How to choose bathroom textiles?

In the bathroom, we start the day and end it there. We go there often and during the day. And, like any other room, we want to feel comfortable there. Correctly selected textiles can help us with this.

There are two types of bathroom textiles.
- For personal use only. This group includes towels, a bathrobe and slippers.
- General. This includes shower curtains and windows (if present), floor mat.

Selection rules
When choosing textile accessories, there are nuances in which we will now understand.

We maintain the style of the room
One of the most important rules for the harmonious combination of textiles and interiors. But there is a certain “pitfall” here: when choosing objects of common use that are always in sight (rug, curtains), we try to adhere to a single concept, however, as soon as it comes to choosing personal items, dissonance immediately occurs. And in the beige classic bathroom “funny” pink towels with hearts or kittens appear.
And here the lack of taste among the owners of the house is not always to blame. - textiles for the bathroom are included in the list of goods that are customary to give for the holidays. You may not always be able to control such a purchase, and your friends and relatives may not "fall" into the style of your premises.

There is only one way out: to acquire absolutely all items on your own, and simply send the donated "illiquid" to the country.
Deciding on the color
There can be 2 options here.
- Selection of all textile accessories to match the room. For example, your bathroom walls are lined with brown tiles, the plumbing is white. In this case, it is advisable to select all textiles in sandy-white colors. A good option would be the color of coffee with milk.

- Selection with emphasis on textile accessories. Let's take the brown walls example again. An excellent accent will be red, green, blue textiles. You can also play with yellow.

However, here it is important not to overdo it and not use several different accent colors - otherwise it will look clumsy and tasteless.
We maintain the style of the textiles itself
The ideal option is when towels, bathrobes, slippers, and common items are in harmony with each other. But this is possible only when they are purchased in a branded bath accessories store. If you bought all the items separately, let them at least be in the same color scheme and made in a similar style.

You don't have to buy a pink towel for yourself, and a gray one for your husband, it's better to embroider the owners' monograms on them so as not to confuse them.
What to look for when choosing
Now let's talk about the choice of each of the textiles separately.

Choosing towels
- There should be 3 of them for 1 person: for the face, body and legs.
- The material of manufacture must be natural, most often the towels are made of cotton. It is pleasant to the body, does not cause irritation when rubbed against the skin, and absorbs moisture well.
- If you have a toddler, you might consider purchasing a special hooded towel. This item is very convenient for both the mother and the child: after shampooing, there will be no need to wind an additional "turban" around the hair - the hood will dry them.

Choosing a rug on the floor
- Perhaps the most important point that you should find out when choosing a product is whether it slips. Bathroom - a room with high humidity, splashes of water often fall on the floor, because of which a person may slip and be crippled when leaving the shower. A non-slip mat will save you this risk.
- The second thing you should pay attention to is tactile sensations when getting up on the mat. It should be soft, warm and pleasant to the touch.
- Appearance and fit with the interior are also important. The product should be pleasing to the eye and organically fit into the environment.

Choosing a shower curtain
- This textile item is designed to protect the room from being flooded with water while taking a shower. Therefore, make sure that the size of the curtain matches the parameters of your bath or shower stall - if it is too long and wide, you can slip on it, if it is short, water drops will fly out of the bath.
- The curtain can become a very stylish decor element. Make it an accent element or purchase a product to match the walls - the choice is yours.

Choosing a curtain for the window
- If your bathroom is equipped with a window overlooking the street, you should make sure that the material from which the curtain will be made does not shine through, even if there are no houses opposite.
- The second thing you should pay attention to is the water-repellent coating. The curtain should not hang on the window with a dull wet rag - you should be able to wipe it down to avoid the development of mold and fungal spores.

For information on how to choose a towel, see the next video.