Do you need a threshold in the bathroom and which one is better to do?

Renovation of an apartment requires certain time and material costs. After all, the improvement should take place taking into account personal preferences, special norms and characteristics of the room. This is how the sills between the bathroom and the hallway are repaired. At first glance, this is an insignificant element of the interior, but it plays a big role for a comfortable stay. It is worth learning the basic nuances of the installation of this important part of city apartments.

What is it for?
First of all, you should tell why you need a threshold in the bathroom. First of all, the presence of this element is a special technical requirement for the arrangement of residential premises. According to the standard, the floor level in the bathroom should not exceed 20 cm from the floor level of the rest of the rooms. Moreover, without this element it will be difficult to sell an apartment, since according to the BTI (Bureau of Technical Inventory) standards, it must be there.
In the event of an accident or careless handling of the mixer, the owner only needs to remove the spilled liquid and dry the bathroom floor. It is no coincidence that only waterproof materials are selected for its decoration.
If moisture gets on surfaces that have not been treated with water-repellent compounds, the flood can move to neighbors with all the ensuing consequences.

There are several types of bathroom sills.
- Standard sill, the height of which is 20 cm. Equipped if the bathroom is on the same level with the rest of the premises.
- If the floor in the bathroom is lower than in other rooms, make a small step.
- If the bathroom has a high floor level, you have to build a step so that water does not enter the corridor.
- It is possible to replace the usual threshold with a smooth slope. This option is considered more time consuming, and it is difficult for an inexperienced builder to cope with such work.

The threshold is also equipped for soundproofing. Agree, it is not too pleasant to relax in a room listening to the sounds of water pouring from the tap. The bathroom is reliably protected from drafts, dust and dirt. In the first case, the bather will definitely not catch a cold when leaving the shower; in the second, no one will have to constantly clean the hood, which is regularly clogged with dust. And if the apartment is equipped with a combined bathroom, the rooms are protected from the penetration of unpleasant odors.

Primary requirements
Bathrooms are characterized by high air humidity. They are also characterized by a sharp change in temperatures from cold to hot and vice versa. During cleaning, housewives use modern detergents that contain a high concentration of chemicals. Taking these factors into account, the building materials for the threshold should be different:
- water resistance;
- resistance to temperature extremes and detergents;
- durability;
- wear resistance;
- durability.
Ideally, a bathroom sill should be a one-piece construction with a non-slip surface. It does not need to be docked to avoid moisture seepage. And if drops of water hit the threshold, this will not create a traumatic situation.

Manufacturing materials
Various types of materials are used to create a nut. The most durable is considered stainless steel, the covering of which does not require additional finishing work. It will last a long time, will not break or deteriorate.

A universal option is considered woodbecause the color scheme of bathroom doors is often close to natural wood.
The wooden surface is non-slip and fits organically into any interior. However, wooden sills will swell and crack on constant contact with water. If the tree is not cared for, mold and mildew will form. To prevent unpleasant manifestations, wood sills should be painted every year.
The sill made of oak or pine wood will last as long as possible.

Thresholds are considered another beautiful option. made of plastic. Modern stores offer a large selection of colors and textures, so choosing the right option is not difficult. But the plastic loses its attractive appearance (changes color, crumbles and breaks), so it must be replaced regularly. Maintaining a uniform style of a bathroom with such a threshold will not work for a long time.

Light sills made of aluminum are sold for a real price, and a large selection of flowers will impress even the most demanding owner. The most reliable option is a threshold made of concrete. The sturdy construction will create a tangible barrier in the path of pouring water. In order for the concrete surface to look aesthetically pleasing, it should be revetted with tiles or laminate.

Installation recommendations
Prepare for repair work. Preparation begins with work clothes: unnecessary pants and a shirt, worn-out shoes will do. Safety goggles and several pairs of gloves are essential. Tools are put in a separate box:
- building level;
- spatulas;
- grinder and hammer drill;
- container for adhesive composition;
- rule (aligns the screed);
- paint.

When all the tools are assembled, you can dismantle the old nut. First, cut out from both sides with a hacksaw, and then break off the middle so as not to damage the door and the wood frame. The remaining parts are knocked out with a hammer. The surface is cleaned and covered with a layer of primer, and then proceed with the installation of a new threshold. To correctly make a threshold for a bathroom, it is worth considering the features of building materials.

A wooden threshold is made by hand from pine or oak wood. It is easy to install.
- At the bottom of the side racks of the box, grooves are constructed, the height of which must correspond to the height of the nut.
- The wooden blank should be inserted into the grooves and hammered in with a hammer.
- Several through holes are made with a drill.
- The workpiece is taken out, dowels are driven into the holes.
- The nuts are returned to their place and screwed with self-tapping screws.
- At the final stage, the threshold should be decorated: painted in a shade that will organically combine with the design of the bathroom.
The installation of aluminum, steel and plastic sills is carried out in the same way. The only difference is that thresholds made of artificial building materials are sold ready-made, they only need to be adjusted to the size of the door frame.

A more time-consuming option is considered to be the device of a concrete threshold.
- First, the boards should be made of wood. This is a peculiar form of the future sill, which will not allow the cement mortar to spread. The boards are wrapped in a transparent film so that the concrete screed does not stick to them.
- Cement is poured into a mold of wood and leveled with a rule. A layer of waterproofing will allow you to achieve ideal smoothness. A cement-sand mortar should be poured over it and smoothed again.
- Determine the height of the threshold in the bathroom using a horizontal level.
- The cement screed must be completely dry. This usually takes several days. To avoid cracks, the future threshold should be periodically moistened with water.
- When the concrete is dry, the boards are removed, and the sill is cleaned so that its surface becomes even and covered with a layer of soil.

The threshold has been formed, the main work has been completed. It remains to choose an aesthetic design for this design. Designers advise finishing with porcelain stoneware, the color of which is in harmony with the shade of the floor in the hallway and bathroom. First of all, it is necessary to calculate the amount of finishing material, perform the necessary markings and make undercuts.
Immediately before the start of finishing work, a special adhesive solution is prepared. It should not be too thick or runny.

Masters advise you to carefully read the instruction manual, but there are several rules, the observance of which allows you to prepare a high-quality adhesive mixture.
- It is necessary to pour water into a deep container, add dry glue to it - in small portions, constantly stirring.
- The resulting solution is thoroughly mixed. In consistency, it should resemble thick sour cream.
- Then they begin to fix the ceramic tiles. To do this, glue should be applied to the tile, applied to the concrete and pressed for a couple of seconds.
- The rest of the tiles are glued in the same way. The joints between them are aligned with plastic crosses.

To get a flat surface, the tiles should be measured by level. The joints should be rubbed with a compound of the same color as the tile. Excess mixture must be removed with foam rubber. The threshold is ready. Its strength is checked using ordinary tapping: the sounds of impacts should not be sonorous. A ringing sound speaks of the existing voids, which will quickly render the threshold unusable. This defect can be easily corrected: the tiles are dismantled and re-installed.
Experts offer an alternative way to protect against pouring water from the tap. You don't have to bother with the sill device, but raise the floor in the hallway. But they immediately make a reservation: this will require certain financial investments, and it is much more difficult to complete this operation. Beginners will have to call for help from a more experienced master, they cannot master it alone.
If the apartment is not large, lifting the floor will take away valuable free space. So installing a plank between two rooms is much cheaper and more practical, and it looks just as good.

For information on whether you need a threshold in the bathroom, see below.