Bathroom floors: types and features of coatings

The installation of floors is one of the most time-consuming and demanding work during the renovation of the premises. Since the bathroom is characterized by a special microclimate, the choice of its floor covering should be approached with special responsibility.

According to experts, the wrong design and material of the bathroom floor can cause a lot of unpleasant consequences due to high humidity. The finishing materials in this room are influenced in many ways.
- Direct and indirect contact with water. If the material is unstable to moisture, it loses its properties and becomes outwardly unattractive. Bathroom flooring can crack, blister and rot.
- Constant temperature drop. Jumps in the temperature regime of the bathroom provoke the expansion of materials and their deformation. Accordingly, the floor material must be resistant to temperature fluctuations.
- Hot steam.
- Various detergents.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the bathroom flooring should have the following characteristics:
- moisture resistance;
- environmental Safety;
- hygiene;
- attractive appearance;
- ease of care, resistance to various pollutants;
- durability.

Classic materials, their pros and cons
Currently, a large number of varieties of bathroom flooring are known. Are very popular jellied, polymer bases, warm, vinyl flooring. Both traditional and modern flooring options have many positive and negative characteristics.

Ceramic tiles are considered one of the most popular subfloors for bathroom floors.

The high popularity of this material is justified by the following advantages of the tile:
- resistance to moisture, the inability to absorb it;
- hygiene and ease of care;
- strength, abrasion resistance;
- anti-slip properties;
- heat resistance, good thermal conductivity;
- a large assortment.

The disadvantages of this material include the fragility of the tiles, and with strong mechanical stress, one must count on the fact that this coating may burst.
Ceramic tiles are cold materials, so walking on it barefoot is uncomfortable. In this case, the arrangement of a warm floor will help to correct the situation.

It may seem to many that the use of a wooden floor in the bathroom is inappropriate. However, this opinion can be refuted, since the arrangement of a wooden covering has a lot of advantages:
- low thermal conductivity contributes to the fact that such a floor will be as warm as possible;
- environmental friendliness;
- attractiveness of appearance.

Users also note some of the disadvantages of the tree:
- high cost of flooring;
- the possibility of deformation due to moisture absorption.

Currently, in great demand for arranging the floor base of the bathroom is thermal tree. Due to the peculiarities of production and composition, this material has a low tendency to deformations, as well as attacks by fungi and mold.

The features of the cork are its ecological cleanliness, hypoallergenicity. The surface of this coating is characterized by warmth and slight springiness. This type of bathroom floor covering does not rot, is not attacked by fungus, and does not absorb liquid.
Users note the anti-slip features of the material.

In order for the cork in the bathroom to last a long time, its laying should be carried out correctly, the troubles of the tolerance of the cracks. Also, this floor covering should be treated with a special polyurethane substance.
Cleaning a cork floor requires thorough wringing of the rag in order to maintain its performance for a long time.

Waterproof laminate
Waterproof laminate is made by high pressure.

Due to pressing, the material boasts the following advantages:
- strength, resistance to mechanical stress;
- ease of installation;
- warmth of the surface;
- good aesthetic characteristics;
- high water resistance and durability.

Despite the fact that laminate flooring is considered a waterproof material, liquid droplets can penetrate its gaps and accumulate in voids. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to immediately wipe away puddles from the surface.

Not every type of linoleum is suitable for bathrooms.

In this case, you should use only thickened moisture-resistant material, which has a relief surface... Such linoleum does not slip in the bathroom and does not tear under heavy household items.
Experts recommend not to use a backing when arranging the bathroom floor. And also do not ignore the use of moisture-resistant glue when attaching linoleum.

Original coatings
Thanks to modern technology, you can make original renovations in your bathroom. This is especially true for the choice of material when arranging floors.

Nowadays, 3D bathroom floors are very popular. With their help, you can equip a beautiful, durable and hygienic base. A self-leveling polymer floor is able to fully meet the requirements and tastes of its owner.

As part of such a foundation are 3 layers on which a specific image is laid. The top transparent layer is the finishing layer.

Polymer floors with a 3D effect can last for about 15 years.
With their help, you can make a warm floor covering in the bathroom. Image options for a given base can be very different, for example, plain, three-dimensional, hand-painted or using a stencil. Often, consumers choose vinyl decals or plain pictures that are printed on vinyl film. Sand, pebbles, even beads and buttons can be used in the decoration.

These 3D bathroom floors are especially resistant to moisture, durable to wear. The heat-conducting material does not deform when exposed to chemicals.
The main advantage of such a base is considered to be high decorativeness, but the disadvantage is its high cost. In addition, in a small room, such floors look quite heavy and inappropriate.

When decorating a bathroom floor, people often choose a nautical style. In this case, floor cladding with sea or river pebbles will be an effective solution. Even if a small part of the room is laid out from this material, it will look very beautiful and expensive.
Pebbles look like small pebbles that can be found on the sea and river banks.
Under the influence of the natural environment, the pebbles are cut, which smoothes the corners. The rounded shape of the decorative stones allows them to be used for laying the base of the bathroom without using additional processing.

The main advantages of pebbles are as follows:
- moisture resistance, low porosity;
- a wide range of colors - white, beige, gray, black, brown, burgundy, blue, green are recognized as natural colors;
- beneficial effects on human feet;
- the possibility of combining with other materials;
- affordable cost;
- ease of installation.

After purchasing pebbles, you can use it to equip the bathroom floor in different ways:
- from a separate pebble;
- using mosaic - pebble tiles;
- equipping a pebble rug;
- in bulk.

Selection Tips
The use of a bathroom involves constant contact with water, for this reason the materials for the floors and walls in this room must be resistant to moisture. It is also worth remembering that floors can deform from a sharp temperature drop - this moment must be taken into account during the repair. It takes a lot of work to make your bathroom floors durable and beautiful at the same time.

The best option in this case is a polymer floor with a 3D effect, but it is quite expensive.
Tiles, wood, pebbles, cork, linoleum and laminate flooring are quite common in modern apartments. However, despite a lot of advantages, these materials also have individual disadvantages. When choosing a floor covering for a room in which water treatments are carried out, you should take into account your own taste, moisture resistance, strength, thermal conductivity of the material, as well as its cost.

Design examples
Every person wants to live in an apartment with beautifully decorated rooms. In this case, the bathroom is no exception. Whatever the color of the plumbing - white, blue, green, light blue or any other, the choice of floors will be easy thanks to the multitude of options.
Ceramic tiles are considered classics, which can have various shades and be laid out in the form of an ornament or mosaic.

Pebbles look original and attractive - it seems to create the feeling of being in nature near a river or sea. This material is characterized by its attractive appearance and excellent performance.

The self-leveling floor with a 3D effect looks original. Choosing its design, you can embody any of your imaginations, since this material has no restrictions. Any picture, photograph and even decoration of the underwater world, which is very similar to the real one, will be a worthy addition to the bathroom.

In the next video, you can watch the process of installing a self-leveling floor with a picture.