Chandelier in the bathroom: types and choices

Any, even the most expensive bathroom design cannot reach its potential without good lighting. A quality chandelier can create beautiful contrasts, highlight certain interior elements or reproduce an unusual play of light. In this material, you will learn basic information about chandeliers in the bathroom, the most popular varieties and features of the choice of these household appliances.

Today, a bathroom chandelier is capable of performing two functions at once. The first is purely practical: lamps effectively illuminate the room, which allows you to use bathroom accessories and furniture.
The second function of bathroom fixtures is to complement the interior or style of the room, which is achieved not only through the use of lamp design, but also through a certain play of light.

All bathroom chandeliers can be divided into several classifications. The most common one concerns the materials for making such chandeliers. Here, devices made of crystal, metal, glass, as well as stained glass models are distinguished.
- Crystal models. Crystal chandeliers are considered a classic in classic or modern bathroom furnishings. The main plus of crystal chandeliers is the amazing beauty and rich appearance of such models. In contrast to them, there are two huge drawbacks - the large weight of even small crystal models, which forces you to install powerful mounting fasteners, as well as the high cost and soiling of natural crystal chandeliers.

- Metallic... Chandeliers made of thin sheet metal are considered a good and beautiful option in minimalist and high-tech bathrooms. They are distinguished by increased strength, not as heavy as crystal models, but they also quickly lose their presentable appearance from moisture evaporation.

- Glass. Glass is considered a classic material in chandelier making - it can look great in absolutely any style. In addition to their low weight, such models are no different from crystal ones, that is, they have the same pros and cons.

- Stained glass. These chandelier models are made of multi-colored mosaics and often serve not to illuminate the bathroom, but to complement its interior. Such chandeliers are distinguished by their original design and appearance, but they give a dim light, which forces them to install additional lighting in the bathroom.

If earlier absolutely any types of lamps and chandeliers were installed in the bathrooms, today experts recommend placing only waterproof models there. The point is that steam gets on the electrical contacts. This can lead to overheating of the chandeliers, sparking, poor light quality, or even knocked-out plugs.
Today, there are several types of waterproof lamps for bathrooms.
- Embedded... They are usually installed directly into the ceiling with wiring in stretch ceilings or partitions. In some cases, these lamps are installed in the floor or on the walls (at the junction with the floor).

- Overhead. They work on the same principle as built-in ones, however, they are mounted on the surface of the ceiling or floor, and not inside. Looks great in minimalism or Scandinavian style.

- Suspended waterproof luminaires. This is the best option for a bathroom chandelier with a blocking of moisture access to the contacts inside the device.

- Backlight led. Most often it is installed as an additional, rather than main, lighting. Can illuminate the mirror area, whirlpool bath or be installed above the shampoo shelf.

Color and design
The harmony of a chandelier with a bathroom depends on two factors: the correct color of the lamp, as well as the match between the lamp design and the style of the room. First, it is worth considering the color solutions of the chandeliers. Scientists have shown that certain colors can relax and calm a person, while some shades, on the contrary, provoke aggressive and unstable behavior.
- Red. This is the most controversial color for the bathroom, which will only look appropriate in a certain style. Also, the color can be successful by using its darker or pastel shades. In other cases, red provokes anxiety, excitement and aggression.

- White. This color is considered a neutral color in the design of any room. It symbolizes cleanliness, freshness and prompts new ideas.
The main advantage of such chandeliers is the absence of contrasts with other accessories and interior elements.

- Green. All shades of green are great for relaxing and soothing. It is the perfect color to relax after a hard day. Plus, green looks great in any style and goes well with many other shades.

- Yellow. Solar and wheat chandeliers seem like the perfect option for country or Provence style rooms, but in bathrooms all shades of yellow look out of place. The only plus of yellow chandeliers is that it relieves eye strain.

- Blue. It is considered a universal color in the design of bathrooms. It simultaneously relaxes, soothes the eyes, but also stimulates the imagination, gives energy and strength.

Today, there are a huge number of design options for bathroom chandeliers. When choosing a specific model, you should give preference to the existing style of the room.
- Minimalism. Today it is one of the most popular styles in the design of any living space.The basic principles of minimalism are completeness and maximum functionality. Minimalist bathroom chandeliers should be small and discreet - recessed or overhead lamps with a simple design and bright lighting are perfect here.
Also, the lamps located around the perimeter of the room will look harmonious here.

- Scandinavian style. The most functional and practical lamps are perfect here, which will not only illuminate the bathroom, but also complement its interior. Scandinavian style implies exactly light or pastel colors, as well as a huge amount of natural white light in the room.

- Classic. Classic style in the design of bathrooms implies luxury and even excessive pomp. Only expensive versions of lamps with original stucco molding and shades of bronze or copper will be appropriate here. The ideal option in this case would be metal frames in the form of fancy colors. In addition, expensive porcelain or ceramics chandeliers can look good here. It is crystal lamps that show themselves best here.

- High tech. In bathrooms of this style, lighting along mirror surfaces or shelves is actively used. The main function of chandeliers in this style is to illuminate certain interior elements in the room.
In addition, lamps in such bathrooms should be as practical as possible - for example, chandeliers with automatic lighting control, as well as lamps with colored lights.

- Modern... The main feature of this style in the bathroom is the presence of floral and plant components in the interior. Shades and frames made in the form of fancy flowers or branches will successfully look here. For such compositions, lamps with a metal frame, glass or stained glass shade are best suited.

How to choose?
The bathroom is considered not the safest and most harmless place for the installation of any electronic equipment. A high level of humidity will affect the condition of the wiring and contacts in any device, if it is not a moisture resistant one. In addition, there are other factors to consider when choosing bathroom fixtures.
- electrical safety - this is, whatever one may say, the most important factor that should influence your choice. Every modern lighting device must be marked with 2 numbers - the first indicates the level of protection of the device from dust, the second - from moisture. The best option would be chandeliers, where the second digit is higher. In addition, you should pay attention to the power of the lighting device - it is safest to choose models of chandeliers that can operate from 12 volts.
- When choosing a chandelier for the bathroom, you should consider room lighting efficiency. The ideal option in this case would be luminaire models with automatic lighting control. Unfortunately, not all modern models are equipped with this function, and therefore a dimmer can be used here.
- As you could already understand from the information above, chandeliers of a certain color or design can look differently in rooms in different styles. If you are afraid to destroy the color scheme of your bathroom, but cannot decide on the choice of the color of the chandelier, choose universal light blue or white models.
- Mirrored surfaces are a must for any bathroom. Thanks to the mirrors, you can effectively apply cosmetics or notice makeup / hairstyle imperfections. For high-quality illumination of mirrors, you should choose lamp models capable of spot lighting. For this, recessed chandeliers or LED lighting are used.
- Decorative items. For most buyers, the main function of a bathroom chandelier is effective lighting, not a complement to the design.That is why it is recommended to choose luminaire models for this room without additional decorative items such as mosaics or crystal pendants.
These elements will distract attention and create a play of light unnecessary for this room.

Subtleties of placement
There are two key points in the placement of chandeliers in bathrooms: the correct selection of fasteners, as well as the correct choice of the lamp in relation to the size of the room itself. All chandeliers can be divided into suspended, built-in and overhead. If you bought built-in or pendant models, then their installation should be carried out strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions, relying on the rules for working with wiring and insulation of wires from moisture. If these are heavy and oversized models of chandeliers, for their installation you may need reinforced type mounts with additional brackets and bolts.
Bulky pendant versions of chandeliers with massive elements will look good in large rooms. In low rooms, recessed or surface-mounted luminaires are best suited.

Successful examples in the interior
- In style classic the main emphasis is on luxury, wealth and large dimensions of chandeliers, which is proved by the following examples.

- Minimalism in the design of the bathroom today it is considered ultra-fashionable - here the chandeliers rather serve as lighting than complement the interior.

- Chandelier frames in bathroom style modern most often made in the form of bizarre curved lines. Such lamps are also distinguished by some luxury and solidity.

For information on how to make the right lighting in the bathroom and toilet, see the next video.