Bathroom organizers

To keep your bathroom perfectly tidy, you need to find the right place for every item stored in this room. For convenient placement of bathroom attributes, an organizer is often used. Let's take a look at what it is, what it is for and what options for its placement exist.
The main goal for which they buy an organizer for a bathroom or make it with their own hands is the rational use of room space. Such objects and structures help to arrange all the little things so that they are always at hand., but at the same time they did not roll around, did not clutter up the room and did not mix with each other.
Thanks to the organizers in the bathroom, it is easier to maintain order, and if you choose the right solutions, you can additionally decorate the room by adding some interesting "notes" to its design.

Depending on the attachment and the appearance of the accessory, organizers for the bathroom can be divided into such groups.
- Shelves... With the help of such devices, you can easily spread towels, shampoos, toothpastes, laundry accessories and other things in the room. When choosing them, you need to remember about resistance to moisture. The double and triple shelves are very convenient, which can be hung on the side of the sink or bathtub to easily take the necessary items.

- Hooks. This is the most popular option for bathroom organizers, which today is used not only for towels and clothes, but also for attaching small baskets, bags and nets. The range of hooks is very diverse - they differ in material, shape and color, so you can easily choose the right option for any interior.

- Stands. This variant of organizers is in demand for storing cosmetics and is often represented by transparent plastic models. There are also coasters made of steel, mesh or dense fabric.

- Grids... These are easy-to-use organizers that are often chosen for storing toys. They are usually fixed to the wall with suction cups.

- Baskets. This version of bathroom organizers is able to accommodate various little things, children's toys, detergents, linen. They can be hung with suction cups, hooks or clothespins, or simply laid out on shelves, floors or countertops.

- Pencil cases. This is a larger organizer that allows you to hide almost all the things that need to be stored in the bathroom inside. Pencil cases differ in size, material, design, can be wall-mounted and floor-standing.

Materials and colors
Organizers are made from a wide variety of materials that can withstand high humidity and mechanical stress. In most cases, these are stainless steel, durable plastic, waterproof fabric. There are also accessories made of bamboo, processed wood, glass, and ceramics.
Their colors are chosen to match the range in which the room is made, or contrasting. The most popular are white, gray, brown shades, but in some cases bright options are selected, for example, green or red organizers, if they fit well into the overall picture of the room.

Beautiful examples
An interesting option for storing towels is a regular staircase.

Organizers with pockets easily "hide" inside the cabinet and provide additional space for storing rags, sponges, detergents.

You can store your hairdryer using the counter or wastepaper basket in the clerical department.

You can fasten metal trifles stored in the bathroom (tongs, pins, scissors, hairpins) on a strip with a magnetic tape.

Cotton pads, sticks, clothespins, makeup brushes and other little things look beautiful in glass jars located on a wooden bar.

To hide stocks and rarely used items, a shelf above the door is perfect.

Do-it-yourself master class on making an organizer, see below.