All about gender party and party organization

Most parents-to-be prepare for the birth of a baby in advance. One of the stages of such preparation can be the organization of the first party dedicated to the unborn child.

What it is?
Gender party is a holiday dedicated to determining the sex of the baby. Initially, the parties started to be thrown by the Americans. In the future, a similar tradition interested in the inhabitants of other countries. Modern bloggers contributed to its spread. This type of party is held after the mother has the opportunity to determine the gender of the child. To keep the intrigue, the woman needs to ask the doctor not to share the ultrasound results with her.
Usually, in this situation, the specialist writes the gender of the child on a piece of paper that fits in an envelope. The document is given to the person organizing the event. This task can be entrusted to both the representative of the agency and one of the friends. The closest friends and relatives are usually invited to the party. The room is decorated in blue and pink colors.
This choice of colors is quite understandable, because at this stage it is not yet clear who the newborn baby will be. The moment the child's gender is announced becomes the culmination of this celebration.

Party preparation
For a modern holiday to be a success, you need to prepare for its organization in advance.
Guest list and invitations
First of all, you need to decide on the list of guests. Knowing the number of guests, it will be much easier to find a venue for the party. It is accepted to invite those closest to the gender party, because one of the most pleasant memories of parents will be shared with them.
Having decided on the circle of guests, it is worth preparing beautiful invitations. Now information with the date and time of the event can be sent to guests in the messenger. But it will be much more pleasant for them to receive invitations on paper.

The choice of the place for the party depends on the time of the party and the personal wishes of the pregnant woman.
- In the cafe. The site must be booked in advance. The cafe you choose should be large enough. In this case, everyone can comfortably accommodate there. In the summertime, the party should be on the veranda or on a specially equipped rooftop. In the cold season, it is worth choosing cozy rooms with a pleasant warm atmosphere.
- Outdoors. In summer, parties can also be organized outdoors. The main thing is to make sure in advance that the weather on the day of the holiday will be good.
- At home. This is the most budget-friendly option for a celebration. If there is enough space in the house or apartment, there will be no problems with organizing the event.
When choosing a venue for a party, it is also important to make sure that all guests can get there comfortably.

Treats and entertainment
When organizing such an event, it is not customary to arrange a large feast. Usually, light snacks, sandwiches and desserts are served at the festive table. Themed cupcakes or cakes with pink and blue cream often become the highlight of the event. From drinks to the table, you can serve juices and light alcohol. Strong alcohol is usually not consumed at such parties. It is necessary to select in advance and light thematic music, as well as a list of contests and games.
This will make the event more fun.
- “Guess the Hero”. This is one of the simplest and most famous contests. Its essence lies in the fact that guests bring their old childhood photos to the party. In the midst of the holiday, the audience is trying to determine which of the acquaintances is depicted in the selected picture. This competition will evoke a lot of laughter and fond memories.
- "Feed the baby." This competition requires a couple. One person is blindfolded, another is tied with a bib. After that, the "mother", not seeing her "child", tries to feed him from a spoon. Instead, you can also arrange a competition to guess the taste of mashed potatoes. To do this, the guests are blindfolded in turn. They try different tastes of mashed potatoes and try to determine what the baby treat is made of.
- "Paint a bib." This competition can captivate guests of all ages. Its essence lies in the fact that guests are given snow-white bibs and felt-tip pens. They decorate the fabric with congratulatory words and patterns. The winner is the one who gets the children's accessory with the most interesting design.
It is worth setting aside time for presenting gifts to the expectant mother. This is usually done before or after the announcement of the gender of the unborn baby.

An important role in organizing a thematic holiday is played by the decoration of a room or hall.
- Balloons. Since this holiday is dedicated to the baby, the room can be decorated with colorful balloons. As a rule, pink and blue balloons are used when decorating a hall for a gender party.
- Photozone. A thematic photo zone can be decorated both in the cafe hall and at home. As a rule, it is decorated with colored balls, themed inscriptions and bows.
- Garlands. To decorate the room, you can use both ordinary store-bought garlands and handmade decorations.
One of the walls of the selected hall can also be decorated with children's photographs of future parents or all guests. It will look beautiful and unusual.

Photographer and presenter
If the budget allows, it is worth inviting a good photographer and host to the party. It is worth hiring professionals for this purpose. A good host will be able to host the event at a high level, entertaining those present throughout the evening.
Besides, he himself can suggest an interesting scenario of the event. This is especially convenient if the holiday is being prepared in a short time.A good photographer will be able to capture the brightest moments of the party. In the future, these photos can be used to decorate the baby's first album.

Best ideas for
The culmination of this original holiday is the announcement of the sex of the unborn child. This can be done in different ways.
- Cake with a surprise. You can find out the sex of the unborn child by making a special cake. Any pastry chef can make it to order. The essence of such a dessert is its filling. Its color is selected depending on the gender of the baby. If a girl will soon appear in the family, the pastry chef needs to use pink cream, if the boy - blue. If a woman gives birth to twins, the cake is filled from the inside with filling of different colors.

- Box with balls. Another fun way to announce the gender of your baby is to use a large box of balloons. Their color is selected depending on the gender of the baby. The balls themselves are filled with helium. When you open the box, they fly up. It looks unusual and impressive.

- Pinata. This is the name of a hollow Mexican toy. It is usually made from lightweight brown paper or papier-mâché. A voluminous toy is filled with sweets, confetti, as well as small gifts, and hung from some kind of mount. The crux of the fun is to smash the piñata and loot its contents. For a baby-to-be party, it is filled with gifts and pink or blue confetti. It is usually the parents-to-be who break the piñata.

- Shooting balls. Another interesting option for active pastime at a gender party is target shooting. In the process of organizing a holiday, balloons are attached to one of the walls. Most of them are empty. Only one hides a note with the answer to the main question. The goal of the parents is to hit this ball with darts.

- Party with light and music. A great entertainment option for a young couple of future parents is a theme party. It can be held both at home and in the club. The essence of the holiday lies in the fact that at the most crucial moment, light and music turns on, filling the room with blue or pink light. Instead of light music, you can also use colored smoke. It will also look spectacular and unusual.

- Quest. A simple sex determination party can be turned into a memorable adventure. Friends or relatives will help to organize such an event. The essence of the quest should be to find an envelope with the results of an ultrasound scan. Its subject can be any.
In addition to these proven options, others can be used. Gathering together with a group of friends, you can come up with your own way to surprise a couple.

What to gift?
Preparing for the holiday is necessary not only for the organizers, but also for the guests. The selection of gifts that can be given to parents is quite large. You can pick up the following gifts for your future child.
- A toy. The baby can be presented with bright rattles, with which he will play at the age of 2-3 weeks. You need to choose high quality products made from materials that are safe for health.

- Mobile. A carousel that attaches over the crib is another good gift for your little one. Both a boy and a girl will be delighted with him. Particularly popular are modern mobiles that can play various melodies and spin toys in a circle.

- Auto swing. To lull the child, it will be possible to use a modern swing with auto swing. Usually, a module with slow music or sounds of nature is built into such a design.

- Bed linen or blanket. For a kid, you should choose light-colored sets with cute prints. A beautiful set of underwear will never be superfluous and will definitely come in handy for new parents. The same can be said about the soft blanket.

- Rodents. You can choose plastic, silicone or wooden teethers as a gift. The baby will use them for many months.Therefore, such a present can also be called practical.

You can also make a nice gift for your parents.
- Pillow for pregnant women. A pillow with a beautiful print is convenient to use in late pregnancy. This will make the expectant mother's sleep more restful.

- Thematic album. It is intended for the first photos of the baby. You can buy a suitable album, order from those who are professionally engaged in scrapbooking, or make yourself. You can make such a gift more meaningful by complementing it with thematic congratulations written by all guests.

- Care products. To care for a baby, young parents will have to buy a lot of products. Some of them can be presented to a couple by guests. The main thing is to choose quality products from trusted manufacturers.

- Small household appliances. Another modern and practical gift for a young couple is small household appliances. They can be presented with a good humidifier, a night light with an interesting design or a modern baby monitor. All these things will definitely not lie idle.
If there is very little time for choosing gifts, guests can purchase ready-made gifts in sets.
In general, organizing an unusual party dedicated to determining the sex of a child is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to approach its preparation with imagination.