Hangers in the bathroom: varieties and choices

Wet and damp towels used in the bathroom should always be hung. This is the only way they can dry between two uses. This position of towels and other linen is possible if there is a hanger in the bathroom. Let's try to figure out how to choose the right attribute.

A bathroom cannot be imagined without a special hanger for drying clothes. Usually this is a simple structure that can be easily mounted, dismantled, updated, wiped clean. Hangers for towels and bathrobes can be presented in the form of rotary structures, bars, hooks, which are fixed in one position or move along the bar.
Some of the designs can be used not only for towels, but also for drying clothes, such products include vines, accordion hangers, wall sliding systems, bath hangers, drum structures.
Nowadays, even a special hanger for a hair dryer has been invented, which is a wall structure in the shape of a cup, into which this household appliance is inserted.

Every year manufacturers come up with new devices for drying linen and towels. Some products are distinguished by sophisticated simplicity. These include, for example, a ladder-hanger. It harmoniously fits into the interior of the bathroom and is selected taking into account the style direction. There are also more complex designs, for example, a bar that lowers to the desired height. The mechanism of operation is quite simple; such a dryer is characterized by its compactness and versatility, but it has a high price.

You can classify bathroom hangers by the type of attachment.The choice of this criterion depends on the size of the bathroom and the specifics of its furnishings.
It is important that the hanger does not take up much space and can be located near the sink or shower stall. There are the following types.

Wall mounted
The most common variety. Its popularity is due to its compactness and variety of shapes and materials. Can be used in a small bathroom. Ease of placement is also achieved by the fact that the walls in the bathroom are usually free, and you can install the hanger anywhere, for example, near the washbasin, next to the bathroom, near the shelves.
Classic wall designs are regular hooks. They are easy to use and easy to install. Hooks are made of wood, plastic, metal. Such a holder is fixed with self-tapping screws, Velcro or a vacuum method, that is, with a suction cup. If you intend to hang heavy towels in large quantities, then it is recommended to use self-tapping screws, since the Velcro may not withstand a lot of weight.

The main advantage of hooks is their simplicity and affordability, but it is worth mentioning that the towel on the hook may not dry well enough. Currently, plumbing stores have a wide variety of hooks made in fancy designs. They can depict faucets, water pipes, shells and other marine-themed elements.
Another popular wall dryer option is ring or semi-ring. This attribute also takes up a minimum of space and is very easy to install. It fits well into the classic or old style of the room, in the direction of Provence, loft, high-tech. The design of such products can be made in bronze or copper.
And if the ring is decorated with silver or golden color, then you can use it in the modern, neo-classic styles.

Another type of wall hanger - tubular crossbar. There are single-row and multi-row options. For high-quality drying of several towels, a multi-row design is suitable, however, it is impractical to use it in a small-sized bathroom. The spinner hanger is also popular. It allows you to separate several towels so that they do not come into contact with each other, which means they dry better. At the heart of such a device is several beams that unfold in different directions.
When the turntable is not in use, the rungs can be joined together to save space. Electric dryers belong to the same category. This is perhaps the most effective option for thoroughly drying towels and linen. The devices are powered by the mains, they heat up, due to which the material dries quickly and efficiently.

Structures that can be placed on the door significantly save bathroom space, so they are recommended for use in small rooms. You can also use here all kinds of hooks, tubular options or rings.
It will be especially convenient to place a hanger on the door if the bathtub is located next to the door.

Typically, structures installed on the floor consist of several rungs. Models can have convenient shelves for storing hygiene products. In a small bathroom, it is better not to use this attribute, it takes up too much space, and it is quite suitable for medium and large rooms. By the way, when installing a unit with many shelves and crossbars you can use the free space more appropriately.
Floor structures are stationary and mobile. So, when using the mobile version, you can each time move the hanger closer to the bathroom or sink - depending on the specifics of the bath procedures.

How to choose?
When choosing a hanger in the bathroom for drying towels and linen, use the following recommendations.
- There are towel rails with an open or hidden type of attachment. The simpler one is the first option. It is quite reliable, it is made with self-tapping screws and always leaves the place of the fastener open. For a more aesthetic appearance, try to choose constructions with hidden fastening, in this case, neither screws nor holes are visible. These options include, for example, Velcro or suction cups, however, they are suitable for attaching only single hooks or very lightweight structures, besides, you should not hang several products on such a holder at once, otherwise it will constantly fall.
- To harmoniously integrate the hanger into the interior design of the bathroom, buy it along with the rest of the paraphernalia. In this case, it will perform not only its practical functions, but also aesthetic ones. For example, you can choose a hanger, mixer, bar, soap dish, cabinets and shelves in the same style.
- Before buying your favorite copy, pay attention to the gap between the strings or rods on which the laundry will be dried.... The distance between them should be at least 7 cm - only in this case things will dry well.
- Before buying, check the quality of the product and study the specifics of the material of manufacture. The hanger should not stain the towel. In this regard, samples on wooden and metal rods with an enamel or galvanized coating are especially effective.