Bachelorette party scenarios

Today, a bachelorette party is an occasion to have fun with friends, spend time with them in some interesting place - a sauna, beauty salon, cafe, hotel, spa or on a quest, take many great photos, recharge with positive emotions and get ready for the wedding. Modern bachelorette parties rarely follow all the old traditions. In this article, we will consider the scenarios for a bachelorette party.
Features of preparation
Like a bachelor party, a bachelorette party should take place a few days before the wedding. It is highly discouraged to arrange it on the eve of the wedding, as future spouses need to get enough sleep in order to look vigorous and rested on the wedding day. And if you have fun until late at night with dancing and champagne, then there can be no talk of any cheerfulness and freshness.

As for the invitees, there should not be too many of them. For a bachelorette party, the bride calls only her closest friends, these can also be sisters, in some cases even mother and aunts. However, it all depends on the format of the event. If you are planning intimate conversations or games such as truth or dare, the guest list should be carefully considered, especially if the bride does not want her secrets to be known to strangers.
A bachelorette party can be organized by a close friend (as a rule, she also becomes a witness at a wedding) or an agency that prepares such events and holidays. In both cases, you need to think about the party budget. If a dress code is planned for the party, it is better to inform the invitees in advance. Recently, the dress code in the form of T-shirts with a photograph of the bride for all those invited to a bachelorette party or funny inscriptions like "be careful, bachelorette party", "girlfriends", "bride" and the like has been very popular.
The bride can prepare small souvenirs for her friends, and they can make a symbolic gift to her.

The theme of the party is determined in advance and depends on the wishes of the bride: it can be a quest, a photo session, breakfast or lunch at a picnic, relaxation in a spa or sauna, or even a trip to a nightclub. The program of the event also depends on the format of the event. Of course guests should know about the place and format of the bachelorette party in advance in order to dress appropriately and prepare for it. Choosing the place where the party will take place, the bride proceeds not only from her desire, but also from the budget allocated for her. However, you should not think that home gatherings or a picnic in dresses in nature is boring. After all, the main thing is the mood of the hostess of the evening and her guests.
If you are planning a fun and noisy event, it is best to make sure that it takes place outside the home, especially in the evening. Vigilant neighbors and an unscheduled visit of the police can ruin the most optimistic mood, and this is not at all what you want from a bachelorette party. Therefore, if you want to make some noise, dance, laugh, sing, then it is better to go to a nightclub or karaoke with a separate booth and have fun.
Of course, it is better to hold such an event on Friday or Saturday, so that the next day all its participants can sleep in peace.

A trip to the spa is a party with which you can “kill two birds with one stone”: you can put yourself in order and chat with your friends. The pace of life today is so high that there is not always time to communicate with the closest people. Very often it all comes down to conversations on gadgets and correspondence in social networks. A day at the spa is a time for both yourself and your loved ones at the same time, so girls who take care of their time and look after their appearance will appreciate such a bachelorette party. For a girl's company that loves to have intimate conversations, the format of a bachelorette party outside the city in a cottage is suitable. It can be rented for a day or two, during which time the friends will have time to chat and take many photos in picturesque places, and tell fortunes, and hold funny contests.

Thematic options
A bachelorette party is not a simple get-together with girlfriends, even at home you can organize a themed party: Hawaiian (with wreaths around the neck for each guest and bright colorful cocktails), pajama (photos from such a bachelorette party will bring a smile to everyone who attended it for a long time) or mysterious an evening with fortune-telling, where predictions will be intended not only for the bride, but also for each of her friends.
pajama party
If the bride chooses a pajama party as the theme for a bachelorette party, the celebration is definitely going to be fun. From the name it is clear that the dress code for the event is pajamas. Dressed up in fun pajamas with shorts or pants, the bride and her bridesmaids will have a great time participating in fun contests and having fun. It's great if the photos from the party are not only staged, but also reportage - without pre-rehearsed poses and smiles. It is the unexpected photos that are most often the most lively and spontaneous.
For a home party, dishes such as pizza, fondue with cheese or chocolate are suitable, and a guest can drink champagne, mojito (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic), and other cocktails.

Carrying out in Russian folk style
It is best to hold such an event outdoors. Depending on the season, entertainment may include horseback riding, sleigh rides, jumping over a fire, round dances, fortune telling, bagels or pancakes, tea in a samovar, a bathhouse, ditties contests and much more. The dress code at such a party is no less important - Russian folk sundresses, kokoshniks, embroidered shirts, ribbons in braids. This does not mean that all guests need to put on sandals and speak the Old Church Slavonic language; color is important to create an atmosphere. It can be achieved with minimal means, the main thing is the mood of everyone present.

A foam party
Such an event is great to hold in a spa or aqua club with a pool. It is unlikely that it will be budgetary, but unforgettable - for sure. The party can combine spa treatments (such as foam blankets, various wraps, and so on), fun contests, swimming in the pool, and more. Guests will appreciate the state of lightness and relaxation that will remain with them for a long time after the party.

The quest can be either an independent scenario for a bachelorette party, or an integral part of any other scenario. The guests of the event will go deep in search of a certain mysterious object that the bride has prepared for them. Or the search will be joint, that is, the bride, together with the guests, will perform tasks, each of which will be somehow connected with the love story of the future spouses. You can prepare the quest yourself, using one of the ready-made scenarios, or contact the organizers of the holidays for help.
Of course, there cannot be two identical quests for a bachelorette party, because everyone has their own love stories.

Possible contests
Coming up with unusual, creative tasks for contests is not an easy task that requires careful preparation. You can associate them with significant places for future spouses, for example, the place where the groom made an offer, where the couple spent their holidays, a favorite cafe. You can propose to solve comic equations, where the variables will indicate important dates in the life of the future family. The game “funny incident” is always popular at bachelorette parties, where the host tells a funny incident from the girl’s life, and the guests need to guess which of those present it happened to. When choosing the game "truth or dare", one should avoid provocative questions, for example, about the past relationship of the bride or groom, quarrels between them, and anything that can spoil the mood of the bride or guests.
Any question should include an opportunity to turn the situation into a joke so that guests can have fun, not ashamed.

Questions to the bride
Traditional questions for future wives - date of birth of the future husband, father-in-law and mother-in-law, the groom's favorite dish or drink, the color of his eyes, his dreamin a word, everything related to how well the bride knows the groom. However, there may be comic, funny questions, their wording depends on which company is going to a bachelorette party, what is the character of the bride herself.

Organization of a photo session
The photo session can be held in the studio or outdoors, or in any place where the bachelorette party will take place. Most often, the bride chooses not staged studio photos, but live, direct pictures, which show genuine emotions. Ideally, if the photo session will be conducted by the same photographer who will shoot the wedding. This will help to achieve an understanding between the bride and the photographer, agree on the focus and style of the photographs.
In order for the photo session to be successful, all of its participants must be dressed in the same style. If these are pajamas, then they should be attractive, hairstyles - thoughtfully careless, makeup - neutral. If it's a party in cocktail dresses, use heels, bright lipstick and curls or evening buns.
It's good if the photo contains props - small bouquets, beautiful champagne glasses, soft toys and pillows, if it's a pajamas party.

Divination overview
Fortune-telling is a favorite pastime for the bride and her girlfriends at a bachelorette party. You can find out your future in various ways - from a magic ball to tarot cards. If one of the guests knows how to read the cards, then, most likely, he will have to make several layouts for the rest. If there are no fortune-tellers among friends, you can resort to less traditional methods, for example, melt wax and see what the result of the melting looks like, guess on coffee or tea leaves, get the names of future betrothed out of the hat (important for girlfriends, the bride should not experiment with names), look into the magic ball. And also the organizer of the party can prepare funny horoscopes, numerological forecasts, the compatibility of the names of future spouses and much more.
An overview of the pajama-style bachelorette party in the video below.