Hinged corner cabinets in the bathroom: varieties, brands, selection, placement

The bathroom is one of the most common places for installing corner wall cabinets. It is for this part of the house that they are the most ergonomic and relevant in terms of spaciousness. On the modern furniture market, there are many different models of similar furniture. However, not everyone knows how to choose the right unit for the bathroom, what are the features of these structures, and what design will look truly harmonious and original.

Advantages and disadvantages
Like any fittings, a wall-mounted corner cabinet installed in a bathroom has features characteristic only of it. There are both positive and negative traits among them. The pluses include the following characteristics.
- The compactness of the product, combined with its spaciousness, allows the wall cabinet to look neat in the interior and at the same time store a lot of household items.
- Sometimes the functions of such a product can be extended. For example, a mirrored facade will allow you to place an additional reflective surface in the bathroom.
- A similar unit is able to act as an accent in the interior of the bathroom.

The following nuances can be attributed to the negative characteristics of the product.
- Self-installation of a wall-mounted corner cabinet requires skill. In the process, you have to keep the product on weight.
- In corner structures for the bathroom, the filling is quite the same. Due to the peculiarities of the forms and functions of the cabinet, the presence of pull-out or other more complex systems is simply impossible.
- You should also think very carefully about the design of the facade.Due to the fact that the hinged element will be located in the corner of the bathroom, there is a risk that it can distort its shape if it is not designed correctly.

Corner bathroom cabinets are classified into several types. This classification is based on such a feature as a cross-sectional shape. There are the following types.
- Cross section triangular type is the classic option. It fits harmoniously into small spaces.
- Unlike a triangular section, trapezoidal is embodied in a more overall design. However, this option is quite elegant and aesthetic. This form provides for both closed and semi-open models. The latter differ in that there are open shelves for small items on the side edges of the trapezoid.
- L-shaped models are not so common, but mounted products of this type are distinguished by their spaciousness. They can also contain both blind and open compartments on the sides. If such a cabinet is located above the bathroom, then it is often supplied with a mirror. Its design, being diagonal, cuts off the corner part.
- A special kind is such as a hinged pencil case... It is elongated in shape and rather narrow. Occupying a significant part of the wall, it does not have support in the form of legs, but is attached to the vertical plane of the wall. The capacity of such products is undeniable, so they can easily replace several cabinets and cabinets in the bathroom.
- Radius shape door doors are also used for wall cabinets. In the bathroom, they are used only if the area and configuration of the room allows it.

Materials (edit)
In the manufacture of corner wall cabinets for the bathroom, a fairly large number of different materials are usually used. The most popular among them are the following.
- Plastic - raw materials with lightness, presentable appearance, a variety of colors. A quality that is especially relevant for the bathroom is its resistance to moisture. However, the disadvantages of such products include their low resistance to mechanical damage, as well as the inability to withstand a large weight.

- Chipboard moisture resistant type is a very popular material for creating cabinets. Such raw materials differ from ordinary chipboard by a special coating - melamine, as well as edging tapes. The models are presented in a variety of colors and shapes, however, they are not very durable. Most buyers are attracted to them by the price component.
If you decide to purchase just such a corner cabinet, then take care of good ventilation in the bathroom.

- A more environmentally friendly and durable material is MDF. Despite the fact that it is more expensive than chipboard, such cabinets are optimal in terms of price-quality ratio. In addition, among the models there are interesting shape options - concave and convex.

- Aesthetics and beauty - the undeniable qualities of natural solid wood cabinets. They are quite expensive and need to be coated with a special impregnation to resist moisture. Otherwise, the tree will swell and lose its presentable appearance. It should also be borne in mind that wooden models are not suitable for all interior concepts.

- It acts as an independent material and an integral part of products from other raw materials. strained glass. While quite durable, it also has a special elegance. Cabinets made entirely of this material do not overload the interior space, adding more air to the room.

Dimensions (edit)
The size of the corner bathroom cabinet with hanging fixation depends largely on the shape of the particular model. In general, the width of the product varies from 15 to 80 cm.The depth should not exceed 35 cm.The height of the product can have such parameters as 70, 80, 100 cm, etc.
There are also miniature models, the length of which does not greatly exceed the width.

As for the color palette for the bathroom cabinet, its choice depends on the material of manufacture. Each raw material assumes the presence of a certain range of colors, one or more of which it can be dyed. The wood is characterized by natural light shades, such as white, beige, ivory, milky and dark tones - walnut, mahogany, chestnut.
Also, wall cabinets made of chipboard or MDF can be designed for these shades.

Plastic options are usually painted in more juicy colors - rich red, yellow, pink. However, they can also be white, black, gray, or other shades of a more relaxed pastel palette. Metal corner bathroom cabinets are made in gray, black, and can be finished with other metals, such as bronze. Glass can also be presented in light or tinted versions.

The bathroom wall cabinet can be decorated in different ways. The design of a product sometimes implies the presence of elements that make it truly unique and perfect for your bathroom. Wooden models can be finished with interesting details such as patina and carvings. If the first option gives the furniture an atmosphere of antiquity, then the second one creates additional grace.
Glass models can be transparent or matte. The contents of the cabinet are not visible through the latter, which is often a more practical option.
Decorative elements may also be present on the glass itself, for example, opacity is not found everywhere on the glass, but in the form of patterns. On the front doors of some plastic cabinets, you can apply photo printing, due to which they will look non-trivial and emphasize the overall style of the bathroom. If the wall cabinet has a trapezoidal shape, then the side edges can be painted in a monochromatic shade, and the front of the door can contain photo printing or patterns with the same color on a lighter background.

Manufacturers overview
It is worth paying special attention to firms that produce such corner cabinets for the bathroom. Among the most demanded companies are the following.
- Polish company Kronosan specializes in the production of bathroom cabinets from materials such as moisture resistant chipboard.
- Russian firm Aquella also specializes in the production of similar furniture. It is presented mainly in light colors. However, you can choose the texture of the housing coating yourself, making it matte or glossy.
- The combination of reasonable price and good quality is typical for the company. "Aquaton". She specializes in the creation of chipboard and MDF cabinets. Moreover, in many models there is a special coating with a laminated film.

How to choose?
Furniture such as a bathroom wall cabinet needs careful selection to decorate a water treatment room. For this, it is important to take into account a number of important nuances.
- It is worth giving preference to vertical products. Their length should be substantially greater than their width. Under this condition, the model will not look bulky, but at the same time it will have the necessary capacity.
- In addition to the parameters of the cabinet, it is worth considering the dimensions of the bathroom. In especially small rooms, it is worth buying only the smallest models, and it is better to choose mirrored door facades, since they do not create the effect of an overloaded space.
- During the selection of the model, carefully inspect the surface of all options for chips.

Where to place?
The question of the correct placement of hinged products with a corner structure is relevant, especially for those who purchase such a cabinet for the first time. There are the following options for its location in the bathroom.
- Due to their small size, triangular structures can be easily placed in the corner next to the sink.When opening the door of such products, it usually does not create inconvenience. This option will be especially harmonious if there is also a mirror above the sink. Thanks to this, the wardrobe will look like a continuation of the overall composition.
- Sometimes the sink is located right in the corner along with the lower cabinet. In this case, the mirror is built into the door of the wall cabinet, which is located directly above the washing area.
- In the case of a large bathroom, you can create a whole composition of wall cabinets, and the corner model will be part of it. Cabinets with a rectangular body are installed along the adjacent walls on the sides of the corner, due to which a much larger number of things can be stored in the bathroom.

Examples in the interior
In addition to knowing the selection criteria, it is also necessary to familiarize yourself with visual examples of wall cabinets with a corner structure in the bathroom. Pay attention to the following ready-made examples of successful placement and selection of such products.
- If there is a golden hue in the bathroom fittings, then it can be included in the hinged shelf in the corner. In this color, only the open compartment of the structure can be made, while the rest of the parts are finished in more neutral colors.

- A good option would be the illumination from the inside of a matte triangular cabinet with a frosted glass insert.

- You can equip the cabinet so that the reverse side of the door is mirrored. Moreover, even being constantly open, the product should look harmoniously with the interior.

How to make a corner cabinet in the bathroom with your own hands, see the video below.