Provence style tiles in the bathroom interior

Provence is not only the name of the province in the south of France, but also the style of interior decoration. It is incredibly popular in Russia due to its lightness, light colors, rustic charm and true French charm. Houses, apartments, separate rooms, including non-residential ones - a kitchen, a bathroom, are decorated in this style.

Features of stylistics
Provence - style at the same time sophisticated and provincial. It is close to the country style, but a little more sophisticated. The Provence style interior is characterized by the following features:
- plastered walls;
- warm pastel colors;
- predominance of natural materials;
- pieces of furniture are artificially aged, covered with patina;
- live and dried bouquets;
- ceramic and porcelain figurines;
- ceiling with wood beams;
- forging as an element of decor;
- cutwork embroidery, ruffle trim;
- floral print.
If earlier country houses were decorated in the Provence style, today it has migrated to apartments, because among the harsh everyday life, you even more want to get to a place where there is a lot of light, warm and cozy, and smells of flowers.

French style bathroom
In order for a bathroom to be decorated in the true spirit of the South of France, it must be flooded with sunlight. Therefore, if your bathroom does not have a window, it is better to choose another option for its decor. The window can be of any shape and size, but it must be required.
Each piece of furniture should have a rustic theme. Wooden stools or benches are desirable, always aged - with peeling paint. Colors - white, blue, blue, olive and all their shades. Metal or porcelain fittings are available. A resolute "no" - to plastic and stainless steel.
If your bathroom has a shelving unit, wicker baskets will look great on it. Laundry needs a large wicker basket too

Is there a place for tiles in such a bathroom? Since it is quite difficult to imagine a modern bathroom, at least partially not tiled with ceramic tiles, the answer to the question is definitely yes. You will not scare the tile with excess moisture, it does not lose its shape and appearance either from temperature changes or from water on the surface.
Modern manufacturers of finishing materials not only adhere to considerations of quality, but also follow fashion trends, which means they produce collections of ceramic tiles in any of the existing styles of interior decoration. As for tiles suitable for Provence, the requirements for it are the same as for the rest of the decor: dull colors, powdered, warm, artificially aged texture, floral motifs.

Color spectrum
The basic rule: the lighter the shade on the walls and floor, the larger and more voluminous the room looks and vice versa. For a very small bathroom, light beige, milky, white or champagne are suitable.

For those who want more color in their decor, we recommend using shades of green or blue, but not saturated and even less neon. Colors such as lavender, olive, cornflower blue, mustard, khaki, sky blue, dusty rose will do. A combination of plain tiles and floral motifs taken from the same collection looks good.

Tile manufacturers have not released single design options for a long time. The overwhelming majority of the market presents collections, all models in which are perfectly combined with each other. The collection includes:
- plain tiles;
- with print (companion to plain color);
- textured, embossed tiles (also a companion to monochrome);
- border;
- floor tiles.
Thus, if necessary, you can immediately purchase all the finishing materials, moreover, calculate the required amount with a small margin. The size of the stock will also be calculated in the salon, taking into account the type of tile layout that you have planned.

Layout methods
When choosing a method for laying tiles, it is necessary to be guided primarily by the size of the room. Not every method will work well in a small bathroom. If you have chosen two types of companion tiles - one-color and with a floral print, then they should have a layout in half: one-color to the middle of the wall, above - with flowers.

Do not think that any floral pattern is provence. Stop at non-trivial options - with an antiquity effect, reminiscent of decoupage, with a pattern of plants, possibly birds. However, remember about the balance of patterned and monochromatic, it must be clearly observed.

Not only walls, but also the floor can be tiled. Many designers believe that exactly how the floor is decorated is the most important detail in a bathroom decor. It can be pearl white or sandy color, imitate wood (this tile is also available). Since Provence is a natural material, imitation of wood or stone on the floor will be very useful.

Provence tiles can be laid out using the well-known methods - "seam-in-seam", "herringbone" and so on. However, there is a diagonal layout typical of Western European interior styles. It is she who can give the interior the lack of sophistication.

Beautiful examples
And finally, let's admire the beautiful Provencal bathroom interiors:
- this bathroom has achieved the right balance between print, texture and monochrome, which is why it looks so elegant;

- the combination of boards and tiling looks unusual, but very interesting;

- the floral print does not look excessive thanks to the white tile insert;

- a sloping window and fresh flowers - it seems that you can lie in this bathroom forever.

In the video, the designer's tips on how to create an interior in the Provence style.