Vastu for an apartment

Vastu Shastra is a special Hindu system of architectural planning and room design, based on the laws of nature and aimed at harmonizing the energy flows within it. Today we will try to tell you everything about Vastu for a city apartment.
Golden rules
This system is designed primarily to provide you with a cozy and comfortable space for living on the physical level, and on the psychological level to improve family relationships and a sense of well-being.
The spiritual level presupposes a thirst for introspection, development, the emergence of a sense of harmony in everything.

The task of Vastu is to help achieve unity with our Universe, maximize the opening of favorable energy flows and blocking negative ones.
The main energy law of Vastu sounds like this: there are two streams of positive energy on Earth, and they move in directions from north to south and from east to west. And the most powerful movement is observed from the north-east to the south-west. This law formed the basis for the two golden rules of Vastu.
It is forbidden to sleep with your head in the northern and northeastern directions - a failure may occur in the most important vital functions: blood circulation will be disturbed, there will be problems in the cardiovascular system, a person will always feel some kind of weakness, depression. In all other directions, sleep is permitted.
To increase the flow of positive energy requires strengthening the northern, eastern and northeastern sectors. To block the negative, it is necessary to heavier the directions to the south, southwest and southeast.

The Vastu principle says: our dwelling symbolizes the entire outer space in miniature, being, in fact, a kind of microcosm. There are also planets in a special order, and 5 primary elements (earth, fire, air, water and ether), and 3 modes of material nature: Sattva-guna ("mode of goodness"), Rajo-guna ("mode of passion" ), Tamo-guna ("mode of ignorance"). All of them are placed according to the cardinal points.

Key aspects of Vastu:
financial problems should be looked for in the northeast of the apartment;
love troubles speak of disturbances in harmony in the west or northwest;
if you are often sick, check the east and southeast of the dwelling;
if you feel vulnerable, pay attention to the south and southwest;
can't find a common language with those around you - reconsider the situation in the center of the apartment.

Ideal apartment layout
Each dwelling is conventionally divided into sectors with strong and weak energy potentials. The main and strongest sector is the northeast. The second in a row is the northwest. They are followed by the southeast and southwest.
Each sector, in turn, has strengths and weaknesses. So, if the room is not located where it is necessary from the point of view of Vastu, and it is necessary to take corrective measures, it is required to strengthen those of its zones that are in the strongest sectors. This requirement is very important when applying Vastu Shastra in practice for more successful regulation of energy flows in the apartment and near it. This is especially true for the location of the windows and the front door.

So, the ideal arrangement of rooms along Vastu:
southwest and southeast directions - bedroom;
northwest sector - for children;
bathroom - in any sector, except for the south-east and south-west;
toilet - cannot be placed in the northeast;
west, north-west and south directions - living room;
southeast - kitchen;
southern sector - storage room;
east and all north directions - cabinet;
the central part of the apartment is a hall, it should not be cluttered with furniture;
the best directions for a balcony are north, northeast, east.

Let's clarify a little about the kitchen:
cooking - east side;
the location of the sink is northeastern;
refrigerator installation - northwest sector;
trash can (always closed!) - southwest part.

Of course, in today's realities it is very difficult to find an ideal apartment in Vastu - it is easier to build a private house according to an individual project. However, you can still do something to correct the movement of energy flows in your urban dwelling.
If possible, redevelop the apartment:
arrange living rooms in the most favorable sectors;
make sure the proportions are observed - square and rectangular rooms with an aspect ratio of 1: 1, 2: 3 or 3: 4 are considered ideal;
living rooms and bedrooms should have a lot of light, air, space;
interior doors are recommended to "turn" in one direction;
you cannot combine 2 functional areas in one room - a bathroom and a toilet, a living room and a kitchen, a living room and a dining room.
If you do not want or cannot make a redevelopment, change the purpose of the rooms. The priority will be the toilet, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom.

Rearrange the furniture:
“send” the most bulky and highest modules to the southern, western and south-western sectors, moving them closer to the walls;
put lighter and lower elements in the north, east and north-east directions, on the contrary, pushing them away from the walls;
leave the center free.
Use zoning techniques (screens, partitions, podiums, and more).
Do not litter the entrance - it should be light and clean, free for passage.
Close the bathroom door, always lower the toilet lid.

Adjust the sectors for the cardinal points and 5 elements.
In the northeast - water sector - install a flowerpot with water, a decorative fountain, an aquarium, hang a picture depicting water. There you can also equip a rack or shelves for books, preferably spiritual (but literature about business and various accomplishments is best placed in the eastern part of the apartment).
Southeast direction - fire - activate with the help of candles, images of the rising sun.
Northwest - air - best of all "spur" devices such as air conditioners, fans. There you can also place a picture with a mill or a herd of running horses.
Southwest - the earth is "charged" with the help of family photographs and photo albums, a family tree, houseplants.
Brahmasthan or the center of the apartment Is ether. There should be a free, well-lit space, pleasant music should sound.

Make color adjustments. Add specific shades to the following sectors:
in the north - light green, marine;
in the north-east - yellow, orange, golden, white, lilac;
in the east - the same as in the previous case, except for the lilac;
in the southeast - pink, white, any light, pastel;
in the south - scarlet, coral, burgundy, gray-pink, white;
in the southwest - woody brown, marsh green, khaki, olive, brick, terracotta;
in the west - blue, purple, blue;
in the northwest - silvery, pearlescent, smoky gray, creamy.

Control the order in your home:
carry out wet cleaning more often;
ventilate rooms;
do not leave dirty dishes in the sink;
do not accumulate garbage - take it out immediately;
clean up closets, disassemble trash in the mezzanine;
keep everything related to the element of water (sinks, bathtub, toilet, dishes, vases) in a clean state.
If you have an animal, always clean up after it on time. Do not sleep in the same room with your beloved cat or dog, no matter how much you want: everyone living in an apartment should have their own resting place.

What should be the entrance?
In general, the entrance can be located on either side of the world. It is more important here that he is in the correct pad from the point of view of Vastu. The most favorable are 4 pads, for the northern and eastern sectors 3 pads are allowed - they are marked in green in the picture below.

The front door itself must be strong, reliable, clean, and visually attractive. No creaking is allowed. Near the door - both from the inside and from the outside - there should be no piles of furniture, rubbish and dirt, all this impedes the free passage of the energy flow.
Beautiful design examples
Well, now we will clearly demonstrate to you how the ideal apartment plan for Vastu Shastra should look like, and also give some examples of interior design.

- Very spacious, airy living room. The center of the room is free of furniture. The color scheme is pastel.

- An ideal bedroom from the point of view of Vastu: a lot of light, a pleasant combination of colors (mint + white + gray + brown), functional, light furniture.

A great example of a kitchen. Since the element of fire reigns there, the interior design is made in a juicy yellow-orange color. The stove is removed from the sink. The center of the room is free.

Heartfelt thanks for your help! To the author - good luck always and in everything!