Heated towel rails: what are they and how to choose?

Today heated towel rails are an indispensable component of any bathroom. They not only allow you to quickly and efficiently dry damp laundry, but also stabilize the humidity in the room and raise the temperature in the bathroom. In this article, you will find out what types of heated towel rails are, as well as familiarize yourself with the features of their choice.

A heated towel rail is a pipe radiator that can run on water or electricity. Unlike classic radiators and heating devices, the main task of heated towel rails is not in increasing the temperature in the room, but in drying bathroom accessories and linen, which is hung directly on the pipes of the unit.

Device and principle of operation
The principle of operation of heated towel rails varies. depending on its variety. If this is a water-powered model, then the heating of the pipe components is carried out by passing through the hot water unit, which is supplied directly from the central heating system. If we are talking about electrical models, then with the help of a tubular electric heater, either the oil that circulates in the pipes, or the surface of the pipes itself, is heated.
Water models of heated towel rails directly depend on the heating system, electric ones work from the network through insulated cables.

The principle of operation is in the supply of heat from the heating element or hot water to the surface of the unit. Towels hung on the pipes of the appliance heat up and evaporate moisture, thereby drying out. The moisture that is generated during this process also evaporates.
Depending on the device and the principle of operation, heated towel rails can be mounted on the walls of the bathroom, on the door, or installed inside the shower stalls.

Advantages and disadvantages
Most models of modern heated towel rails do not have any common drawbacks, however, they have an impressive number of advantages, thanks to which such units are today considered indispensable for any bathroom.
- fast and efficient drying wet clothes;
- additional heating bathroom;
- maintaining optimal humidity level, removal of condensation from the walls of the bathroom, protection of the room from the appearance of mold;
- style addition and bathroom interior;
- optimization of the unit for human needs - Many modern dryers have hooks, towel racks and bathroom shelves.
If we talk about the disadvantages of heated towel rails, then they usually relate to certain models on the market or units made of certain materials.

What are they?
Experts prefer to divide all heated towel rails into two categories: by the principle of operation and by the type of installation... With regard to the principle of operation, all these devices are divided into water, electric and combined. If we talk about the features of their installation, then heated towel rails are divided into wall, floor, folding and portable. The features of the operation of each variety will be considered below.

Heated towel rails of this type are usually called coils - pipe radiators that were installed in old houses of the house back in the days of the USSR. The principle of operation of such devices has practically not changed to this day, however their design and work efficiency have changed significantly.
Such heated towel rails directly connected to the heating system, regardless of whether it is centralized or individual. Alternatively, if the coil is installed after a major overhaul of the premises, it is allowed to install the coil in a common line with a water floor heating.
An obvious plus of such devices is that they are completely independent of the power supply and do not waste extra energy. The disadvantage of such units is in their dependence on the heating system in the house. So, in the absence of hot water, coils of this type will be absolutely useless.

If we consider the key pros and cons of water heated towel rails, the following can be distinguished.
- Full independence from power supply.
- High power and the ability to effectively dry towels and heat the room.
- Relatively simple construction, which cannot break.
- Doesn't require complicated installation and further care / maintenance.
- From an operational point of view, water dryers absolutely safe - the surface temperature of such devices is not high enough to cause burns.
- When compared to other dryers, water models are considered the cheapest in terms of the cost of installation and further maintenance.

- Heating system dependency and water supply.
- After a long time of operation or in case of problems in the supply of hot water the formation of air pockets in such dryers is possible.
- If outwardly such structures remain unchanged for decades, then internally over time they can be scaled up or corroded.

Heated towel rails of this type are full-fledged closed-circuit batteries. Usually, such dryers are larger than water models, due to the need to place a tubular electric heater (or heating element) in them.
The main feature and advantage of such dryers is the ability to install these units at absolutely any point in the apartment where there is access to a power outlet.
Electric towel warmers can also be divided into oily and dry. Oil-type units operate on an oil liquid, which is heated by the operation of an electric heater. In "dry" models, there is no oil - here only the cable serves for heating.

Such devices also have their positive and negative sides.
- Electric models, as well as water models, differ long service life and reliability.
- Electric Models do not depend on the heating system. They can be used absolutely at any time with a stable power supply.
- In such constructions it is possible to change the power settings... Such models provide high-quality drying at relatively low energy costs.
- Unlike water models, which are completely dependent on the heating system, electrical work can be suspended at any time.
- Many modern electric heated towel rails have a whole range of additional functionsthat help you to use the device even more comfortably. The most common of them are thermostat, timers, overheat shutdown system.

- such units completely dependent on power supply and will not work effectively in regions with regular power outages;
- electric dryers require additional and complex installation and connections to the central network;
- usually electric models are much more expensive than water ones.

Today, combined towel warmers are considered the best option for drying bathroom accessories. These devices can be operated both from the heating system and powered from the mains. That is, their design includes both fittings and a full-fledged cord for connecting to an outlet.
The most important plus of such structures is obvious - they can be used for a whole year, regardless of the operation of central heating or network outages. This versatility of the device also forms a significant drawback - for the full operation of such devices, it is necessary to carefully select a place for their installation, where there would be access to the outlet and to the heating system.

Additional advantages and disadvantages of such units.
- versatility - can operate from two sources of energy;
- relatively simple control and maintenance;
- due to the combined operating principle they are the most economical of all dryers;
- may also have a wide range of additional functions.

- need in a more thoughtful installation;
- high quality combined models are more expensive than electric ones;
- in case of internal breakdown need qualified repair.

The classification of heated towel rails in relation to the installation option is not so common, however, it is also used by specialists.
- Wall mounted. Such options for heated towel rails are considered the most common. Their design effectively saves space in a small bathroom.
- Outdoor. They are larger dryers that are installed in large bathrooms and often serve for bathroom zoning.
- Foldable... This type is an independent type of wall-mounted heated towel rails. Such units can partially change their position, turn or rotate around their axis. The obvious disadvantage of such models is the gradual wear of the elements at the fold.
- Portable... These are exclusively small electric heated towel rails that can be successfully used in any room, not just the bathroom.

Shapes and sizes
All heated towel rails can also be divided into shapes and sizes.Standard type dryers are “U” or “U” shaped heating elements, but there are also less common forms.
Recently, models of heated towel rails of precisely creative forms have become more and more popular.

Among the most popular forms of bathroom dryers are the following.
- Serpentine, zigzag or M-shaped - standard battery in the shape of an elongated letter "Z" or an inverted letter "M".
- "Ladder" - represents two vertical pipes connected by several smaller diameter pipes parallel to each other. An extremely effective option for drying large quantities of small items or laundry at the same time.
- U-shaped or U-shaped (depending on the position relative to the wall). They are two horizontal pipes parallel to each other, perpendicularly connected by one vertical pipe. In appearance, such units resemble inverted letters "P" or "U".
- Double-circuit - a less common form of heated towel rail, where there are duplicate segments of the water supply, one of which is connected to the heating, and the other to the hot water supply pipeline.
Of course, you should not forget about the extraordinary shapes of heated towel rails - usually these are water models made of copper, aluminum or brass in the most extraordinary and intricate positions and shapes.

If we talk about the dimensions of the heated towel rail for the bathroom, then they are selected individually for the dimensions of the room or niche on which the unit will be mounted. Heated towel rails of large sizes are usually chosen by large families, where a large number of items need to be dried at once.
It makes sense to focus on the dimensions of the bathroom itself when choosing heated towel rails.
- For bathrooms with an area up to 6 square meters units with dimensions of 50x40, 50x50 and 50x60 cm are best suited.
- Into the room up to 8 square meters models 60x40, 60x50 and 60x60 cm will fit well.
- If you have a bathroom up to 11 squares, then units with dimensions 80x40, 80x50 and 80x60 cm should come up here.
- For bathrooms with an area from 11 to 14 square meters and it is wiser to select large and dimensional models with dimensions 120x40, 120x50 120x60 or 120x80 centimeters.

Materials (edit)
The material of manufacture of the heated towel rail affects the efficiency of heating, the durability of the device, as well as the safety of its use. In addition, each material from which dryers are made will look different in a different stylistic solution. Usually, heated towel rails are made of compacted steel, stainless steel or non-ferrous metals such as brass, copper or aluminum.
In order for the unit to remain attractive and reliable for a long time, a coating is applied to it, which can be chrome-plated, painted or polished.

Steel is an alloy of carbon and iron with some additional elements added. The main properties of steel can be considered excellent thermal conductivity, high strength, rather large weight, but susceptibility to corrosion. In order for such units to serve for a long time, a special anti-corrosion coating is applied to them.
Steel today is considered the most common option in the manufacture of heated towel rails: such units are inexpensive, but they have a relatively short service life in conditions of constantly high humidity levels.
Steel dryers are recommended to be installed it is in private houses with an individual heating system. The fact is that water steel elements over time become covered inside with layers of salts and water impurities, which lead to blockages. Such blockages can cause gaskets to leak and even flood the bathroom.

Stainless steel
Stainless steel heated towel rails are more durable and reliable than steel units - most often they are installed with the expectation of a long service life. The main advantage of stainless steel devices is resistance to corrosion, as well as the ability to withstand high pressure. Just as in the case of steel appliances, stainless steel units conduct heat well.
If we talk about the cons of stainless steel, then the most important thing here is the high price for quality models... In addition, the modern market presents a huge number of low-quality stainless steel heated towel rails, and it may be difficult for an inexperienced owner to distinguish between these two materials.
Stainless steel towel warmer models are able to withstand the effects of corrosion much longer than steel appliances. Besides, they usually have an additional coating (chrome, paint and varnish).
It is the chrome-plated options of stainless steel heated towel rails that are considered the most durable and reliable.

Non-ferrous metals
Some experts consider these materials to be versatile in the design of modern bathrooms. Copper and brass heated towel rails have a beautiful and stylish appearance and color, which allows you to use such materials in the most unusual style solution. Besides, it is from brass and copper that dryers of the most original forms are usually made, since these materials are distinguished by their increased plasticity.
Another advantage of brass and copper products is corrosion resistance. If we talk about their disadvantages, then non-ferrous metals, due to their plasticity, are able to withstand relatively low pressure (usually up to 4-5 atmospheres). In addition, they usually cost much more than the steel options.
Usually colored materials are used to create radiators and heated towel rails for bathrooms with a certain style solution, where a standard steel coil will look out of place.

Chrome or polished finish is a must when purchasing these models. It will not only increase the service life of the device, but also preserve its appearance.
Aluminum is a fairly lightweight, cheap and durable material that has good thermal conductivity. Aluminum, like other non-ferrous metals, is unable to withstand high pressure, and therefore is rarely used in the creation of bath dryers.

The lightest, cheapest, but far from the most reliable material in creating heated towel rails is plastic. Most often, such models are covered with a special “chrome-like” film, which improves the appearance of the device and suggests the strength of the material. Some manufacturers very skillfully adjust such models for chrome products, but they can be easily distinguished from plastic ones by their light weight.
Most experts agree that plastic is the most unsuitable material for creating dryers. Regular breakouts, chipping and cracking, and thread stripping are common in plastics.

Design options
It is worth saying a few words about the features of using heated towel rails in different style and design solutions.
- Classic. The classic style is considered one of the richest in the design of bathrooms. Aggregates of a golden or silver color of a standard U-shape or "ladder" will fit best here.
When choosing units for such bathrooms, you need to take into account the overall color scheme of the room.

- Minimalism. The key characteristics of this style can be considered simplicity and practicality, and therefore creative and original heating elements of unusual shapes and sizes are not suitable here. Heated towel rails of the "ladder" type in a classic silver color with a chrome finish will look best here.

- Country and Provence... For this style, units of absolutely all shapes are suitable, but small in size, preferably with additional wooden elements. Also, brass or copper dryers will fit well here - they will be in harmony with the warm color background of the room.

- Retro. Towel warmers with a bronze or brass coating will perfectly fit into the retro style, which is based on ancient motives. You can also experiment with shapes here - models with bizarrely curved handles that mimic old-fashioned bathroom styles can work well here.

- Eco. This includes all models of heated towel rails in pastel and white colors and discreet shapes.
Such units only complement the interior of the room, but will never stand out against its background.

- High tech. Depending on the chosen accents, both steel and brass models of heated towel rails can look good in this style.
In this case, the availability of non-standard shapes and sizes that this style welcomes is limited due to the design features of the heating elements.

Today's heated towel rail market offers a huge number of very different models that differ in different operating principles, as well as in terms of power and pressure. It can be difficult for an inexperienced consumer to distinguish between high-quality and low-quality brands, and therefore, below is a list of the most popular manufacturers who produce the highest quality and affordable bathroom heaters.
- "Sunerzha". Sunerzhi products have been on the market for about 20 years - they are engaged in the production of electronic heated towel rails in extraordinary and standard designs.
This brand was one of the first to use stainless steel for the production of radiators and heating units.

- "Nika". This is one of the most famous Russian manufacturers that creates high-quality and affordable stainless steel heated towel rails.
The key feature of the brand is the release of models with additional elements in the form of shelves and hooks for towels.

- Zehnder. A popular and respected German company that produces heated towel rails of absolutely any shape and size. The company is proud of the ability to apply absolutely any color coating to its units. Most often, powder enamel and chrome plating are chosen for coatings.

- Argo. Another Russian manufacturer that produces classic and designer stainless steel heated towel rails with special polymer protection inside the pipes.
The products of this brand are distinguished by an increased price, but also by a longer service life.

- Leroy. The company produces high quality stainless steel heating systems and radiators. In addition, the products of this brand are characterized by an affordable price range.

How to choose?
In order for a heated towel rail to serve you for a long time and provide a high-quality level of drying, you should choose the right choice.
Key factors in choosing a heated towel rail.
- Principle of operation. As already mentioned, there are 3 types of dryers - water, electric and combined. Water and electricity should be purchased by those who live in regions without interruptions in heating and with a stable supply of electricity. In other cases, the situation should be saved by combined units that can function as a dryer in the absence of electricity or hot water.
From the point of view of economy, it is the water options that are the most budgetary, however, regarding the installation, of course, the electrical ones are simpler.

- Manufacturing material. You should immediately decide from what material you want to buy a heated towel rail. The most versatile and durable material is stainless steel, but copper or brass models are most suitable for decorating a bathroom in a particular style.

- Accompanying documentation and equipment. Do not forget to check if all the elements stated in the description of the device are included in the kit. In addition, pay attention to the documents that must be attached to any branded product: technical passport, hygiene certificate, quality certificate from the manufacturer, warranty card, user manual in the form of instructions for installation and operation.

- Power (applies to electric models) and maximum pressure (for water units). The power of the device affects how quickly the laundry and towels dry. We should not forget that power also raises the temperature level in the room, and therefore you should not buy high-power heated towel rails in bathrooms where there is a warm floor. Internal pressure in water units is responsible for the safe use of the device and the line with a certain pressure.
It is believed that the water intake unit must have a pressure of at least 6 atmospheres.

- Connection method. Heated towel rails with bottom, top, diagonal and side connections are distinguished. Units with a bottom or diagonal connection are considered the most effective, the top connection is considered the most ineffective, but the side option will allow you to mount the dryer anywhere in the bathroom.

- Functionality. Ordinary water heated towel rails are also suitable for drying things indoors, but if you want to buy a multifunctional device with timers and a thermostat, it is best to choose combined or electric options.

Examples in the interior
- Classic... Pay attention to the silver and gold tones, as well as the solidity of such units.

- Minimalism. There are no creative design colors and solutions in this style - most often these are steel, chrome-plated or matt heated towel rails of standard shapes. Take a look at how interesting units of the "ladder" type look in this style.

- Retro. In this style solution, both classic steel dryers and fancy copper units with slightly convex shapes can look spectacular.

For information on how to choose a heated towel rail, see the next video.