any planner should take into account is that a person should move freely around the bathroom. Instead of a classic bathtub, you will have to use a shower stall. As life shows, you can wash in it just as well - and less space will be taken away.

Important: to give up cabinets altogether, even on an area of 3.5 sq. I should.
Storing things on open shelves will create a feeling of chaos and emotional depression. Instead of making optimal use of space, it will be visually reduced. To avoid mistakes, it is worthwhile to draw up a plan for the arrangement of furniture on paper in advance. And precisely on paper: this is much more practical than using a computer, and it will also be easier to check the diagram when the work starts.

Selection of plumbing and furniture
Picking up furniture for a 3.5 sq. m, you need to take into account the capacity of each instance. The most rational are narrow and high cabinets "pencil cases". A bedside table for hygiene items is usually placed under the sink. Of course, the narrower this bedside table is, the easier it is to place it. But it is not recommended to reduce the size of this piece of furniture too much.

The ideal option, according to most designers, is a full-wall cabinet with a flush-mounted washbasin... Such furniture does not interfere with the normal perception of space. Pencil cases are used in modern interior styles because they look stylish and save some of the space. The choice between back-to-wall, hanging and corner cases is at the discretion of the home owner.

The bathroom is 3.5 sq. m it is quite possible to supply all the required equipment and furniture, even a washing machine. The main thing is that when thinking over the concept, every detail is taken into account. Many complaints about poor bathroom furnishings are related to the fact that something was left out or ignored in the first place. Most often, the washing machine is placed in a recess in the wall or under the sink.
Important: the best models of plumbing in a confined space will be corner modifications.

Organization of lighting
The requirement for maximum illumination in a small bathroom is natural. But this does not mean that you can just take and fill everything with light. The lighting should be bright, but with a diffuse effect. Otherwise, it may turn out no better than in a "twilight" room. It is imperative to provide auxiliary lighting points, which are placed at the level of the head..

You can use the following types of lamps:
- near-surface (installed at a short distance from the wall);
- lampshades;
- sconce;
- pendant light sources;
- small spotlights on the ceiling.

General design guidelines
To make it easier to think through the design concept and its implementation, it is worth thinking about the merger of the bathroom and toilet. Even if at first such a thought seems strange and old-fashioned, it must be considered.

A small room is best decorated in a classic style. The lack of lush design elements will only benefit. Such a bathroom will turn out to be a kind of "island of tranquility" in the stormy world.

If you don't like the classic setting, you can opt for ethnic style. In any case, furniture and materials for finishing should be in line with the design direction. The fewer accessories the better. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon all styles that require the use of many decorative items. To make the room more voluminous, you need to use:
- large tiles;
- borders of juicy tones;
- insertion of mosaic elements;
- diagonal floor tiles;
- contrasting decoration elements.

It is worth avoiding dark tones in every possible way, giving preference to light colors. The best choice would be to decorate a shallow bathroom with pastel colors. The beige tone looks simply graceful, and the ivory color brings exotic motives to the interior. If there is not enough space for a bath, they move the doorway.

The lion's share of small bathrooms are equipped with built-in storage systems.
Rooms decorated with decorative plaster leave a favorable impression. It is used in the driest areas:
- under the ceiling;
- around toilets;
- on the wall opposite from the bath.

If necessary, it will be possible to easily adjust the look of the bathroom, which has been finished with plaster. However, ceramic tiles still hold the undisputed leadership. It is reliable and indestructible, which is very important in a small area. If the bathtub is close to the wall, the spray will inevitably fly through. Therefore, water resistance turns out to be very important.

Successful examples
It is useful to study the creations of designers who have reached the heights of skill.The photo shows how beautiful a bathroom with built-in appliances will look. The harmonious fusion of white surfaces and mosaics looks very good. The stretch ceiling with spotlights fits into the composition being created as attractively as possible. Local lighting on the wall is also used.

Another option involves the use of a two-tiered composition. Inexpressive seemingly wooden elements immediately attract attention. The authors of the concept, as in the previous case, skillfully weaved spotlights into the overall composition. Green plants are also a pleasant addition to the interior. Most of the walls and floors are covered with tiles, which gives the designers the desire for impeccable conservatism.

And this is how a top view of a small bathroom might look like. The designers deliberately used the contrast of deep blue, graceful black and light gray. A rectangular bathtub and a sideboard with a beveled corner look very attractive. Despite the fact that this is a combined bathroom, it is impossible to call it "typical" or "template". Freshness and harmony reign in the whole environment.