Bathroom plaster: varieties and features of choice

Bathroom renovations must be approached with great responsibility. This primarily concerns the selection of materials. Both the aesthetics of the premises and the durability of the repair will depend on them. Plaster is often used to decorate the bathroom. It can be used as a base (base for painting or installing tiles) or finishing decorative cladding. Let's figure out what properties high-quality mixtures should have, learn about the types of plaster on the construction market, as well as about the rules for choosing and using the material.
General requirements
All construction and finishing materials used in the bathroom must be water resistant due to high humidity in the room. If the plaster mixes do not have this quality, the base will absorb moisture and will begin to swell over time. This will cause the tiles or paint to peel off. The aesthetics of the bathroom will be lost, and the premises will have to be redecorated again, which will lead to additional financial costs. The finishing decorative plaster for the bathroom must also be moisture resistant.
The next important requirement is resistance to the formation and development of fungus. A bathroom is an ideal breeding ground for harmful microorganisms. If the material is not resistant to their development, the walls of the bathroom will quickly become covered with mold, dangerous to the health of households.

The finishing plaster should be distinguished by high density values, which determine the resistance of the decorative layer to mechanical abrasion.The fact is that the walls in the bathroom often have to be washed from dirt, dust, splashes of water and soap drops. With such actions, the porous finish will quickly lose its external presentability - it will begin to wash off and crumble.
Any waterproof plaster in the bathroom should have:
- high adhesion to various types of building materials;
- good vapor permeability;
- high sulfide resistance, which eliminates the risk of chipping on the wall surface;
- environmental safety;
- good plasticity, due to which the layer will not shrink and crack during use.
High-quality ready-made mixtures for plastering walls meet all these requirements.

Species overview
The building materials market offers a huge selection of plasters. Mixtures differ in their composition and purpose. To understand which material to give preference to, you need to carefully study the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Cement and sand based plaster. Manufacturers often add hydrophobic compounds and plasticizers to these mixtures, the task of which is to facilitate the application of the material to the wall surface. Different cement plasters have different brands (the higher the value, the better the mix and the more expensive it will cost).
Cement-based formulations have a number of advantages:
- versatility - the material can be used for both indoor and outdoor work;
- strength, thanks to which the finish can withstand significant loads - weighty shelves and cabinets can be attached to the cement layer;
- resistance to sudden temperature changes;
- long-term preservation of strength indicators;
- fire resistance, fire resistance;
- affordable cost.

With the help of a cement mixture, external wall defects can be leveled. However, in the future, additional work on the final leveling of the canvas will still be required.
The cement-sand mixture has some disadvantages. These include a large mass of mortar, which is why, when laying on a wall, serious loads are created on the structure. The disadvantages also include the risks of cracks (often formed if the proportion of the mixture and water is not observed correctly, if the technology for preparing the solution is violated).
Among the disadvantages, consumers note the high consumption of the composition during installation, complex application and long drying of the solution.

This material is made on the basis of plaster. The plaster has a fine-grained structure. To increase the strength and plasticity, various components are added to the composition (most often plasticizers).
Gypsum plaster has several advantages. Let's consider the main advantages:
- excellent adhesion - the material sets quickly, regardless of the type of substrate;
- convenient use - the solution easily falls on the surface, leveled out quickly and effortlessly;
- good sound and heat barrier - the gypsum layer creates a barrier to the penetration of noise and heat leakage;
- the material does not shrink, due to which the formation of cracks and the appearance of other irregularities is excluded in the future on the walls;
- economical consumption of the finished solution (especially when applied in one layer);
- environmental friendliness of the material and its absolute safety for the health of others;
- excellent indicators of hygroscopicity - the gypsum layer has the ability to breathe, as well as absorb and release moisture;
- stability and lack of deformation when exposed to excessively low or high temperatures.

If necessary, the gypsum plaster can be dismantled - it easily falls behind the surface of the walls or ceiling.
The disadvantages of this material include its high cost (in comparison with cement-sand mixtures), weak resistance to power loads, lower moisture resistance (however, they can plaster the walls in the bathroom).Before applying gypsum plaster, a mandatory surface treatment with a primer is required.
Gypsum-based material has a different structure. Mixtures are coarse, medium and fine grained. The former is suitable for filling holes in the walls, the latter for leveling the base.
Medium-grained plaster can be used both for removing large irregularities and for applying a layer for finishing.

This plaster is designed to prepare the surface for subsequent finishing. This material includes:
- modifier components;
- various additives;
- plasticizing agents.
Thanks to these additional components, the solution becomes plastic, and the layer becomes hydrophobic and more durable.

The main features of the renovation plaster:
- ensuring the isolation of the finishing cladding from moisture entering through the external structures;
- increasing the vapor permeability of the bathroom, due to which a favorable microclimate is established in the room;
- the creation of an elastic coating, on which cracks will not appear as a result of shrinkage over time;
- increased sulfate resistance.
Sanitizing plaster is an ideal solution when it is planned to plaster surfaces for subsequent installation of tiles, paint or wallpaper.

This is a relatively new type of finish, which has already won the respect of consumers using it. Such material is used to decorate space. With its help you can make stylish and exclusive renovations. Decorative plasters can be:
- mineral (base - cement with marble or granite chips);
- silicone (base - silicone resin, additional components - glass or marble chips);
- acrylic (made on the basis of polymer resins with the addition of glass or marble chips, as well as other types of fillers);
- silicate (fine-grained mineral substances are used as a filler, and liquid glass acts as the basis).

Distinguish between textured, structural, Venetian and mineral decorative plaster.
This finish is strong and durable. The solution, applied according to the requirements of the technological process, forms a layer that is resistant to mechanical stress, shedding and cracking. It is not afraid of moisture; if necessary, it is allowed to wash it with a soft cloth and soapy water.
Decorative plaster allows you to mask surface imperfections - dents, bumps, cracks. In addition, the material is considered universal - it can be applied to wood, brick, concrete, metal and other types of substrates. The advantages include frost and moisture resistance, as well as health safety due to the absence of harmful components in the composition.
The main disadvantages of decorative plaster include its high cost and complexity of installation. To veneer a surface with this material will require certain skills, effort and time. Often, many consumers entrust the cladding work to hired craftsmen, as a result of which the final cost of the repair increases.

Moisture-resistant plaster for bathroom decoration is produced by many domestic and foreign companies. Among them there are many manufacturers offering high quality products to consumers at a favorable cost.
- Profit. The company produces water-repellent plaster "Hydrophobe" (cement-sand) and "Barrier" (cement-polymer). Both materials are of medium grain size. The purpose of the composition is to level the various types of bases. The prepared solution must be applied immediately after preparation (after 3 hours, the mass thickens strongly, which makes it difficult to use). The layer reaches its final strength after 27 days.

- EU. The manufacturer offers TT30 plaster for plastering walls and ceilings in the bathroom.The mixture is made on the basis of gray cement. This plaster does not crack, does not shrink, and has excellent moisture-repellent properties. It is one of the budget solutions for leveling subfloors and preparing them for finishing. The prepared solution is viable for 2 hours. Consumption of the composition for 1 sq. m is 8-9 kg (with a coating thickness of no more than 5 mm).

- Ceresit. The manufacturer offers a moisture-resistant polymer-cement plaster CR 65. The composition is resistant to alkalis and salts. Easy to apply. Suitable for all types of substrates except plaster. Dries up within 3 days.

- Consolit... Multi-component mortar containing cement, lime and various polymers. Mass consumption per 1 sq. m is from 8 to 10 kg. The mass remains viable for 2-3 hours, after which it begins to harden. It will take 5 to 8 days for the layer to dry.

- UNIS. The manufacturer produces two types of plaster mix - Teplon and Silin. The first is made on the basis of gypsum and is only suitable for leveling the surface under the tiles. The second is made of non-shrinking type of cement, designed for all types of substrates. The mixtures are waterproof, plastic and durable. Consumption of gypsum plaster is 6 kg per 1 m, cement plaster up to 12 kg. The layer dries up within 5 days.

Well-known manufacturers of water-repellent plasters include: Knauf, Vetonit, Azolit, Magma.

How to choose?
A large assortment of dry compositions for plastering a bathroom makes them difficult to choose. To buy a quality product with optimal performance, it is important to take into account several nuances.
Experienced finishers are advised to give preference to cement-sand mortars. It is best that they do not contain lime. This component increases the drying rate and plasticity of the finished solution, but at the same time reduces the waterproofing properties.
It is advisable to refuse the use of gypsum plasters. The fact is that gypsum is able to quickly absorb moisture, and even various additives are not able to solve this problem. Gypsum plaster in the bathroom will become unusable faster than sand-cement plaster.

You also need to pay attention to the information from the manufacturer indicated on the product packaging. The dry mixture must be moisture resistant. It should be studied for which bases the composition is suitable and whether it can be used for the subsequent installation of tiles. It is important to check the expiration dates of the products. There are times when goods with an expired shelf life are on the shelves or this date is coming to an end. Fresh mixes should be purchased, since old ones lose their performance.
Pay attention to the manufacturer as well. The mistake of some consumers is the choice of budget materials of dubious production. In most cases, such plaster mixes do not meet the requirements stated by the manufacturer. They quickly lose their properties, which is why the next renovation may soon be required in the bathroom.

How to use it correctly?
The process of plastering walls cannot be called complicated if there is no conversation about decorative plaster. In order to produce quality work, it will take diligence and adherence to some subtleties. Mistakes made can easily cross out all the works, so there is no need to rush in this matter. Plastering walls consists of several stages that must be followed by the master. Let's consider them in more detail.
Before applying the solution, any base must be prepared. To do this, you need to remove paint, old layer of plaster, lime or other types of finishes from the surface. Cleaning must be done with high quality, dismantling outdated materials to a hard base (for example, to concrete, aerated concrete or brick). For work, scrapers, spatulas, hammers are used.In some cases, a grinder or drill may be required.
You should not neglect the preparatory stage. Any finishing coating weakens during operation, and the cement or gypsum mortar applied to it creates a colossal load. Because of this, the plaster can fall off along with the old finish, and all the work will have to be repeated from the beginning.

All cracks in the base should be primed and repaired with a cement-sand mortar. It is necessary to pay attention to the holes through which utilities pass. Dust and debris must be removed from them. Too large holes must be repaired with pieces of brick and fixed with cement mortar.
If there are grease stains on the surface, they must be removed. The plaster will not adhere to these types of dirt. If necessary, the wall is cleaned from dust and dirt. Subsequent work should be started when the surface is completely dry. Apply a primer to a clean and dry substrate.

Preparation of the solution
The mixing technology for plastering mixture is described in detail in the instructions for the material. However, there are general rules that apply to most types of mixtures:
- cold water is poured into a clean container and plaster is gradually added (in the ratio indicated on the package by the manufacturer);
- the solution is mixed with a construction mixer or other hand tool (the mass should be homogeneous, without lumps);
- the solution is allowed to "rest" for 10 minutes, after which it is stirred again.
The mixture should be diluted in small portions, since the ready-made solution cannot be stored for a long time. After half an hour, it will begin to harden, and after a few hours it will be impossible for them to work.

Material application
Plastering surfaces can be done in two ways: automatic or mechanized. The first method involves the use of specialized equipment. The result is an even layer without flaws. The automated method of installation is practically not used for renovations in bathrooms. Due to the high cost of equipment, it makes no sense to purchase it for solving everyday problems.
The mechanical method involves the application of plaster by hand. In this case, 3 layers are superimposed.
- Starting. The surface of the wall is wetted with water using a spray bottle. After that, a liquid plaster mass with a thickness of up to 5 mm is poured onto the base.
- Draft... Plaster of medium density is poured onto the starting layer, the mass is leveled, and its excess is removed.
- Finishing... A 2 mm thick plaster is applied to the solidified and moistened draft layer. After the layer begins to harden (no need to wait for the surface to dry completely), it must be sanded with a mechanical or electric brush.
A primer is applied to the sanded surface, and after it dries, a finishing lining is performed.

Examples in the interior
A plastered surface in a bathroom for painting, tiles or other cladding always looks the same - these are gray, even walls without flaws. Rooms decorated with decorative plaster look much more luxurious and interesting. The final result will depend not only on the chosen composition, but also on the professionalism of the master. With the help of the decorative composition, you can design any bathroom in an exclusive and tasteful way.

Let's look at some interesting examples that someone might want to take on board.
- Venetian plaster. Thanks to the use of this mass, it is possible to obtain a surface that imitates natural minerals and stones (for example, amethyst or onyx).

- Simulated mixtures. These types of plasters allow you to create a textured surface. The compositions can have different colors, making it easy to choose a range according to the general interior style.

- "Bark beetle". Plaster of textured consistency to which fine marble chips have been added. Thanks to the inclusions on the surface, reliefs can be created that visually resemble woodworm damage.

Choosing the right plaster for your bathroom is a demanding task. The application of the composition to the walls and ceiling is also considered an important matter. If you can cope with plastering for painting or installing tiles yourself, then it is best to entrust the decorative composition to professional craftsmen. Such finishing will require a lot of time, effort, knowledge and experience.
See below for more details.