Bathroom cornices: varieties and choices

Cornices are an indispensable part of any bathroom. They not only qualitatively protect the flooring and bathroom walls from splashing water, but also effectively zone the room. In this material, you will get acquainted with the varieties of curtain rods for bathrooms, as well as with the features of the selection and installation of these structures.

Features and purpose
Among the elements that form the interior of the bathroom, it is the curtain and the cornice on which it is located can be distinguished. This element plays the same important role in the interior appearance of a room as wall decoration and flooring. The main task of the curtain rods is to hold the bathroom curtain - the joint design of these elements is capable of performing several tasks.
- Protection... The floor covering in the bathroom will become coated over time from the splashing water that splashes onto the walls while using the shower. This problem is especially relevant for dark style bathrooms. At the same time, a correctly placed curtain rod with a curtain helps to contain water splashes and does not allow them to spoil the decoration of the room.
- Coziness and warmth... The curtain relatively qualitatively restrains the flow of steam that is formed during a hot bath or shower. Also, a curtain rod with a curtain can create a place for privacy in the bathroom. All this allows you to wash your face not only in warmth, but also in comfort.
- Division of space... Cornice is an ideal means for zoning a room. This is especially true in apartments with a combined shower and toilet or for bathrooms with a non-standard layout.
- Style... The cornice, as well as the curtain placed on it, can complement, dilute or refresh a certain interior of the bathroom.

Types of structures
At the beginning of the 21st century, when creating curtain rods for bathrooms, a variety of materials with different shapes and fastening systems began to be used.
The most common types of curtain rods will be presented below.
- Radial, semicircular or arcuate... This type of cornice is ideal for corner, round, asymmetrical or oval baths that are installed close to the walls of the room. As a rule, such cornices have a unique arcuate shape and are attached using special fasteners to adjacent walls. The dimensions of such curtain rods are usually selected based on the individual preferences of the customer.
To provide additional safety, such curtain rods are usually mounted on vertical posts - the latter do not allow the arc to sag under the weight of the curtain. In addition, these models can be double - that is, they have several rows at once and even towel holders.

- L-shaped... This option is great for corner or rectangular baths. The design of such a cornice usually includes a metal pipe (with a cross section of at least 20 mm), bent at an angle of 90 degrees and attached to two adjacent walls. Typically, these types of holders are made exclusively from durable materials that will be able to withstand the load from a heavy wet curtain.

- U-shaped cornice - a universal option for oval or round bathtubs installed close to the walls. This cornice is also a solid pipe, however, the latter is bent at right angles already in 2 places, forming the letter "P". This type of holders is less common and is usually made to order.

- Straight... This is the name of the classic holders in the form of straight metal or plastic arches, which are most often found in bathrooms of standard sizes. In general, such curtain rods are a straight arc that is attached to opposite walls in the bathroom.
This option is only suitable for standard baths, rectangular bathtubs, as well as those mounted close to one of the bathroom walls.

- Telescopic cornices (also called sliding ones)... The peculiarity of these curtain rods is that they do not need special fastening. They have a unique telescopic design that allows them to be extended or reduced to the desired length. In addition, at the ends of such holders there are special rubber pads that protect the walls from damage and scratches.

- Fan-shaped... Unique curtain rods that maximize space saving in the bathroom. Fan cornices are made up of a series of metal or polymer knitting needles that can be folded out and assembled like a fan. This design looks original and beautiful, and therefore these holders usually cost a little more than other models.

- Flexible or bendable... The peculiarity of these curtain rods is in their soft structure, which can adapt to any shape and size of the bathroom. Such models are usually made of soft aluminum or durable polymers, which, even when bent, are able to withstand the weight of a wet curtain.
Unlike other holders, these models require a solid additional ceiling mount.

- Strings... These are, as a rule, just straight cornices, however, in this case, not a standard dense pipe is used to hold the curtain, but a strong metal string. Such curtain rods can be easily replaced, in addition, they do not take up much space and, due to their low weight, do not exert strong pressure on the walls.

Manufacturing materials
The durability and appearance of curtain rods primarily depends on the material from which they are made.Today, when creating curtain rods for bathrooms, about 5 different materials are used, each of which has individual indicators of strength and reliability.
- Plastic... The cheapest material from which the curtain rods can be made is plastic. It is lightweight, can take on a wide variety of shapes and is easy to color. In addition, plastic curtain rods do not emit unpleasant sounds when the curtain is opened.
Plastic holders also have disadvantages: loss of attractive appearance in high humidity conditions; inability to withstand significant loads from heavy curtains; the need to install additional vertical mounts or more reliable mounting to the ceiling.

- Metallic... These include stainless steel or brushed aluminum curtain rods. These models of holders are much more expensive than their plastic counterparts, however, and are distinguished by a more reliable design - they are able to withstand a significant load even from the heaviest curtains. Such curtain rods also need reliable fastening, which usually includes drilling into walls and installing dowels.

- Combined... Such models of curtain rods include holders that combine both metal and plastic elements. Usually it is a metal pipe fitted with plastic rings with metal hooks that will not make noise when the shutters are pulled apart.

- Chromed steel... This version of the curtain rods will look good in any style solution, while such holders are highly durable and not subject to corrosion.
The only drawback is that the chrome coating quickly loses its pleasant appearance from plaque after splashing water, and therefore needs frequent maintenance.

- Non-ferrous metals and alloys... This group includes all options for holders made of bronze, brass or copper. These materials look great in a certain design style, but, unfortunately, they very quickly lose their appearance and deteriorate in high humidity conditions.

Dimensions (edit)
If we consider the presented selection of curtain rods on the bathroom sanitary ware market, you can find that straight holders are usually found with a length of no more than 180 cm.With regard to corner, U-shaped or L-shaped options, then the size of 170x70 cm is most often found here. As you can see, these figures directly depend on the standard sizes of fonts - the latter usually range from 160 to 180 cm in length and from 65 to 80 cm in width.
Of course, there are both shorter and longer versions of the curtain rods - short for shower stalls and long for custom-sized bathtubs.
Fortunately, these designs are made of materials that can adapt to absolutely any size, so there are no clear boundaries here. It all depends solely on the preferences of the customer, the size of the hot tub and the bathroom itself.

Design and colors
Many buyers choose bathroom curtain rods not only for reasons of functionality and practicality. The cornice is a full-fledged part of the interior, which can complement or update it. For each design style, experts recommend the use of curtain rods in specific materials and colors.
Below will be presented the options for using curtain holders in the most common style solutions.
- Scandinavian style... In the case of this style, absolutely any material can be successfully used. The main task here is that it does not look alien and is in harmony with the color scheme of the room.

- Minimalism... This modern style sees simplicity and conciseness in everything, so both chrome and matte models are ideal here without unnecessary bulges and additional elements in the form of knots or patina. As for the material, steel, aluminum and even plastic will perfectly fit into such a bathroom.

- Classic style... This style solution requires cornices that look both laconic and solid at the same time. Thin curtain rods of non-ferrous metals and alloys will look best in this style - items made of brass, bronze and copper, as well as those with a coating in the form of gold, are especially popular.
What materials do not exactly fit into this style are plastic and chrome steel.

- Provence... In this case, everything very much depends on the time period in which the style was used. If we are talking about Provence of the 18th-19th centuries, then cornices made of brass, copper and bronze, with such an obligatory component as patina (a film in the form of patterns and colors on the surface of copper and its alloys), will look perfect here. Provence of the modern type is more versatile - products made of chrome steel, blackened metal and even plastic will look great here.

- Country and Ethno... In this style, it is recommended to give preference to matte materials that seem to have darkened with time. This role is perfectly fulfilled by brass, blackened metal or copper. In this case, chromium and steel should be avoided.

- Steampunk... In this style solution, models of holders with numerous fittings and other plumbing elements will look perfect. Steampunk is best complemented by pipes made of copper or blackened metal.

- Loft - one of the rather costly styles in the design of the bathroom, and therefore holders only from noble and solid metals and alloys will be appropriate here: from bronze, brass and copper.

Top manufacturers
There are no brands that exclusively produce bathroom curtain rods. In general, these are manufacturers who are engaged in the creation of various plumbing fixtures for bathrooms. If we consider the most popular manufacturers of bathroom curtain rods, then here the following brands can be distinguished: IKEA, Milardo, Ridder, Bacchetta, Iddis, Flex, Swensa, and also Vanstore.

How to choose?
The choice of any plumbing fixture for the bathroom should be taken extremely responsibly, because it is its elements that form the appearance and interior of the room.
There are a number of factors to consider when choosing a bathroom curtain rod.
- Accommodation conditions... Before choosing a model, you need to take accurate measurements of the bathroom. In particular, you need to know exactly the width of the curtain or the distance between adjacent and opposite walls on which the curtain rod will be attached.

- Reliability... The most reliable material for curtain rods is precisely stainless steel - it is an incredibly strong, durable and corrosion-resistant material that also has good external characteristics.
Plastic is considered the least durable, and therefore products from this material will certainly need additional fastening.

- Budget... With a modest budget, it is better to stay on plastic models of curtain holders, however, the latter will last a maximum of 5 years. Most of the money will have to be spent on exclusive products made of non-ferrous metals or alloys - usually they are installed in richly decorated bathrooms, and therefore the prices for them are appropriate. Stainless steel can be considered a universal option that meets the price / quality requirements.

- Style... To decorate bathrooms in a special style (like classic or modern), holders made of copper or brass are usually used - they look the most rich and in harmony with a warm style solution. Products made of stainless and chrome-plated steel are considered a universal option.
Avoid holders made of thin-walled painted steel - in appearance such products may seem reliable and attractive, however, very soon the decorative coating will wear off and will be unpleasant to catch your eye.

- Mounting... It is the telescopic models of cornices that are distinguished by the easiest installation - even drilling the walls is not required for their fastening. Most of the trouble will be with the installation of plastic structures and alloy products.These products can bend under low weight, even with additional vertical struts. Owners of bathrooms with stretch ceilings should take into account that in their case, the eaves can only be attached to adjacent walls.
When installing pipes on walls, it is best to use the type of fastening with self-tapping screws - this is the most reliable option.

- Noise... It is the plastic versions of the holders that make the least noise, however, the latter are distinguished by poor reliability. Metal models are more reliable, however, they make a lot of noise when the curtains are constantly moving apart. As a compromise, it is better to focus on combined options, where the structure consists of a metal pipe and plastic rings. The latter must be equipped with strong metal hooks, plastic hooks are not suitable - in a month they will crack or break.

- Material... When choosing metal curtain rods, pay attention to the properties and indicators of resistance of a particular metal to high levels of moisture. Among the most resistant metals to corrosion, high temperatures, as well as to chemical cleaning agents, aluminum and stainless steel products can be noted.

- Appearance... If you choose a certain cornice already in place, be sure to inspect its surface for chips, cracks and, in the case of geometric cornices, folds at the folds.

Installation recommendations
When installing a curtain rod in a bathroom, it is best to use the help of specialists, however, independent installation of such structures is also possible. For high-quality installation of any holders for the bathroom, you will need the following tools: a drill, a screwdriver, a hammer drill, screws, dowels, a pencil, drills with different diameters, as well as a building level.
The installation of this holder is perhaps the easiest.
- Using a spirit level, measure 15 cm from the ceiling on both walls. Keep in mind that the curtain in a calm state should go down into the bathroom, and not be located over the edges of the font.
- Mark the places where the cornice is attached using a regular pencil.
- Check the functionality of the telescopic mechanism.
- Attach hooks or rings to the bar, depending on the model kit.
- Place the ends of the curtain rod in the designated places and expand the structure to the required length (with the addition of 0.5-1 cm).
- Check the reliability of the structure by attaching the curtain to the hooks. Correct the length of the stick if necessary.

Installation of straight cornices is not much different from the installation of telescopic ones. The main difference is that there is a need to drill a wall.
So, the sequence of actions.
- Using a pencil and a spirit level, mark the surface of the walls where the crossbar will be placed.
- Using a drill, make holes in the markings. The depth of the holes is no more than 2 cm, depending on the type and weight of the structure.
- Place the dowels in the created holes so that their head protrudes no more than 0.5 cm above the wall surface.
- Install the brackets.
- Install the pipe into the brackets. In this case, the clamping screws must be slightly loosened.
- If necessary, place decorative overlays on the edges of the eaves to hide the drilling.

Fastening such products can cause much more difficulties, however, the installation scheme differs slightly from the installation of standard straight options.
- Adjust the dimensions of the bar to fit your hot tub or shower. Any excess length can be removed with a hacksaw.
- Mark the places on the wall where the eaves attachment will be located.
- Attach hooks or rings to the curtain rod, then place the ends at the designated locations on the wall.
- Fix the product using dowels, screws or self-tapping screws.
- Check the reliability of the fasteners, if necessary, install an additional fastener (if such elements are included in the kit).

If the bar is larger than necessary
In metal or plastic curtain rods, the dimensions of the product are adjusted in advance to the dimensions of the bathroom. In this case, the excess length can be cut off with a hacksaw.
A completely different solution to the problem with excess length in telescopic cornices. Here, the internal spring, which fixes the position of the arc, does not let the latter inside the product. In this case, the inner stick is completely removed from the main bar together with the spring and is placed in the hole already on the opposite side of the main stick.

How to install a curtain rod in the bathroom, you will learn from the following video.
General Tips
To keep the holder installation procedure as easy as possible, follow the guidelines below.
- It is not worthwhile to determine the place of attachment of the cornice by eye - use the building level.
- When installing the cornice, keep in mind that the product should ideally be at a height of at least 160 cm from the bottom of the hot tub.
- The height of the installation of the cornice must be compared with the growth of the tallest member of the family - while the cornice should be 7-10 cm higher than this indicator.
- It is better to use a regular pencil when marking. Avoid markers that can be difficult to remove later.
- The support caps must be removed before installing the telescopic curtain rods - they may interfere with the correct setting of the holder length.
- It is better to place the hole for the clamping screw in the bracket at the top, so it will be less noticeable.
- Do not drill holes for fastening at the joints of the tiles - they will be difficult to repair in the future.
- Remember that ceiling mounts are considered the most reliable and durable - they suffer the least from moisture.