Round bathroom mirror: varieties and choices

It is difficult to imagine a bathroom without a mirror. This important attribute is essential during morning routines. Many girls apply makeup in the bathroom, which is impossible without a reflective element. However, the value of this accessory is not limited to its functionality. It is also a decorative item, the design of which is of great importance. Many people prefer round models. What makes such mirrors so good, and how to choose the right option, will be discussed in the article.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide variety of mirrors of various shapes (square, rectangular, polygonal, oval). However, the most beloved for many are round models.
The circle is a magical symbol that means harmony and completeness. An object that has no sharp corners seems more pleasing. The softness of the outlines gives its owners a sense of calmness and comfort. It is believed that round elements have a beneficial effect on the human psyche and mood.

At the same time, the interior also only benefits from the introduction of such an accessory. If the bathroom is dominated by pieces of furniture with smooth lines, the circle harmoniously complements the interior. If there are many angles and clear shapes in the room, the mirror allows you to smooth out the sharpness of the situation.

In the assortment of shops you can find a round mirror of any size (from miniature to very large). This allows everyone to find a suitable option. Their design is also different. These are luxurious baroque mirrors for classic apartments, and ultra-modern models for connoisseurs of minimalism.

And, of course, one cannot fail to mention the ability of mirrors to visually expand the space.Round options do the best for this. This is especially valuable for modest sized bathrooms.

Popular models
Wall mirrors without functional additions can be made in various styles. For example, a model in a luxurious gilded frame is suitable for a classic bathroom. There are also options for "silver". Some models are so beautiful that they can be fully called works of art. Of course, this design significantly increases the cost of the product, but the effect is worth it.

For country style or provence you can choose an item in a wooden frame covered with a special waterproof compound. Modern style the accessory will fit into the laconic chrome edging. Some options are attached using small holders located on the sides of the item. This allows you to change the angle of inclination of the reflective surface.

If you like bright colors, you can get a mirror with a plastic frame in a juicy shade. The opposite design is a white or black frame. The snow-white outline will effectively highlight the subject against the background of a dark wall, and the black one, on the contrary, will accentuate the mirror in a light bathroom.
If you prefer restraint and minimalism, the best option would be to buy a mirror circle without any frame. Such a model will fit into the Scandinavian style of the interior.

Backlit and heated
If the question of price is not particularly important for you, an excellent solution would be to purchase a heated mirror. A special infrared system, hidden behind the object, relieves it from fogging and stains. Even after a warm shower, you do not have to wipe the surface, as the reflection will be perfectly clear. In addition, you will be able to eliminate the risk of mold, which provokes condensation.

Many modern models are also equipped with backlit... This is another option that combines practicality and beauty. Usually, the luminous strip is located along the perimeter of the product, replacing the frame. The round model in this frame resembles the sun. In addition, the backlight can be curly (in the form of dashed lines, patterns, etc.). This turns the mirrored surface into an interesting decorative element, eye-catching and giving the interior a zest.

As for practicality, everything is obvious here. If the lighting is not decorative (it only decorates the mirror cloth with luminous patterns), then an additional source of light appears in the bathroom. This allows you to see yourself in great detail, which is useful when shaving or applying makeup. If the accessory is equipped with an external lamp (on a special holder), then not only the area near the mirror itself is illuminated, but also the rest of the room area, which is also not superfluous.
For many models, the backlight is turned on by a touch method. Silicone protection protects the switch from moisture, and the wires are reliably hidden inside the structure.

With watch
Another useful addition is the clock built into the mirror. Of course, if you are in the bathroom just to wash or take a shower, you will not be able to appreciate the beauty of this function. And here women who put on makeup in front of the mirror in the morning can, without being distracted from the process, keep track of the time and not be afraid to be late for work. Also, the watch may be needed when applying various masks to the face or hair. You don't have to carry your phone or wrist watch to the bathroom to find out when it's time to wash off the composition.

With shelves
Mirrors are often equipped with one or more shelves. This can be a small bar attached to the bottom of the item, or a couple of small pieces on the side of the item. There are also combined options. Depending on the design, shelves can be made of glass, wood, metal, plastic... This solution allows you to conveniently place toothbrushes, cleansers and other items needed in the bathroom.

If the area of the bathroom does not allow you to hang a large mirror on the wall, you can get by with the mini-option. Telescopic models are held on special brackets. If necessary, they extend and turn in the desired direction. The rest of the time they are pressed against the wall and do not interfere at all. Often such products are double-sided. In this case, one of the sides shows an image with a magnification.

How to choose?
The size
When choosing a bathroom mirror, you should decide where it will be located. Based on this, the size of the product is determined. Of course, the dimensions of the room should also be taken into account. Do not hang a huge mirrored canvas (100 cm or more) in a tiny bathroom. Also, in a spacious room, a small product will look strange.

Fastening method
Decide how the accessory will stick to the wall. It could be a mirror on a suspension or on side holders... Also, the item can be mounted with a hidden attachment. The choice depends on personal taste and interior features.

When choosing a model with a beautiful frame, mentally imagine it in your bathroom. The object should harmoniously fit into the setting, and not stand out with an absurd spot. If the design is already overloaded with details, it is better to stick with the laconic version. If the decor seems too simple to you, you can make it more sophisticated with the help of a luxurious product. And, of course, consider the style of the room when choosing.

Additional functionality
Think about whether you need additions in the form of heating, lighting, hours. Keep in mind that all of this increases the value of the product. By the way, if you want to additionally illuminate the area near the mirror, and modern backlit models do not fit into your classic interior, you can solve the problem by placing wall sconces on the sides of the reflective element.

Mirror cloth material
Bathroom - a room with a high level of humidity and temperature extremes... Direct contact of objects with water is also possible. Therefore, in this case, special requirements are imposed on the mirror. First of all, this concerns the basis. There are silver and aluminum options in the assortment of shops.
The second material is cheaper. However, under the conditions described, such a product will quickly fail. Ugly dark stains will appear on the surface, which will lead to the need for a new purchase.

Silver mirrors are the best choice. Such canvases undergo special processing, which further enhances their protective properties. The silver accessory will serve its owner for a long time without losing its decorative qualities.

Frame material
If the mirror sheet is framed by a frame, it must also be waterproof. Unprotected wood or MDF will quickly lose its attractiveness. Processing with a special compound is a prerequisite. Check with the seller. As already mentioned, the best choice is stainless metal or plastic.

When purchasing a product, be sure to inspect it. It should be free of chips, scratches and other damage. Give preference products of trusted firms.

Where to place?
Usually the mirror is placed over the washbasin. This is logical, because it is here that people carry out hygiene and cosmetic procedures. At the same time, the growth of the residents of the house is taken into account. The reflective surface should be at eye level so that the person can see themselves well. You should also listen to the recommendations of experts.
- A distance of about 1.2 m is left from the bottom of the object to the floor.
- The top of the reflective accessory is usually flush with the top of the door. On average, this is about 2 meters from the floor. Although this figure largely depends on the size of the product.
- There should be about 20 centimeters between the mirror and the washbasin.

If the sink is double, you can hang 2 accessories on the same level above each washbasin. In other parts of the bathroom, mirrors are rarely placed. However, if the room is spacious, there may be several of them. In such a case, the reflective element can also be located above the dressing table (if any) or on any of the free walls. This issue is being resolved based on the needs of the owners, the features of the layout and interior of a particular room.

Successful examples in the interior
The large bathroom is decorated in a vintage style with several matching mirrors. Two of them (in the washroom and cosmetic area) have a practical function. The third is a harmonious wall composition together with paintings.

And here is an example of a model in a metal frame, but of a modern design. The laconic product fits perfectly into the strict but cozy interior.

Backlit products are a great choice for the modern bathroom. The round shape successfully softens the coldness of the environment.

The composition of several reflective elements of different sizes is an interesting design technique that gives the bathroom a special zest.

A large mirror imitating two reflective circles superimposed on each other is an unusual solution. Thus, it turned out to ensure the comfort of users and give the bathroom a unique style.

You can see a very interesting design of a round illuminated mirror in the video below.