
How to spend a bachelorette party in a bath and sauna?

How to spend a bachelorette party in a bath and sauna?
  1. Features of the organization
  2. Party options
  3. What to treat your friends with?
  4. Competition overview
  5. Fortune-telling

An integral part of preparing for a wedding ceremony for girls is a bachelorette party. Modern girls often arrange very unusual celebrations. Everything is done so that not only the wedding day, but also the bachelorette party will be remembered for a lifetime. A proven option for a successful party is a holiday either in a bathhouse or in a sauna. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to spend a bachelorette party in a bath and sauna.

Features of the organization

The organization of celebrating bachelorette parties in the bathhouse came to the modern world from Ancient Russia. Such traditions were honored and observed by almost everyone. At that time, the bride must have prepared many treats for her guests in the bathhouse, and thus cleansed herself of restless thoughts. The modern sauna bachelorette party is not much different from the traditional one. The main difference is that modern girls can afford a little more than their grandmothers or great-grandmothers. However, to carry out such an event, you will need to work hard, that is, to think carefully and plan everything in advance.

In order for everything to work out in the best possible way, it is best to entrust the organization of the holiday to the closest friend of the bride, because the newlywed herself already has a lot of problems and things to do before the wedding.

Invitations to a bachelorette party should be taken very seriously. If this or that person cannot relax and have fun in such a place, he should not be invited to a party. It is best to confine yourself to a narrow circle of close friends. In addition, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • first of all, you need to start choosing a place - for this it is worth learning everything about the saunas and baths of the city, among the proposed options you need to choose the most acceptable one, as well as one more in reserve;
  • you need to think about the theme of the evening - the decoration of the room, the choice of competitions, and so on will depend on this;
  • Before the party, you should send out invitations online or use invitation cards made in the style of a party;
  • another important point - you need to find out if all invited guests can visit such places; if among friends there are either hypertensive patients or heart patients, then such an idea should be abandoned or consider the possibility of additional rest not in the sauna itself, but in the hall or even in nature.

Party options

There are many new ideas for bachelorette parties. For such a holiday to pass in the best possible way, it is imperative to write a script before the wedding. It is imperative to take into account the preferences of the bride and her guests.

In any situation, you can hold an original and unforgettable theme party in a steam bath or sauna with or without a pool. For those who like to have fun and have already tried a lot, you can make a bachelorette party with a joke.


If friends want to surprise the bride, then it is worth organizing a bachelorette party in a real bath. To do this, you should buy real folk shirts or shirts, hang wild flowers in the room, and arrange candles. Thanks to the created atmosphere, you can easily plunge into the atmosphere of the past. To immerse yourself in all this even better, you can make wreaths of fresh flowers. In such an atmosphere, you can not only take a steam bath, but also chat, gossip, and have a snack prepared in advance with snacks. At such a party, it is imperative to adhere to old Slavic traditions.

At the end of the celebration, the bridesmaids should braid her braid, and you can also try to tell fortunes for the future.


To create a bachelorette party of this format, you should initially take care of the availability of an appropriate dress code. This will require the brightest swimwear, multi-colored scarves or pareos. And you can also complement the images with beads or garlands of natural or artificial flowers. Several flowers can be woven into your hair at once. In addition, it is worth decorating the sauna room. You can use various masks, vases with exotic fruits, containers with flowers. In addition, fountains with sea pebbles or shells can be installed in several places in the room.

SPA party

For those who just love to spend time in the spa, the sauna is the ideal place for a bachelorette party. In such a place you can fully relax. In addition, both the guests and the bride will be given the opportunity to receive a number of additional services, for example, to have a massage, to paint their nails. After that, you can swim in the pool. During all this, you can chat or sing, and also remember the most interesting moments that happened in their life.

Various draws will come in handy, and you can also order a stripper in the sauna.

What to treat your friends with?

Of course, you shouldn't forget about treats for your guests. However, it will be better if the food is not as abundant and fatty. It is enough to prepare light snacks, as well as stock up on fruits and vegetables, namely:

  • different varieties of nuts, for example, Greek, cashew or forest;
  • several types of cheeses;
  • low-fat sausage slicing;
  • vases with vegetables and fruits;
  • several types of canapes;
  • tartlets with red caviar or shrimps;
  • refreshing drinks, for example, kvass or berry juice, green tea or aromatic liqueurs.

Important! As for alcohol, it is best to abandon it altogether or limit yourself to non-alcoholic beer, because the temperature in the sauna is too high, and this can lead to rapid intoxication or headaches.

Competition overview

Interesting and funny contests are an integral part of the bachelorette party program. They don't have to be too complicated. The main condition is the participation of each guest in such a program. It is worth familiarizing yourself with a few of the most interesting options in more detail.

  • Execution of forfeits. The well-known game will allow not only to spend time interestingly, but also to learn much more interesting details about each other. It can be adapted for a bachelorette party. So, all girlfriends must definitely come up with an interesting and non-standard situation that one way or another can happen in the life of a future married couple. All this must be written on sheets of paper, and then put into a special box. The bride should take turns drawing forfeits and saying how she will react to this or that situation.

All this is done in a fun way. Jokes and gags are only welcome.

  • Crocodile. There is another interesting game with which you can quickly cheer up. Each guest must necessarily think of any object and show it without words at all. All other guests have to guess the guess. You can continue until the guests get bored.


Very often, at bachelorette parties, they are also engaged in fortune-telling, because almost all girls dream of looking into their future and finding out something about their betrothed-mummer. There are several options for fortune-telling that guests will like.

  • With a wedding ring. With the help of an ordinary wedding ring, you can find out who will be born in the future: a girl or a boy. To do this, you need to tie the jewelry to a thread, then fill a glass or cup with water and hold this structure over the prepared container. Everyone should count how many times it hits the cup or glass. An odd number will indicate the birth of a boy, and an even number will indicate the birth of a girl.
  • On the book. This is probably the most interesting fortune telling. To conduct it, you will need any book, for example, a fashion magazine or a love story. Each person present should in turn ask a question. The answer will be a specific page, line and word. Sometimes it turns out very funny, sometimes the girls have a reason to think about the prediction.

In any case, it is worth remembering the answers and checking whether it will come true.

  • With a candle. Using candles, you can find out what will be the family life of future spouses. To do this, the bride should take a candle and then light it. When the flame flares up well, you need to watch it a little. If the flame burns calmly and evenly, the spouses will live long and calmly. A high and bright fire will speak of an interesting and stormy family life.
  • By wax patterns. For such fortune-telling, you will also need to purchase a candle and a container of water. Next, you need to light the candle and wait a little until the flame flares up well, and the wax begins to melt. Next, you need to carefully pour the molten liquid into the water. The result should be intricate figures. Their outlines will be able to tell about the near future of the newlyweds. To do this, you just need to dream a little.

A bachelorette party in a bath or sauna can be a real treat for the bride and her girlfriends.

The main thing is to choose the right place, as well as to plan the entertainment.

For information on how to spend a bachelorette party in a sauna, see the next video.

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