Bicycle accessories

Bike Mounts Overview

Bike Mounts Overview
  1. Accommodation options
  2. Types of fasteners
  3. Selection Tips
  4. Features of winter storage

The presence of a bicycle and its operation, regardless of whether the existing model of a child or an adult, intended for professional sports or amateur cycling, requires its proper storage. In order for the presence of a bicycle in a residential or utility room not to clutter up the space, there are special fasteners for the structure, represented by various types.

Accommodation options

Among the modern ways of storing bicycles indoors, it is worth highlighting the most common and functional options.


This method of placing one or more bicycles preferable for apartments, houses or non-residential premises in which the ceiling height will exceed the average. In order to further position the vehicle under the ceiling, it will be necessary to install a special lifting mechanism. It usually consists of several hooks or brackets.

The latter type of fasteners during operation turns out to be more practical, since in order to hang or remove the bike, a minimum of movements are required.

There is also an easier way to store the bike at the top, which makes it possible to make a lifting mechanism yourself. For these purposes, a pulley and rope are used. Adjustment and control occurs in the future manually.... The model stands out for its simple design, ready-made mechanisms are quite affordable.


The following placement method includes several types of positioning the bike relative to the wall. Today cyclists use parallel and perpendicular options. In the first case, the bicycle is suspended from the surface in its usual state - with the wheels down, while the frame of the structure will be in parallel with the wall. This storage method is notable for its convenience. To get the bike out, you need to remove the mechanism.

This method of placement will prove to be convenient for hanging several bicycles.

Perpendicular option - an idea for storing bicycles in confined spaces... By using the appropriate mountings, it will be possible to position the riding device in such a way that it will take up a minimum of space. Among the suitable areas in the room for perpendicular placement, it is recommended to use the gaps between the wall and the cabinet, refrigerator, entrance doors, washing machine, bed, etc.

Also worth noting a combined method of fixing a bicycle to a wall, which consists in fixing the wheels to the surface, while rotating the frame so that it also stands in a position that is parallel to the wall. Typically, the front wheel will be hooked onto a special hook.


In addition to the above ideas for placing a bicycle in a residential or non-residential area, in some cases special systems are used, thanks to which the bicycle will be placed on the floor.

This method is rarely practiced for apartments and houses, since it requires space for installing a device that acts as a holder.

However, in the presence of a special room, gym or equipped garage for storing bicycles, this option will be no less practical., moreover, it does not require any additional effort to remove the product from the ceiling, vertical or horizontal holder on the wall.

Types of fasteners

To secure bicycles in most of the above methods, the following types of fasteners are used.


This element is most often used, acting as a reliable and comfortable bike holder. Hooks can be wall or ceiling mounted for work no need to attract specialists, since the fasteners are fixed to the surface with one or two self-tapping screws.

Today on sale you can find products from different raw materials, however, in terms of reliability, the leading positions are still occupied by metal types that can cope with the load in the form of one or more bicycles.

Manufacturers specialized in the production of bike holders, offer the following types of fasteners:

  • hooks recommended for fixing to the wall;
  • fasteners with hooks placed on a special metal frame;
  • varieties designed to accommodate the bicycle in an upright position;
  • Hook devices that allow the bike to be positioned perpendicular to the floor.

Depending on the chosen method of fixing, the bike can be suspended by a wheel or two wheels, by a handlebar or a pedal.

Roof rails

An equally popular type of bicycle mount, which is considered universal, since suitable for use with models with different wheel diameters. As a rule, such options are able to withstand loads of up to 20-25 kilograms without any problems, in light of which the roof rails can be used for joint storage and placement of heavy professional bicycles and equipment.

The positive features of such fasteners include the even distribution of the load throughout the entire system, as well as ease of movement.


Special products made for bicycle storage. Folding options stand out for their impressive weight and represent a system of metal alloys, equipped with holders with a rubberized surface. Among the positive features of this design, it is worth noting its reliability. Besides, most of the products additionally have several small hookswhere you can store accessories and other accessories.


This variety belongs to the options floor placement, in living quarters, in the light of its impressive size, it is rarely used. The system consists of metal pipes with several hooks, due to which the bike is fixed in one position. Also on sale are bike racks made from just one tube. They can be attached not only to the floor, but also to the wall.

In a spacious room, a bike rack can fit several bicycles at once.


An interesting option for storing bicycles that can harmoniously fit into the interior of the living space. Besides, shelves can become a functional part of the interior, since it will be possible to put other equally important objects and things in an apartment or house on them and in them.

This type of bike carrier is presented today in two types:

  • structures on which you can hang the bike from the frame;
  • shelves with a holder for the seat.

In addition to mass-produced products, such mounting shelves can be made independently, taking into account the characteristics of the room, the model of the bicycle and other individual characteristics.


A type of floor mount that secures the rear wheel. The mount is presented in metal and plastic options, the former are distinguished by a large operational resource in comparison with plastic products. The stand takes up a minimum of usable space in the apartment, firmly fixes the unit in one place, however, such varieties are expensive.

Selection Tips

To choose the right mount, you should consider the following nuances:

  • the presence and size of the space that will be allocated for the structure;
  • if a ceiling or a wall will be used for the installation of bike holders, then it is important to have an idea of ​​the type of raw material so that the material is able to withstand the additional load;
  • it is also important to determine the height of the placed mounts so that the selected parameters are convenient for use.

Features of winter storage

To make the bike last as long as possible, it is important to provide him with the appropriate storage space, to choose a really convenient and reliable mounting option. An important point is also seasonal characteristics, in particular, points regarding winter storage.

Manufacturers and seasoned cyclists provide a number of effective winter season recommendations.

  • Best way to store bicycles in a heated room with minimal temperature fluctuations, as well as humidity drops... Despite the fact that today many manufacturers offer various shelters and covers for bicycles, thanks to which they can be safely transported on the trunk of a vehicle in any weather, keeping your bike outdoors in winter is not recommended. This also applies to outdoor storage on a balcony wall.
  • The best and most correct way to keep your bike in winter is use of a special cover to cover the entire structure. Reliable insulation from temperature extremes or sunlight will have a positive effect on the serviceability of all mechanisms after a long downtime of the bike. In addition, the securely covered rubber and plastic components will remain intact.
  • Before sending your bike to a balcony, garage or wall, the entire structure should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, old grease should be removed from the chain and sprockets... Then lubricate the main mechanisms with a fresh compound, pump up the tires by treating them with silicone glue, which will protect them from drying out for a long time. Also, before preservation, it is worth lowering all the shock absorber springs.

The following video provides an overview of the wall mount bike mount.

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