Bathroom layout

The bathroom is considered one of the most important and functional rooms in the apartment, therefore, its planning and arrangement must be approached with special responsibility. With the right choice of style and arrangement of all accessories, any bathroom, regardless of its size, can be easily turned into a cozy room.
To do this, you must first create a design project and select a finishing material, pieces of furniture and appropriate plumbing.

What do you need to consider?
The layout of a room for water procedures is considered a difficult matter, since it is necessary not only to measure the dimensions of the room as accurately as possible, but also to correctly draw up a sketch of the interior, which will be later. To make this room comfortable and fully perform all its functions, it is important to rationally use every square centimeter... This is especially true for small rooms in the "Khrushchev", where there is no way even to install a washing machine.

In a bathroom with a standard square, various design tricks are often used to visually expand the space. As for equipping a room in a new building with an improved layout and a private house where there are no problems with the size of the room, you can safely place cabinets, cabinets, large sinks and appliances there.

The layout should always start with a preliminary plan, taking into account all the nuances of the room. If such activities are planned to be performed for the first time and independently, then the following action plan must be observed:
- first you need to measure the room and calculate its area by multiplying the width by the length;
- then it is recommended to draw up an approximate diagram of the bathroom, for this it is enough to put a drawing on a piece of paper in a box and mark the places where the sewer drain and the water supply outlet will be located;
- make a list of the necessary plumbing equipment.

In addition, all the requirements for the safe operation of the room and the needs of the residents should be taken into account. It is especially difficult to equip a small room in which the area is too limited. To make the right decision in favor of a particular project, you need to know the answers to the following questions:
- who from the household and how often will use the room;
- is there a need for zoning the premises;
- it is necessary to install a bath or a special cabin for taking a shower.

Considering the level of security, then in housing where there are small children, it is necessary to provide for hidden electrical wiring, and it is advisable for older people to install plumbing with additional handles and convenient access.

Besides, it is important to take into account the standards in the placement of plumbing, so that there is some space for movement... So, a distance of at least 50 cm should remain in front of the toilet, 60 cm in front of the sink, as well as the washing machine, and 80 cm in front of the sink and the bathroom itself.

In rooms with the correct geometric shape, the placement of all devices is simplified - they are usually placed along the walls.

When developing the layout of rooms of non-standard shapes, it is necessary to devote even more time to the process. Each case is different.

Project options
Now there are a huge number of interesting projects, with their help, even on 2 square meters, you can make a cozy and multifunctional room, where there will be a sink, a toilet, a cabinet and a small washing machine. Consider 6 interesting layouts for different sizes.
- In a small room combined with a sanitary unit you will have to abandon the installation of a washing machine (the exception is placement under a water lily sink), in this case it is best to place it in the kitchen or in the hallway. The regular size washbasin will have to be replaced with a more compact model, and the same goes for the bathtub - instead, a corner cabinet will work well. In the decoration, it is recommended to use a material with a mirror surface: this will visually expand the space of the room.

As for furniture, small wall cabinets are perfect; they will be convenient for storing all the means for hygienic care. We must not forget about good lighting as well.

- In a rectangular bathroom of 2.06 m2 (this is about 1.5 by 1.37 m), you can perform redevelopment by combining a bathroom with a shower. The result is a fairly functional and useful room. A toilet bowl and a corner sink will look advantageous in this design. Diagonally opposite the plumbing, you need to put a washing machine, an elongated pencil case for placing towels, and a toilet cabinet will also organically fit there.

- Indoors 1.5 x 1.5 m (150x150 cm) just install a shower box and properly zoning. Bathroom projects 3 sq. m with a functional washing machine. To implement them, you need to divide the room into two useful zones: for washing with shelves and an appropriate unit and for washing with towels and a bath.
In addition, in a bathroom with dimensions of 3 m2 or more, you can put a corner-model hydromassage bathtub.

- In a rectangular room with an area of 4 sq. m (including 2x2 m, this option is most often common in panel houses) it is possible to apply a project with a washing machine, which must be placed opposite the sink, saving room space. To prevent the room from looking cluttered, glass shelves should be attached to the walls for storing various trifles.The light will penetrate through the glass, as a result, the room will become cozier and more voluminous. In a private house, in a bathroom with a window, sanitary appliances can be installed near the walls, leaving the central part of the room empty for changing clothes and moving around.

- Medium bathrooms (5, 6 and 7 sq. M) usually carry out the arrangement at the same time with several devices for personal hygiene: a shower box and a bathing bowl. Only in this case, you need to choose the corner option for placing plumbing. Washbasins of irregular shapes look great in a large and long room; they easily fit into niches that function as ventilation ducts. A washing structure can also be installed in one of these recesses. In a too narrow bathroom, the layout should provide for the installation of a corner sink, next to which a toilet is immediately placed, a bath or shower stall will be well placed along the opposite wall.

- For bathroom owners larger than 8 m2, lucky because they can be equipped not only with standard sanitary equipment, but also with a bidet. In addition, various design ideas can be implemented in rooms where there is a window. If it is located on the opposite side from the front door, then it is advisable to place the bathhouse near a beautiful street panorama. You can put a washbasin and a cabinet against one of the walls, and a chest of drawers, a mirror and a toilet next to the other.

In most mansions, the bathroom is about 10 m2. Thanks to such an impressive size, it becomes possible to organize a guest area that differs in floor height. The result is a small area with the necessary equipment for guests. Another area, consisting of a large sink, bath and shower, should be partitioned off with a screen or light door. Additionally, the design should provide for backlighting, it is best to install it near the mirror, in relaxation zones it should be diffused.

In addition to all this, large bathrooms can accommodate various shelves, cabinets, tumble dryers and centrifuges. An additional bathing bowl will not hurt either, it will be especially useful for those families where many people live.
If desired, the interior can be supplemented with voluminous pictorial compositions and vases, the most important thing is that they fit into the overall style of the room.

Zoning methods
Recently, various design projects have been chosen for planning a bathroom, in which space zoning is provided. With the correct distribution of square meters and design tricks, you can achieve an unusual effect, making the room cozier, lighter and more spacious.

To do this, it is enough to draw up a clear plan of the room and choose one of the following methods of zoning it.
- Visual. It involves the use of indoor plants and mobile items to divide the bathroom space. So, the toilet bowl is very easy to hide from prying eyes by installing a tub with a palm tree in the room. The use of stylized pedestals and columns would also be a good idea. Thanks to this type of zoning, it is possible to advantageously emphasize the beauty of decorative elements without any significant changes in the interior.

- Color. This is the most popular and effective way of bathroom zoning, although it is not easy to implement. Usually, to separate the room, choose a finish for the flooring of the same color, but in different shades. In addition, you can experiment with other colors, the most important thing is to maintain the general style of the room. Laying tiles of different sizes and textures on the floor looks interesting in design.

- With lighting. This zoning is most often used on the ceiling, but for this you need to install multi-level drywall compositions. In this case, the main lamp and small spotlights are chosen as light sources.They locally illuminate vertical ceilings, decorative elements, a mirror and a bathroom.
In addition to all this, partitions are often installed during zoning of space in bathrooms, but they should not interfere with free movement. Otherwise, the room will create a feeling of disharmony and discomfort. In spacious rooms, you can also divide zones with the help of stylish pieces of furniture.

Specialist recommendations
Currently, many homeowners prefer to plan and decorate the premises in the house, including the bathroom, on their own, since this allows not only saving money on drafting projects and repairs, but also implementing various interesting ideas. The only thing that novice designers need to know is how to properly plan the arrangement and decoration of the bathroom. For this, it is recommended to take into account important points..
- At the initial stage of creating a project, you should pay attention to all (including insignificant) details, because it is they who in the future can spoil the entire design project. The first thing to decide is where the pipes go, where the mirror will be installed, the towel dryer (it shouldn't be right outside the door) and how the lighting is organized.
- If there are babies and elderly people in the house, it is necessary to initially install a special pedestal for the sink, thus making it accessible and convenient to use.
- When choosing furniture, you need to take into account that there is high humidity in this room, so expensive wooden modules will not work. It is best to give preference to universal models made of moisture resistant material. In addition, if cabinets are installed in the room for storing towels and bed linen, then you will need to additionally install a ventilation system.
- If you plan to install an acrylic bathtub, then you must take into account that its installation is carried out on a special frame, and this will require additional space. In small rooms, corner shower cabins will be a good option.
In rooms with limited space, hanging toilet models will help solve the problem of lack of square meters.

Interesting solutions
The bathroom is considered a special room in any home, since it is in it that every day begins and ends. So that all household members feel comfortable in it, it is important to carry out the planning correctly and choose the appropriate style.

The new-fashioned design provides for the presence of free space and versatility in the room under consideration. For consideration - the most popular ideas for decorating bathrooms.

In a minimalist style
Ideal for both large and small spaces. In these projects, perfection can be achieved using the latest finishing materials. To arrange rooms, you should choose light plumbing that will look gorgeous against a black floor. For wall decoration, you must choose a light tile with a pattern.
In order not to limit the space, it is recommended to install the washing machine under the washbasin. All structural elements must be completed stainless steel - this will additionally give the interior an unusual gloss and chic. Matte curtains and glass partitions will complement the design. It is advisable to choose mirrors in a beautiful frame, as they will become the main subject in the interior. If there is a window in the room, then it must be decorated with roller shutters or blinds of muted shades.

Small bathroom in modern style
In rooms where every square meter counts, it is important to increase functionality by applying zoning. Plumbing can be arranged in a classic way; purchasing modern compact devices will help to simplify this task.
You can save space with the help of corner furniture and the same shower cabins; in this case, the washing machine is best placed in a built-in cabinet, the upper part of which is perfect for storing towels and personal hygiene products. To visually expand the room, you should choose a light material (white, beige, milky shades) with a mirror surface for finishing.

Spacious bathroom in a separate house with a window opening
For premises of such a plan, you can choose various layout options, while it is important not to forget about the design of such an interior detail as a window.
The shape of the opening can be any, but the ideal option is a classic square or rectangle, which fits perfectly into any style.

In this case, it is recommended to decorate the window with light openwork curtains. If the owners of the house love a romantic atmosphere, then their bathroom should have a round window. In order for it to harmoniously fit into the overall interior, you need to choose an oriental style for decorating the room, giving preference to bright colors. As for plumbing, you can purchase both steel and cast iron bathtubs. To add flavor to the interior, a red toilet and washbasin will help, which will look interesting against the background of snow-white floor tiles.
In this case, the washing machine must be placed either in one of the free corners, or along the wall opposite the bath. We must also not forget about the wall cabinets, decorated with mirrors and glass. Allowed in the design and the use of such cute elements as vases of flowers, small paintings.

For information on how to arrange furniture in the bathroom and choose a toilet, see the next video.