Cycling routes of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region

In recent years, cycling has become one of the most popular outdoor activities. Therefore, in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, many routes have been created that are suitable for cycling.

Interesting cycling routes in St. Petersburg
You can ride a bike in St. Petersburg both independently and in a company. The city has several popular destinations for this type of recreation.
Ligovsky Prospect - Obvodny Canal
The length of this route is approximately 21,000 meters. While walking along it, you can see the famous Field of Mars and the Mikhailovsky Palace. In the center of the district there is an opportunity to stop near a cafe and have a cup of coffee. You can start your walk from the Obvodny Canal metro station, and end it near the Baltiyskaya metro station.
Cycling along this route will turn out to be especially romantic if you ride there at the beginning of summer, on one of the white nights.

Field of Mars - Manezhnaya Square
By choosing this route, you can see the best sights of the city. On the way, it is worth stopping by one of the local courtyards to really feel the St. Petersburg atmosphere. You can also take your route through New Holland Island to combine the bike ride with a visit to a new exhibition or one of the popular cafes.

Sverdlovskaya embankment - Finlyandsky railway bridge
It is worth starting a bike ride along this route from the Sampsonievsky Bridge. In the summertime, there are a lot of rollers and skaters here.
Therefore, cyclists need to look closely at the road. On the way, you can see the Smolny Cathedral, as well as the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Sosnovka park - Udelny park
This route will appeal to lovers of outdoor recreation. Most of it runs through parks. The main advantage of this 25 km route is the calm atmosphere.
A long walk can be combined with a picnic in nature or rest with a book away from the bustle of the city.

Peterhof - South Primorsky Park
This cycle route allows you to see the palaces and parks of the Primorsky district in all their splendor.
But when choosing it, it should be borne in mind that in the south of the city, cyclists are not allowed into all parks.

Metro station "Gorkovskaya" - Bolshoy prospect V.O.
This is one of the most interesting routes for those who want to get to know Petersburg better. While walking along it, you can see the St. Petersburg Eiffel Tower, the monument to Peter the Great, the One-Armed Ballerina and many other interesting sights.

Cycling in the Leningrad region
Having studied all the main routes in St. Petersburg, you can start exploring interesting places for outdoor activities outside the city.
Cycling route around Lake Ladoga
This place is a real nature reserve where you can see various animals and birds. The length of the picturesque reservoir from north to south is 219 km. The cycling route around the lake is on the list of the most popular in the whole country.
But in order for a walk along it to be comfortable, it is advisable to have good equipment and appropriate training.

Cycling route in Sosnovo
Lovers of beautiful nature will also like this route along the roads of the suburbs of St. Petersburg. He walks through the forest. In addition, there are small lakes and rivers along the way. Tourism lovers can stay on Osinovsky Island, set up a tent there, swim in clean water and sunbathe on the beach.
In addition, during the season you can pick up a lot of mushrooms and berries.

Cycling in the parks of Pavlovsk and Pushkin
Literally 10 kilometers from St. Petersburg there are two small towns, which also attract the attention of both locals and tourists. During the bike ride, you can appreciate the beauty of the Catherine and Pavlovsky parks.

Ulyanovka and Sablino
This route is more suitable for young families with small children. In Sablino there are underground caves and galleries, and on the territory of Ulyanovka there is a beautiful castle and a hut on chicken legs. Anyone can rent bicycles for a trip to these picturesque places.

Tips for preparing for the hike
Cycling is an active leisure activity that is suitable for both professionals and beginners. However, going on such a walk, any person should properly prepare for it.
- First of all, you need to plan your route in advance. You can do it yourself, or you can explore the existing bike tours and choose one of them for yourself.
- To feel comfortable while traveling, you need to take water with you.
- Before walking, you should also check the weather forecast for the desired day.
- It is advisable to have on hand everything you need to repair your vehicle. The kit should include a pump, a spare chamber, and a set of keys.

Cycling around the Northern capital and its environs is a great entertainment for both locals and guests of the city. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to combine exploring your favorite areas with the opportunity to warm up and ride a bike.