Bicycle accessories

Baskets for dogs on a bicycle: varieties, features of choice

Baskets for dogs on a bicycle: varieties, features of choice
  1. What it is?
  2. Features of bike baskets and bike bags
  3. How to choose?

Recently, it has become very popular to lead a healthy lifestyle and engage in various sports, which cannot but rejoice. Cycling enthusiasts know firsthand how this eco-friendly transport promotes health, stamina and fitness. However, many dog ​​owners are upset that they cannot take their pet with them.

To solve this problem, special devices for transporting dogs were invented - bicycle baskets and bicycle bags.

What it is?

A dog bike basket is a specially designed removable container that attaches to the handlebars or trunk of a bicycle and is used to transport pets. A bicycle bag is a similar device, differing only in the material of manufacture. Some people mistakenly believe that you can carry dogs in a regular bicycle basket. This is a fundamentally wrong belief. The fact is that a simple basket is used to transport inanimate objects, for which convenience and comfort do not play any role.

The situation is different with living beings. In particular, dogs can injure the delicate pads on the mesh bottom of the basket. Even if it is lined with soft rags, comfort will still not be achieved. Another point is the absence of a lid on a regular cycle basket. While riding, a pet may get scared of something or just get naughty and fall out. Bicycle baskets and dog bags for transporting dogs exclude this possibility.

Features of bike baskets and bike bags

So let's take a closer look at two existing varieties of dog bike carriers.

Bicycle basket

This device is a basket made of different materials (plastic, wooden rods) with a pillow inside. There is always a wire grill on top to ensure the safety of the dog. Some models have a special carabiner inside for fixing the animal by attaching it to a collar or harness. Weight of a dog for transportation in a bicycle basket should not exceed 8 kg. It is very rare to find devices that can withstand a 12-kg pet.

The basket is attached to the handlebars of the bicycle (less often to the trunk) using special metal mounts and straps.

Bike bag

The principle of manufacture and fastening of this device is similar to the previous one, however, the bicycle bag has its own characteristics. It is made of a special wear-resistant synthetic fabric. It can be easily removed and washed. On the sides of the bag special pockets are sewn into which you can put a treat for a dog, a bottle of water, a leash, first aid supplies, etc. groomer, and you need to bring the animal into the room.

Large dog breeds weighing more than 12 kilograms cannot be transported in a bicycle basket or bag. Other devices are intended for them: for walking - a bicycle sprinker, for transportation - a bicycle trailer.

How to choose?

If you are having difficulty choosing a bike ride with your dog, Pay attention to the following device specifications and decide what will work best for your pet.

  • Basket / bag parameters. If it is too small or too large for the dog, it will not be comfortable inside. The choice of size depends entirely on the size of your animal. If it is a small toy or york, you can choose a small bag or a basket; if it is a heavier and larger Pekingese, pug or Jack Russell, the dimensions of the container will be different. Ideally, when choosing a product, the pet should be present so that you can put it in the chosen carriage and "try on" it.
  • The maximum permissible weight of the animal. Be sure to ask the seller what weight this or that basket / bag is designed for, after weighing your pet and "throwing on top" a pound.
  • Ensuring the safety of transportation. All metal fasteners, straps, carabiners must be in perfect condition. Feel free to check them out in the store. Another plus in favor of choosing a product will be the presence of reflective stripes on it.
  • Ease of placement of the dog... Make sure there is nothing inside the basket / bag that could injure your pet. The kit should include a soft pillow so that the dog can lie quietly on it. Some models are also equipped with waterproof rain covers. The basket / bag must be supplied with fresh air unhindered.
  • Versatility and equipment with additional pockets... If, in addition to cycling, you often take your animal on road trips, you will be interested to know that there are transformer models that can be converted from a bicycle bag to a car seat. Side pockets are a must have on the go. There you can store toys, small bowls (if suddenly the road is long, and your dog is hungry or thirsty), dry food and treats, a first aid kit and other necessary things.
  • Fastening system. It is desirable that the bike basket / bag be equipped with several types of fasteners: metal clips and nylon or leather straps.
  • Manufacturing material. A very important factor.First of all, you should think about the convenience of finding the animal in this or that device, and then - about how you will clean this device. Microfiber, which is easy to wash, is considered an excellent all-round material. Plus, it's soft and breathable to keep your dog comfortable.

See below for an overview of one of the models.

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