Bathroom tiles with flowers: pros and cons, varieties, choices, examples

Ceramic tiles featuring flowers can be found in the line of almost any manufacturer. Traditional canons of bathroom design dictate stricter and more concise decors, but nowadays it is very difficult to abandon natural beauty, especially since such tiles are produced so stylish and effective that it is impossible to refuse to purchase them.

For many, the bathroom is directly associated with water and even a marine theme, which is why the room is traditionally decorated in white and blue colors. However, many designers do not recommend using these shades in the shower - they belong to the cold spectrum and make an already damp room even more uncomfortable. Agree it is much more pleasant to relax in a comfortable environment, when the walls seem to radiate warmth and light, and if at the same time the surface is also decorated with flowers - there is a complete feeling of swimming in a natural reservoir surrounded by flower fields.
Today, the variety of prints and ornaments is so great that you can choose the optimal pattern not only for "rustic" styles, but also for restrained ultramodern trends such as minimalism and hi-tech.
Nowadays, plant prints can be found in the bathrooms not only of romantic persons, but even in the houses of brutal representatives of the stronger sex.

Features of use
To make the bathroom furnishings not pretentious, but look stylish and effective, when installing plates with floral patterns, you should adhere to some recommendations:
- the main volume should fall on the background tile;
- when decorating a bathroom, you should combine decors with borders;
- in rare cases, it is allowed to use several prints on one surface;
- patterns located horizontally look the most effective;
- if the floral decors are small, themed inserts can be used both on the walls and on the floor;
- stylized floral ornaments in the decor of the tile look very stylish.

First, you need to decide exactly how you want to see the image of flowers on the walls of the bathroom. They can be in the form of a large painting or in the form of ornaments. The first option can be compared to photowall-paper, only adapted for a wet room. This finish looks like a large ceramic tile panel with photographs of flowers. Usually, such a picture is installed above the bathroom with a bowl, and its size is selected depending on the total footage of the room. There are several types of panels:
- image in the form of a single solid plate;
- mosaic panel, assembled from several tiles of the same shape;
- freesize - such a picture usually consists of free-form tiles without clear geometry.

The solid tile is a small ceramic panel, ideal for small bathrooms. As a rule, it is combined with neutral tones of the main background. A panel made of individual slabs in most cases has more impressive dimensions, so its placement is optimal for bathrooms with a large footage.

Freesize panels invariably look very stylish, in this case, the overall picture is made up of panels of various sizes and shapes, and the pattern on them can be applied both in whole and in part. This solution is often used to decorate rooms in a modern style. The most expensive type of panel is a mosaic, it looks harmonious from the side and visually expands the boundaries. However, in order to appreciate it as much as possible, one should look at it from afar.

Floral panels not only decorate the interior, they also visually adjust the size of the room. For example, a vertically elongated picture raises the ceilings, and horizontally located patterns expand the walls... In addition, 3D prints often create the illusion of open spaces or windows, making even the smallest room brighter and more spacious.

We draw your attention to the fact that when using the panel, it is it that should become the central element in the bathroom, no additional accents are needed - they will create a feeling of overload. The background finish is usually done in white or nude colors. There is an opinion that a flower panel should be trimmed with a border with floral patterns, but designers advise not to do this, otherwise you will not be able to achieve a sense of perspective in the room.
If you are using individual floral tiles, it is advisable to fix them interspersed with background solid color panels so that the room does not look too colorful.

What flowers to prefer?
There is no definite answer to the question of which flowers to prefer when decorating a bathroom. Someone likes delicate daisies, while others prefer exquisite hyacinths, the choice depends only on personal preference. Nevertheless, each flower is associated to one degree or another with a certain character, style and mood.
- Roses. This is the most popular option, this design is considered universal, since in nature there are many of the most interesting varieties of these flowers. Of course, a red rose is unlikely to harmoniously fit into the interior of a bathroom, but a soft pink flower will contribute to relaxation and create the necessary mood and style. Stylized images of roses on separate small tiles look restrained and laconic - in this design they evoke associations with English classics.But in this case, it is very important not to overdo it with the decor, the finish should look airy and light.

- Sunflower. It is no coincidence that this flower is called the little sun, because it fills the space with warmth, light and comfort. This flower looks best in the form of large panels above the bathroom, usually photographs of bouquets or even fields under the blue sky are used in the decor.

- Always look great tulips, even though they have bright and rich colors. Such flowers subconsciously evoke associations with spring, the sun and the awakening of nature, therefore they always create extremely positive emotions.

- Scarlet poppies also look light and airy in the bathroom interior. These finishes are optimal for creative people. However, you need to be more careful with such a decor - it is very easy to overdo it with red in the interior, and not everyone likes this color scheme in the design of bathrooms.

- Orchids ideal for oriental-style bathrooms. These sophisticated colors work harmoniously against a light background, creating unobtrusive accents in the interior.

- Water lilies and other aquatic plants will always be appropriate in bathrooms, such panels look especially beautiful above the bathroom. Alternatively, you can hang tiles depicting algae and the underwater world - here plant motifs will look organic with the water element, creating a pacifying atmosphere in the bathroom.

For practical advice on how to choose a tile for the bathroom, see the video.