At what height should the bathroom mirror be hung?

The mirror is an integral part of the bathroom. Here it performs several functions at once - not only helps household members to smarten up, but also complements the interior as a whole. The assortment of beautiful and functional mirrors pleases modern consumers, but it is not enough just to choose the right model - it is equally important to correctly install it in the room. Today we will find out at what height it is permissible to hang a mirror in the bathroom.

Primary requirements
Before proceeding with the installation of the selected mirror in the bathroom, you should familiarize yourself with all the main factors and requirements that are important to consider when doing this.
- The dimensions of the reflective surface. Much depends on the square of the room in which the mirror is installed. The glass should not be too tiny. Otherwise, it will be simply inconvenient to use it.
It should also not be too big, since it can be easily damaged, and the mirror can have an adverse effect on the psychological state of household members.

- Distance from the floor. Choosing a certain height of the mirror installation, one must start from the growth of the household. Experts advise to adhere to the top edge spacing from 1.2 m to 2 m (standard). But these parameters are only general, average. Within these limits, the owners can experiment as they please.

- Distance from sink to mirror. Many people choose to brush their teeth and wash their face while looking in the mirror during or after. For this reason, mirror surfaces are often installed above the sink.

Mounting options
Fixing a mirror in a bathroom is usually straightforward. There are not so many decisions where to hang this part, so that you can look for the optimal place for a long time. Let's take a closer look at what are the main features of common mirror mounting options.

Over the sink
Installing a mirror over a washbasin - standard solution for the bathroom. Homeowners use it most often. If the mirror is placed over a sink, there are a number of important factors to consider. It is necessary to observe the harmony of the interior design in the room, as well as the convenient location of the rest of the furnishings. Taking into account the distance between certain objects and the size of the bathroom, it will be possible to quickly and easily select the optimal width of the mirror.

A good solution is to combine it with a hanging cabinet. Such a piece of furniture will not only allow you to use a mirror sheet, but also serve as a convenient storage for things and items you need in the bathroom. With a mirrored cabinet, it will also be possible to significantly save free space in the room, because you do not have to additionally nail shelves or put another cabinet.

In order to have a high-quality view, it is recommended to hang the mirror above the sink, leaving an indent of 30 cm.
This indicator can be violated if you need to install a shelf for arranging personal hygiene products. In this case the gap can vary by 5-10 cm.

A good solution is a wall-mounted mirror. It can also be installed over a washbasin or bathtub at the distance shown above. Such solutions look impressive and original, but they can cost a tidy sum. It will be much cheaper to simply hang a mirror sheet. If you want to build a mirror into the wall, then it is recommended to give preference to options, the size of which is at least 50x70 cm.

Full height
The mirror in the bathroom can be hung not only over the washbasin. Instead of small canvases, many users choose larger models of mirrors - full-length. Similar detail is able to decorate the interior of the room, visually refresh it and make it more spacious due to effective light reflection.

Choosing full-length mirror canvases and a place for them is not so difficult. There is one very simple rule to follow when choosing this option: to reflect a human figure at full height, a canvas is sufficient, the height of which will be equal to half the height. For this reason, there is no need to look for a very large model from floor to ceiling.
In addition, mirrors that are higher in height than the door frame may not be the most convenient to use.

Tools and methods of fastening
The mirror in the bathroom must be installed correctly, using quality fasteners. The place where the canvas will be installed must be selected before laying tiles or other finishing material. To prevent condensation from accumulating between the tile and the mirror itself, it is necessary to leave a small distance between the indicated elements. To do this, you can use small foam pads fixed on the back.

Based on the chosen mounting method, you need to stock up on a number of the necessary tools. You can't do without a level and a measuring tape. There are several ways to mount mirrors in the bathroom.
- Bolts and decorative screws. The most reliable standard mounts on which mirrors are hung very often. But the bolts cannot be hidden anywhere. Their use involves drilling holes in the tiles, and sometimes in the mirror sheet itself. To do this, you need to stock up on special diamond drills and a sandpaper to round off the holes.

- Specialized hooks and staples. These types of fasteners differ in their designs. On sale you can find both simple and concise, as well as interesting decorative options.The convenience of installing mirrors using brackets and hooks is that there is no need to make additional holes for them. In stores, you can find side or straight braces made of wood, metal or plastic.

- Tile adhesive. If the canvas is supposed to be drowned in a tile, then it can be attached like a regular tile. First, the base is cleaned of old tiles, putty, glue is applied using a special notched trowel. The mirror is attached to the prepared base, pressed with the back side and held for about 15 minutes.

- Double-sided tape. Simple type of attachment. Optimal for small mirrors. For gluing, it is allowed to use waterproof double-sided tape.

- Liquid Nails. Often, liquid nails are used to fix the mirrors in the bathroom. The canvas can be glued in this way to a previously prepared base, assembled from drywall. As a result, the structure will turn out to be strong, of high quality and durable.

Placement Tips
There is nothing difficult in installing a mirror sheet in the bathroom. It is important to take into account the quadrature and layout of the room, as well as your own preferences and usability of the mirror. It is worth listening to a number of useful tips and tricks regarding the placement of this important part.
- In one bathroom, it is allowed to hang not one, but several mirrors. It is advisable to choose the same canvases or made in the same style. It is not necessary to place them symmetrically, the main thing is that it is convenient to use them.

- The placement of the mirror in the bathroom should be as safe as possible. It is not recommended to install the canvas too close to other plumbing fixtures in the room.

- Having chosen the optimal place for fixing, you should mark it with lines, using the building level. Thus, it will be possible to fix the canvas as evenly as possible, without curvature.

- If the bathroom has a large square, then a small mirror is unlikely to work for it. Large or medium-sized canvases fit perfectly into such environments.

- It is necessary to install a mirror in the bathroom on high-quality and reliable fasteners, since this is a fragile object, which should not be allowed to fall. If it is scary to do such work on your own, it is better to contact a more experienced craftsman, especially if a complex installation method is chosen.

- In a small bathroom, you can hang a canvas full-length, but you need to make sure that this detail does not overload the space.

- When choosing mirrors, it should be borne in mind that their height should not be less than the height of the tallest member of the family. They should be placed at such a height that there is a good view.

How to install a mirror with your own hands, see below.