
Party games and contests

Party games and contests
  1. Entertainment at the table
  2. Home games
  3. Options for a small company
  4. Other active entertainment

With games and entertainment, any party or celebration will be fun and joyful. And it does not depend on the company, everyone loves to have fun: children, youth, adults. The main thing here is to choose the right entertainment options. We will give hints for different occasions, take a closer look at games and contests for a party.

Entertainment at the table

Depending on the composition of the company, contests can be only for adolescents, adults, youth environment, pensioners, or only, for example, for men, if they are gathered in a bathhouse. Or you can choose tasks so that it would be interesting for a motley company. Next, we will tell you in detail about the options for entertaining guests that can be arranged without leaving the table. This is especially true when those invited to the event ate, discussed with each other all the latest political news, talked about their children, and got ready to get bored, because it’s somehow too early to go home. But that was not the case, the hosts of the celebration prepared not only delicious treats, but also funny entertainment to make the event unforgettable for everyone. There can be many options, it all depends on the imagination and preferences of the presenters, but there are also traditional contests loved by everyone.


This competition is suitable for a birthday party. Those who wish to participate in it are handed out a poem - it can be the lines of the classics or the lines of a song, just funny poems or something else that will need to be sung to a well-known melody. In this case, the song of the crocodile Gena from the well-known cartoon about Cheburashka "Let them run awkwardly" or sing to the melody of I. Nikolaev's song "Congratulations" is appropriate. The musical accompaniment must be taken care of in advance.

It should be noted that this task is not an easy one. It may seem that it is so easy to deal with it, but it causes a storm of emotions for both the performers and the audience. Everyone's mood will surely rise after such a performance. This can be a good basis for continuing the evening in a musical spirit - for karaoke. This competition can have many variations, for example, to compose a newspaper greeting - to compose it by cutting out the desired words from the newspaper. Only the minimum number of missing words can be completed with a pen.

Another option is to fill in the congratulatory text with gaps and insert suitable words from yourself to the address of the hero of the day.

"Who are you?"

The simplest version of such a game is to invite guests to bring their children's photos with them, put them on the table, and the guests will have to recognize each other or guess who is in the picture. Another variation of this game is when the presenter gives the participant a note with the name, for example, of the animal to be portrayed and asks: "Who are you?" And he, with gestures and facial expressions, depicts the creature indicated in the assignment, everyone else must guess who he is talking about. In another game under the same name, a sticker is glued to the participant's forehead with the name of an animal or the surname of a famous person, an inanimate object. The player, asking questions, must guess who he is. He is answered only "yes" or "no".


A rather funny competition, when the "orator" is offered to read a poem with a full mouth with intonation, and the second ("stenographer") types after him and then reads what he heard. That is, one participant is offered, like a hamster or a chipmunk, to stock up on nuts (stuff their mouth full, you can take slices of orange, apple, and so on), and then read the passage prepared by the host as clearly as possible with "cheek pouches". The second version of such a game is when two or three participants are called, each is given his own funny theme. On command, all the "speakers" begin to speak loudly and clearly at the same time, for example, some about dolls and bobbleheads, some about how they could not pull out the biggest fish, and so on. The one who gets lost or loses the thread in his story loses. An inspector is assigned to each.


As a game for parties, the following entertainment is suitable: before the start of the feast, everyone is given an individual task under their plate. It boils down to barking at a certain time, laughing loudly out of place several times, in a drunken voice confessing love to another, blowing bubbles at the toast, and so on. In the course of the event, everyone fulfills their task and guesses the "setup" of the other.


The task is a bit similar to the previous game, only the scenario is different. The guests will, for example, say a toast in the voice of the president, another famous person, or with a Georgian accent, in the form of reading a prayer, or with the bass of a clergyman, and so on. And you can reincarnate in order to dance a "gypsy" with an exit or as an Indian to play an Indian scene of hunting the beast. It will be interesting and fun for everyone to watch such a "transformation".

"True, true, false"

Each tells about himself two truths and one false, and the rest must guess the false fact of the narrator. If there are many strangers in the company, the false fact is chosen by voting.

"Find a crocodile"

This game can be played as an extra during the whole party, you can do this trick when you feel like drinking. The essence of the entertainment is to attach a "crocodile" (clothespin) to another guest's clothes or toss him into a purse, jacket pocket to someone and loudly declare that the crocodile has escaped. Everyone is looking for him, but the hunter counts to 10. If during this time the "crocodile" is found, then the hunter drinks, if not, then the glass is knocked over by the one who has not found the "predator".After that, everyone can take a sip of alcohol and continue to have fun or chat.

"I'll put in my five cents"

The game with the insertion of unusual absurd phrases into the general conversation will diversify the evening gatherings. Guests are given a phrase, which must be uttered unnoticed by the rest during the conversation and organically inserted into the general conversation. If no one guessed that it was your "five kopecks", you won. If the guests hear the absurdity, this will arouse interest and excitement for the further game. Phrases can be something like this:

  • What do you mean! I'm just duped!
  • And my grandmother in her youth knitted lace for my grandfather on knickers.
  • Who can you sleep with today?
  • After that, my computer just passed out.
  • And I saw a kangaroo with a tail at the zoo.
  • I have never eaten such a sweet cucumber.
  • I'll go and brush my teeth.
  • There is a herring, and where is the milk?
  • It happened to me somehow in England ...

Phrases can be very different, the main thing is that they arouse interest and laughter in the company.

Home games

With children, you can play a fairy tale at home and it will be interesting. Consider home entertainment for adults, most of which are of a team type, that is, it is quite possible to play when enough people gather in the house.

"Guess the melody"

It's more of a team game. It can be done in two ways.

  • Easy level involves the participation of two teams, which are given alternately to listen to excerpts (the melody sounds up to 20 seconds) from the songs. If the team failed to guess which melody was sounded, the opponents can use the right to answer, who, in the case of a positive answer, will earn 1 point. The team with the most points is considered the winner.
  • Difficult level presupposes guessing the melody not by the musical sound, but by its reproduction by one of their team members. A representative of the team is selected, who comes up to the presenter and receives the task: to hum (whistle, hum, knock, and so on) the melody of a famous song so that the team members guess which song is in question. If they fail, the “ball” goes to the other team. The winner is determined by the highest number of points.

Important! Do not focus on little-known melodies in this competition, the best options are well-known modern songs, because the purpose of this game is not to test your musical memory, but simply to have fun and have fun.


Participants put a phantom item (lipstick, handkerchief, keys, pen, etc.) into a hat, pot or bag. Now one of the players needs to stand with his back to everyone and listen to the presenter. He, taking out one thing at a time, asks what to fulfill this phantom. The participant standing with his back comes up with a task: to sing like a rooster in the morning, sing a song in the voice of Lev Leshchenko, jump around the table with a "bunny", kiss the person next to him, and so on. The assignments depend on the composition of the company. Phantom has to complete the assigned task.

Another interpretation of the game consists in performing the task in pairs: one says, and the other shows it, like a sign language interpreter. For example, it is necessary to continue the wish for the newlyweds: "Let you have ...", one says aloud, the other - with sign language translation.


Variants of this game are also present in other entertainments, for example, in Phantas. We need two teams and one representative from each group. The facilitator gives them cards with the written word. The task of each participant is to explain to his team what is written on the card, but to do it almost silently and only with the help of gestures and facial expressions. The winner will be the team that scored, say, the first 8, 10, 12 points.

At first, words should be easier to execute (animals, professions, cars, natural phenomena), and gradually they can be complicated - to set the task of depicting relaxation, love, tenderness, loyalty, a molecule, and so on.


For this competition, you will need colored paper, colorful balloons of various shapes, scissors, glue, tape, markers and other improvised items, based on the assignment. It is interesting when a team of men and a team of women are organized. They compete to make the perfect female statue and the perfect male statue. If the team is motley, then you can give the same task to make a sculpture, for example, a "beloved" leader (if it is a single team), a snowman or a statue of love.

"Drunken checkers"

In fact, this is a real game of checkers, only glasses with a strong drink (vodka, cognac) and red wine are put on the checkerboard. The participants of such a "tournament" choose the drinks themselves. If this is a competition for young people or non-drinking people, then the glasses can be filled with lighter drinks - juices, fruit drinks, mineral and sweet water. The game is played according to all the rules, only the played "piece" is emptied. You can run entire tournaments this way.

Options for a small company

There are cool games for a friendly company, for example, who are going to a beer party.


In order not to get bored, as well as to exercise your eyesight, you can distribute the same newspaper text to those who are sorry to play and, depending on the content, ask them to underline on this sheet, for example, all the words "they". The winner is the one who completed the task the fastest and did not miss any of the specified words. No, for this competition you do not need to buy many copies of newspapers, it is enough to make a high-quality copier of one fragment.


A very simple but fun task: you need to collect the largest number of autographs from those present at the event as soon as possible. 3-4 people can participate at the same time, to whom the presenter gives a blank sheet of paper and a pen. Simultaneously, on command, they proceed to the specified action. The winner is the one who has collected the most murals in a given time.

"Unusual acquaintance"

This is a doubles competition, from two or more couples can participate in it. They are given the same task, which they must play out most vividly. For example, "Unexpected acquaintance in ..." and options are given: in a lingerie store, a lake, a dental office, a dark alley, a massage room, and so on. The jury will determine the most artistic pair, or they can be chosen with applause from the audience. Whoever will clap louder, whose performance will cause a more violent reaction, is the winner.

"Sea Wolves"

"White peakless cap, striped collar ..." - this song may well become the musical accompaniment for this competition. We need two teams of 2 people. The host will distribute peakless caps and remind that sailors tie them by ribbons under their chins during a storm so that their hats are not blown away by a strong wind. In the "sea wolves" competition, participants tie their peakless caps in pairs, but each one works with only one hand.

Other active entertainment

Active entertainment includes mobile contests and games that bring emotions not only to the participants, but also to the audience. Let's take a look at some of them.


This is a competition for men. They are offered to do push-ups while blindfolded the maximum number of times. After several push-ups, the presenter, under the pretext that the floor is not clean enough and that the participant does not get dirty, suggests covering the surface with paper. In fact, he puts a large sheet of Whatman paper or a piece of wallpaper with a drawn nude woman. The man, not knowing about the tricks of the presenter, continues, as if nothing had happened, to perform certain actions. However, the audience is already "warmed up" and reacts accordingly. The presenter removes the blindfold from the man's eyes and he sees what he is "doing" in public.

"Grandpa for a turnip"

Gardening game for men and women. Couples who are ready to participate in the competition come up to the presenter. Men build "beds" - they sit in Turkish style, hiding their hands behind their backs.And the ladies are located between the men's legs - they are turnips, only for a more complete image they stretch out their arms like “tails” of a turnip.

The Michurin grandfather (at the first stage, this role is played by the presenter) walks around his "garden" and discusses the usefulness of a growing vegetable, telling some interesting information - thus, distracts the attention of "plants" and "beds". Having lulled the vigilance of the participants, the "Michurinist" suddenly grabs one of the "rap" by the "tail" and pulls along, trying to pull it out of the "bed". If a man could not keep his "turnip", he becomes a grandfather-Michurinist. Then he seeks to pull the "turnip" out of someone else's "garden", and the woman goes into the hall. The winner is the pair of "beds" with "turnips" that could stay together.

"Competition of captains"

The competition is very funny for the audience, but the participants should be careful in their movements. Two men are invited to the impromptu deck, they are dressed up as captains of long-distance ships. They can wear swimming goggles, fins, a peakless cap, and provide them with inflatable children's rings and life jackets. Then the "captains" are seated in plastic basins, they are given "oars" (plungers) in their hands, and they are sent to "sail". Their task is to “swim” faster than the opponent to the finish line. According to the terms of the competition, in order to move, they are allowed to push off with their hands. You can air this competition without basins, then the "captains" in fins just need to overcome the obstacle course.

Some competitions need to be prepared in advance. These can be separate themed cool parties, for example, superhero-themed, gypsy-themed with a variety of dances in costumes, with Pin Up, French or Pioneer-era performances. Here you will need to work on the script, ask the guests to come in clothes corresponding to the theme or style, start making attributes and select contests accordingly. As a rule, a whole group works on these parties.

For everything to go smoothly, the organization must be at a high level, but the result of such a holiday will delight both the organizers and the guests.



Vladimir 08.04.2021 21:03

Well done!


the beauty
